Talk:Enigmatic Insectomancer (3.5e Class)
I think it'll work best if I dump my ideas here then slowly refine them until they are enough to publish
Titan vs Swarm[edit]
The core of the class will be branching trees you pick every level. One is the choice between titan or swarm, Titan route gives you super-size insects that function like they do on their own level, for example a hornet may be a pest when its tiny compared to you, but a deadly and efficient predator to things closer to its own size. While the swarm route gives you insects that function how they do in real life (for the most part, enhanced and exaggerated to a degree as you build them up). So for example I'm thinking you could technically have many 1st level swarms at, say, level 5 or you could have one semi-developed swarm and a 1st level titan, stuff like that.
Titan Branch[edit]
I'm thinking this would be best if it was a generic giant version of the BF path you pick (I'll use Coleoptera for example) that gets more characteristics of predator beetles the more you invest in the Titan-Coleoptera path. That way I don't have to just pick one cool predator to exemplify a couple can get a chance to be referenced. I don't know how many branches are too many, but I'd like if you were to pick Titan--> Coleoptera--> Choice of two abilities. I could definitely come up with enough abilities for that, but would it be too dense? I'm thinking it would help make it possible for you to be level 20 and just have fully invested in the Uber Titan Beetle path.
Also for Titan path I'll probably include more spells built in, since I'm thinking the battle style would be sending your beetle (or whatever) to the front lines so you'd need to be back there supporting her.
Swarm Branch[edit]
This path would be taking advantage of the insects as they really are, enhanced by biomancy of course. So for example if you picked Swarm --> Diptera path I would probably give them some long-ranged scouting ability. "Fly on the wall" and all that. I might make this path gain some sort of benefits that let it fight in the frontlines, supported and enhanced by the swarms they have granting them vision buffs, range, etc.
I think I may nerf the swarm traits of them at early levels, based on advice from Eiji.
The Big Four[edit]
The second set of choices each level is going to be between the "Big Four" Orders of insects. These are This insect Coleoptera (beetles and weevils), Hymenoptera (wasps, bees & ants), Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), and Diptera (true flies). So there are lots of amazing critters I have to work with for both Titan and Swarm levels. Here again, you can be a 100% beetle specialist or mix and match in a whole bunch of ways.
Titan Ideas:
Swarm Ideas:
Titan Ideas:
Swarm Ideas:
Titan Ideas:
Swarm Ideas:
Titan Ideas:
Swarm Ideas:
Class features[edit]
I am going to have a couple central abilities they all have. Maybe something involving preservation or Identification of insectoids. But overall your powers will depend on your two tree choices, and I'm thinking any spells will be hardwired into the paths.
Probably the post important thing to make this class easy to use is going to be having a nice easy to understand table
Hivemaster feats?[edit]
I think the Hivemaster class looks cool, and the large degree of diversity seems to fit this class. If anyone has more experience with that than me let me know if you think it'd be good for them to at least be options for an Enigmatic Insectomancer. I don't want it to be obligatory to become monstrous/infested with insects no matter what path you pick though, I just think it'd be fitting for them to be allowed to take the feats if they want.
hivemaster style feats[edit]
it seems that the branches are probably best handled by a series of "insectomancer" feats, giving you a generic "bug" otherwise. for example say you focus on swarm, the swarm would have X abilities (swarm damage, distraction). then you take the feat for bees and your swarm gets a poison ability or the ability to fly.
one option is to give the character a "titan" animal companion and a swarm at 1st level, letting them pick what they want to focus on with feats and class abilities. imma just put down a few ideas here, in case you ever see them... the save DC's would be 10+1/2 insectomancer level+INT?
Hymenoptera: your insects resemble ants, bees and wasps. your bugs infect their target with giant wasp poison and can fly at a speed of 30 feet per round with good manoeuvrability.
coleoptera: your insects resemble beetles. their damage dealt increases by one stage (+1d6 swarm damage for swarms, as if an increase in size category for titans)
dipthera: your insects resemble flys. your bugs infect their target with filth fever with no onset period and can fly at a speed of 30 feet per round with good manoeuvrability.
lepidopthera: your insects resemble butterflies and moths. opponents must succeed at a will save or be affected as hypnotic pattern.