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User:Karuma/G Sandbox

24 bytes added, 17:25, 11 September 2010
G Sandbox
* '''3 HD''': Opposable thumbs need not apply. Your paws, hooves, or other appendages may grasp thing as if you had hands through sheer force of will. This is an Extraordinary Ability.
* '''8 HD''': If you are a suitable mount, your rider gains half of your BAB when attacking as you are fully capable of complex positioning. If you are too small to serve as a mount, this applies in reverse with you gaining half the BAB of anyone you are riding on.
* '''15 HD''': All Terrain Animal - Gain a Pick two of Burrow, Fly, Swim, Climb, or Land and Land gain a speed for both equal to your greatest speed or 70', whichever is higher.
Anonymous user

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