→Balance Level Change
:::Though I'll also note that this is wholly inappropriate for a game that actually allows the Planar Binding spell (like a Tome game), because when you hit 11 you get on the infinite gold/materials gravy train, and from there on out you're a super-wizard. So from levels 11-20 you're super broken, and from levels 1-10 you're the DM's bitch. Seems to me like this class could use some revision. [[User:Surgo|Surgo]] 16:05, August 4, 2010 (UTC)
==Balance Level Change==
Per [[Dungeons and Dragons Wiki:Content Requirements#Intractable Balance Level Issues|policy]], Ghost has opened a [[Forum:Mystic Spellthief|forum]] to get this balance level changed without author approval. I've already voted for Unquant over there, since I think this class is going to be all over the board in a game depending on what the DM allows in his world and what enemies he throws at you. Further discussion of the balance level can go in either place, but anyone besides Ghost or Eiji (who can't vote) who wants to vote it one way or the other should add their 2cp to the forum. The vote will close no earlier than Aug 20. - [[User:Tarkisflux|TarkisFlux]] 18:08, August 6, 2010 (UTC)