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'''{{Anchor|Instant Brilliance}}:''' At 17th level, the White Mage may cast any of its specialized spells as an Immediate Action. This may only affect spells which are affected by Brilliance.
'''{{Anchor|Still Alive}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A White Mage of 18th level doesn't die even when he is 's killed. For 1 minute per character level after they die, the White Mage may still use any of their abilities so long as it doesn't require actual movement to perform. This includes (but is not necessarily limited to) their spell-like abilities, and spells which are used via [[#Inner Fire|Inner Fire]]. Note that for the purposes of [[#Inner Fire|Inner Fire]], being dead is a harmful status effect, and it is fully expected that White Mages at this point are capable of coming back from the dead without that even being a big deal.
'''{{Anchor|Aspect of the Wolverine}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' The White Mage is now almost completely composed of essentially cancerous cells, but doesn't lose things like viability as an organism. She gains Regeneration 10, which is not bypassed by any form of damage, and so long as some portion of her body still exists she can't actually die, and will regenerate from that portion in one minute as with a ''[[SRD:Clone|clone]]'' spell. At this point the White Mage has pretty much won D&D.