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Simplified Races (3.5e Variant Rule)

1 byte added, 04:00, 9 October 2010
==== Orc ====
:Combat Ability - Burning Rage: Once per encounter as a swift action, any time you deal damage, increase the amount of damage dealt by a number equal to your HD. This effect applies only once per attack or action, and lasts until the end of your turn. (For example, if using this with Magic Missile, only a single missile would gain the bonus damage, but a Fireball would deal the extra damage to every creature targeted. On the other hand, a creature with multiple attacks would be able to add it to every attack that round if the first one hit.):Passive Ability - Intimidating Demeanor: You are considered to have a number of ranks in Intimidate equal to your HD + 3.
:Utility Ability - War Cry: Once per minute you can [[SRD:Intimidate_Skill#Demoralize_Opponent|demoralize]] a foe as a move action.

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