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User:Dukelzan/Darkblade (3.5e Class)

9 bytes removed, 12:59, 5 August 2010
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'''Shadowcall (Su):''' By using this power, a Darkblade may call any object that is up to 1 + (Wis mod+Str. Mod/2) pounds through the Plane of Shadows. Any object he has shadowmarked may be called to him, regardless of weight. '''Note:''' Only objects may be pulled through. The Darkblade must make a Will DC of 20. If the Darkblade fails, the power doesn’t work. The Will DC is not needed for shadowmarked objects.
'''Shadowrepel (Su):'''This power function almost exactly like '''''Shadowcall''''', only that is pushes things through the Plane of Shadows to any other dark location. May only be used on objects.
'''Shadowstrike (Ex):''' This power allows the Darkblade to make a single attack any enemy that is next to an area with shadowy illumination by reaching through low illumanation areas and into the space next to his oppnet. To work, the Darkblade and his target must be in at least shadowy illumination and the Darkblade must be able to see his target.
'''Shadow Domain (Ex):''' At 5th level, the Darkblade is intuned with shadows enough that he may start casting spells from the shadow domain as if he was a sorcerer Favoered Soul (see ''Complete Devine'', pages 7 and 8) of 4 levels lower then his Darkblade level. However, the spells can ONLY be from cleric's shadow domain. See [] page 87 for spells. This power works as if the Darkblade had picked up levels in sorcererFavoered Soul.
'''Shadowjump (Su):''' This power allows the Darkblade to jump through shadows. The rules of use are exactly as '''''Shadowstrike''''', only that you have to make a Jump DC of 15 + 1/3 the distance traveled. The Darkblade gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his Darkblade level to the Jump check.
'''Shadowhealing (Su):''' When in complete darkness for one round, as a full round action, the Darkblade may choose to heal all damage done to him. When in shadowy illumination, for a full round action, the Darkblade may heal 1/3 of his HPs.
'''Darkvision (Ex):''' The Darkblade has attuned himself with shadows enough to see in pure darkness. At 8th level he gains '''''Darkvision''''' 10' and he adds 10' per level afterwords, up to a total of 80’ at level 15.
'''Improved Shadow Affinity (Ex):''' As '''''Shadow Affinity''''', except it adds +5 instead of +1.
'''Swiftshadows (Ex):''' It no longer takes a move action to use Hardened Shadows. It now takes the place of 1 attack.
'''Improved Shadowcall (Su):''' You may now pull unwilling creatures thru the Plane of Shadows to damage them. To do this you must see your target and hit it with a range touch attack. The target then makes a Will check equal to the Darkblades attack roll, if the target is a Darkblade, he gains +4 to the Will save to resist being pulled thru the Plane of Shadows. '''You can only pull creatures your size or smaller thru .''' The damage is equal to 10D6 points of damage. Using this takes up a third level spell slot, as if it was under the "Spontaneous Casting" rule on page 32 of the Player's Handbook.
'''Improved Shadowstrike (Ex):''' This power functions just like '''''Shadowstrike''''', but you may make all of your attacks as a full round action.
'''Improved Shadowjump (Su):''' This allows you to jump through shadows to any location that you know. Rules apply as if it was a basic ''Shadowjump'', but with a DC of 30
'''Shadowlife (Su):''' By becoming so connected to the Plane of Shadows, a Darkblade is able to place part of his soul in a bubble in the Plane of Shadows. When a Darkblade dies, he may choose to sacrifice a level to be revived at 1 HP with no other penalty.
'''Blindsense (Ex):''' A Darkblade is intuned with shadows enough that he can sense things thru them. He gains '''''Blindsense''''' 10' and adds 10' to it at every level put into Darkblade after this.
'''Improved Swiftshadows (Ex):''' Swiftshadows are even faster! A Darkblade may now use '''''Hardened Shadows''''' as a free action.
'''Improved Shadowblow (Su):''' A Darkblade may use all of his attacks as '''''Shadowblow''''' or he may chose to add twice his level to the DC of '''''Shadowblow'''''
'''Improved Shadowlife (Su):'''A Darkblade now has his entire soul in the Plane of Shadows. When he dies he may chose to be rivived by sacrificing one level at full HPs with no other penalty.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feats }}:''' Because of the fact a Darkblade cannot become more of a shadow without '''''being''''' a shadow, he knows better then to meld his esseance with the Plane of Shadows anymore. However, he never stop his physical traning. Every even level the Darkblade may chose a bonus feat at his choce, as long as he meets the prerequisites.

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