From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Sunwitch favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
I like it overall, but with some caveats:
- Knowledge prerequisite should probably be 10 ranks. The Dimension Door prerequisite implies a level 7 entry point but it's probably possible to BS that somehow and I don't think this class is appropriate to enter after level 5. Requiring 10 ranks clears that up.
- Planar Transit seems really good at its level. It appears to be usable as Etherealness Plus, and it's at-will, and it interfaces with Transdimensional Casting such that it shuts down a whole lot of opposition single-handedly. I'd want more of a limitation on it.
- Journey Home feels like a bit of a meager endpoint and I can see most characters just dropping the class at 3 levels as a result. Swapping it and Planar Transit would probably make sense, honestly.
I overall like the class and the things it offers, though, giving characters reliable and thematic ways to navigate the planes at mid levels.