From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Zarathustra21 is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
Strange... a -2 penalties to attack and damage rolls is quite much for a martial weapon. It would be more fitted for other cases, such as a longsword (1d8 19/20x2) forged so heavy that it delivers +1 bonus to damage roll, but also -2 to attack rolls (it's the case of a "katana/uchigatana" that is not properly forged as "masterwork bastard swords"). For the same reason, many "warswords" filling in the gap between the "bastard sword" and the "greatsword" deliver 1d10 19/20x2 with +1 bonus to damage roll, but also -2 to attack rolls (in the case the wielder has Exotic Weapon Proficiency, of course; otherwise the penalty applied to attack rolls is -4). The same principle has to be applied in general to other weapons, for example when a craftman try to forge a particular weapon and he/she has not the proper skills to.
Aramir likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
Well balanced weapon! Good job, Azya! Just a little note: maybe you should classify this weapon as exotic One-handed, since you need a special training to wield Onlus in one Hans properly.