Spider (4e Feat Type)

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Spider Feat: Spider feats are feats only available to creatures of the spider keyword. Spider feats are typed to a specific species of spider (Lycosidae, Theraphosidae, Saltacidae etc.); only a spider of that keyword can select a spider feat of that type (for example, only a spider with the salticidae keyword can select feats of the type [Spider- Saltacidae]). If you are a spider rider, you can select spider feats, so long as your spider fulfils the prerequisites, however, only your spider can gain the benefits of the feat. If you are a spider rider and are elegible to take spider feats yourself, both you and your spider can both use any spider feats you have, so long as you both fulfil the prerequisites.

Name Summary Tier
Araneidae Aspect You have the weaving ability of the araneida. Heroic
Brutal Charge Your fangs have the power of the theraphosid. Heroic
Brute Fang Your fangs have the power of the theraphosid. Heroic
Ctenizidae Aspect Gain tremorsense. Heroic
Lycosid Precision 1/Day, re-roll a single bite attack roll. Heroic
Lycosid Speed Gain a bonus to your speed. Heroic
Lycosidae Aspect You have the strength of a mighty wolf spider, and the speed of one too. Heroic
Perfect Accuracy Gain a +1d4 bonus to your lycosid precision re-roll. Heroic
Prodigeous Leap You can leap unbelievably huge distances. Heroic
Scytodidae Aspect You can use spit as a daily power. Heroic
Theraphosidae Aspect You have the brute strength and power of a theraphosid. Heroic
Urticating Hair You can use Urticating hair as an daily power. Heroic

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