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1,258 bytes added, 04:51, 9 September 2010
|senses=Perception -4, Darkvision (heatsensing)
|hp=1 (A miss never damages a minion)|bloodied=Minion
{{4e Creature Power
{{4e Creature Power
|type={{M}}|name=Grasp of the Dead|action=standard, or free (see Slam)|recharge=at-will|keywords=Weapon|effect=+2 vs. Ref; Target is grabbed with a -5 to escape.}}{{4e Creature Power|type={{M}}|name=Pull of the Dead|action=minor, only with a grabbed target|recharge=at-will|keywords=weapon|effect=Zombie moves 1 square, provoking opportunity attacks as normal, target is pulled into the square zombie moved from, and the grab is maintained.}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Zombie Reanimation|effect=When the damage is dealt to zombie lowering it's HP to 0 or below, zombie falls unconscious. Each turn, roll a 1d6 – on a 6, zombie returns to bloodied value or 1 HP, whichever is higher, and spends its turn standing up.
{{4e Creature Power
|type=|name=|action=|recharge=|keywords=Zombie Weakness|effect=When a zombie is hit by a critical hit, it instantly and permanently dies.
{{4e Creature Power
|typename=Disease Spores|effect=Whenever a zombie bloodies an opponent or hits an opponent who is bloodied with any attack, it may transfer a spore to the target. A zombie starts with spores on it equal to its level (1 spore in this case).}}|namealignment=|languages=|skills=|feats=|strength=14|strbonus=+2|dexterity=6|dexbonus=-2|wisdom=8|wisbonus=-1|constitution=10|conbonus=+0|actionintelligence=1|rechargeintbonus=-5|keywordscharisma=3|effectchabonus=-4
<!--repeat as required-->
<!--repeat as required-->|alignment=|languages=|skills=|feats=|strength=|strbonus=+|dexterity=|dexbonus=+|wisdom=|wisbonus=+|constitution=|conbonus=+|intelligence=|intbonus=+|charisma=|chabonus=+}}

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