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Sublime Singer (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

274 bytes added, 00:56, 21 January 2019
Items of Note
*Wand of Inspirational Boost
*+1 Harmonizing weapon
*Speaker’s Trumpet
*Admiral’s Bicorn
*Metamagic Rod, Silent (used with Dispel Magic to help deal with those pesky Silence spells)
== Highlights ==
*Inspire Courage bonus: 4 (Base with Vest of Legends) x2 (Words of Creation) + 1 (Song of the Heart) + 1 (Inspirational Boost) + 1 (Badge of Valor) = +11d6 Sonic damage, x2 (Creaking Cacophony) = +22d6 damage to every melee attack any ally under the effect of your Inspire Courage song makes*You're able to cast spells from both that Bard and Sorcerer/Wizard list... For example, Greater Dispel Magic as a 5th level spell or Otto's Irresistable Dance as a 6th level spell!
*Ability to cast spells as a level 9 bard in addition to level 9 spells from Sublime Chord. (After entering Sublime Chord, have all further Virtuoso levels add to its spellcasting.)'''
*Ability to Calm Emotions with a DC equal to your perform check (Soothing Voice)
*With all your ranks in Use Magic Device, load up your Raven familiar with scrolls, wands, and other goodies to effectively double your actions per round
*Pick up a mandolin (Complete Adventurer) to raise the damage done by Inspire Courage + Dragonfire Inspiration by another 1d6
=== Limitations ===
{{3.5e Optimized Character Builds Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Optimized Character Build]]
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