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Talk:3.5e Feats

1,213 bytes added, 04:48, 31 May 2010
:::::The only real solution here is to get the limit in our config file updated. I'll send the Wikia admins a request for that. [[User:Surgo|Surgo]] 04:17, May 31, 2010 (UTC)
::::::Class ability components are pretty much self-maintaining even though each new type needs to be manually added. People expect that, and manually add them. Feats can work the same way if they absolutely must; add a new feat type, add a new nav page. The downside is, though, that spelling errors then make your feat get lost. The big flaw in this idea is that there are some groups of feat type that should be listed together, like Skill and Combat.
::::::That said, I like the idea of splitting off class-specific and race-specific feats. Should they have their own list, or be listed on their class page or something?
::::::Splitting off Tome feats is also doable, since we have Category:Tome just sitting there, if we need to shorten things. That gets Necromantic, Fiend, Elemental, Combat, Skill, and Spellcasting feats. Not nearly enough on its own to save the main list, but they'll have room on their list for a while.
::::::Also, taking all of the General and Fighter feats off the main listing on its own might be enough to give us breathing room. Epic might need its own category. These categories would be broad enough to not need to be added onto. --[[User:IGTN|IGTN]] 04:48, May 31, 2010 (UTC)

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