uploaded with permission from author
|author_name=The Demented One
|editing=Spelling and grammar only
<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Maneuver
|name=Elegant Execution
|discipline=Black Rain
|dur=One round or Instantaneous (see text)
|summary=Deal bonus damage at point blank range, or make a coup de grace against a downed enemy.
Mercy comes from the barrel of a gun, the warm kiss of iron that ends the misery of the wounded.
This maneuver has two uses: first, it can be used to enhance attacks made executioner-style, at close range. For one round, any firearm or ray weapon attack you make against an opponent within 30 ft. of you deals an additional 1d6 damage, +1/initiator level. If they are within 10 ft., the attack instead deals an additional 2d6 damage, +1/initiator level.
Alternatively, this maneuver can be used to rapidly dispatch a fallen foe. As part of this maneuver, you may make a coup de grace attack with a firearm or ray weapon against any opponent who is helpless and within the first range increment of the gun you are attacking with. Delivering a coup de grace with this maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
{{3.5e Black Rain Maneuvers Breadcrumb}}
|author_name=The Demented One
|editing=Spelling and grammar only
<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Maneuver
|name=Elegant Execution
|discipline=Black Rain
|dur=One round or Instantaneous (see text)
|summary=Deal bonus damage at point blank range, or make a coup de grace against a downed enemy.
Mercy comes from the barrel of a gun, the warm kiss of iron that ends the misery of the wounded.
This maneuver has two uses: first, it can be used to enhance attacks made executioner-style, at close range. For one round, any firearm or ray weapon attack you make against an opponent within 30 ft. of you deals an additional 1d6 damage, +1/initiator level. If they are within 10 ft., the attack instead deals an additional 2d6 damage, +1/initiator level.
Alternatively, this maneuver can be used to rapidly dispatch a fallen foe. As part of this maneuver, you may make a coup de grace attack with a firearm or ray weapon against any opponent who is helpless and within the first range increment of the gun you are attacking with. Delivering a coup de grace with this maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
{{3.5e Black Rain Maneuvers Breadcrumb}}