no edit summary
===Prospective Necromancer Powers===
Symbol of Pain * Implement, Shadow
Standard Level ? Daily Attack
Range 10; Con vs. Fortitude; whenever the target is struck for untyped damage, it takes an additional 5 damage (save ends). This damage is dealt only once per turn (ie. once on the Ranger's turn, even if he hits twice, once on the Fighter's, once on the target's turn, if it takes an opportunity attack).
Special: Damage increases to 10 at 11th level and 15 at 21st level.
=== Animate Undead Companion (4e Ritual) ===
[[User:Techpriest88/Canvas2|Zerg Infestation (4e Disease)]]<br>
[[User:Techpriest88/Canvas3|Infested (4e Template)]]<br>
==Obsession III: Balance Analysis==
1st 15 4 = 4 ability 11 9
2nd 16 6 = "" + 1 level + 1 magic 10 8
3rd 17 6 = "" 11 9
4th 18 7 = "" + 2 level 11 9
5th 19 7 = "" 12 10
6th 20 8 = + 3 level 12 10
7th 21 9 = "" + 2 magic 12 10
8th 22 11 = 5 ability + 4 level 11 9
9th 23 11 = "" 12 10
10th 24 12 = "" + 5 level 12 10
11th 25 13 = "" + 1 expert 12 10
12th 26 15 = "" + 6 level + 3 magic 11 9
13th 27 15 = "" 12 10
14th 28 17 = "" + 6 ability + 7 level 11 9
15th 29 17 = "" 12 10
16th 30 18 = "" + 8 level 12 10
17th 31 19 = "" + 4 magic 12 10
18th 32 20 = "" + 9 level 12 10
19th 33 20 = "" 13 11
20th 34 21 = "" + 10 level 13 11
21st 35 22 = "" + 7 ability 13 11
22nd 36 24 = "" + 11 level + 5 magic 12 10
23rd 37 24 = "" 13 11
24th 38 25 = "" + 12 level 14 12
25th 39 25 = "" 14 12
26th 40 26 = "" + 13 level 14 12
27th 41 27 = "" + 6 magic 14 12
28th 42 29 = "" + 8 ability + 14 level 13 11
29th 43 29 = "" 14 12
30th 44 30 = "" + 15 level 14 12
factor in proficiency bonus (typical +2) and attacks against non-AC defenses.
make expertise a Paragon Feat
Maybe the hike in difficulty is simply to be expected, otherwise, it might need to be forstalled. Possible new feat:
Epic Implement/Weapon Expertise
You gain a +2 bonus to attacks with the chosen implement or weapon. This does not stack with implement/weapon expertise.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, each time applying to a different implement or weapon.