Template:3.5e Class Simple

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Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)

Default Usage[edit]

{{3.5e Class Simple
|classname=<!-- name of class -->
|hitdie=<!-- maximum hit points per level from die: i.e. 4, 10 -->
|length=<!-- length of class, in number of levels. most base classes will be 20, most prestige classes will be 5 or 10 -->
|bab=<!-- One of: Good, Moderate, Poor -->
|fort=<!-- One of: Good, Poor -->
|ref=<!-- One of: Good, Poor -->
|will=<!-- One of: Good, Poor -->
|special1=<!-- special abilities granted at 1 -->
|special2=<!-- special abilities granted at 2 -->
|special3=<!-- special abilities granted at 3 -->
|special4=<!-- special abilities granted at 4 -->
|special5=<!-- special abilities granted at 5 -->
|special6=<!-- special abilities granted at 6 -->
|special7=<!-- special abilities granted at 7 -->
|special8=<!-- special abilities granted at 8 -->
|special9=<!-- special abilities granted at 9 -->
|special10=<!-- special abilities granted at 10 -->
|special11=<!-- special abilities granted at 11 -->
|special12=<!-- special abilities granted at 12 -->
|special13=<!-- special abilities granted at 13 -->
|special14=<!-- special abilities granted at 14 -->
|special15=<!-- special abilities granted at 15 -->
|special16=<!-- special abilities granted at 16 -->
|special17=<!-- special abilities granted at 17 -->
|special18=<!-- special abilities granted at 18 -->
|special19=<!-- special abilities granted at 19 -->
|special20=<!-- special abilities granted at 20 -->
|skillpoints=<!-- number of skill points per level -->
|skills=<!--class skills: simply delete those skills which your class does not have as class skills from the complete list below.  If you only allow a subsection, such as Knowledge (arcana) (religion), write it like that. -->
Control Shape, 
Decipher Script, 
Disable Device, 
Escape Artist, 
Gather Information, 
Handle Animal, 
Iajitsu Focus,
Martial Lore,
Move Silently, 
Open Lock, 
Sense Motive, 
Sleight of Hand, 
Speak Language, 
Use Magic Device, 
Use Psionic Device, 
Use Rope

Advanced Options[edit]

This template supports several advanced layout options, but most of these require additional properties and special formatting of the "3.5e Class Simple" template. Examples are spoilered here if you would like to use them. Additional forms are also possible by tweaking those described here, but their explanation is beyond the scope of these instructions.

[Expand] Adding Spells per Day
You will need to add two properties not included in the preload, and make your |special1= entries longer so that they are treated as extra cells. For clarity, these lines should be added before the |special1= line.

Here's an example:

|specialhead1= colspan="10" {{!}} Spells
|specialhead2=  0  {{!!}} 1<sup>st</sup> {{!!}} 2<sup>nd</sup> {{!!}} 3<sup>rd</sup> {{!!}} 4<sup>th</sup> {{!!}} 5<sup>th</sup> {{!!}} 6<sup>th</sup> {{!!}} 7<sup>th</sup> {{!!}} 8<sup>th</sup> {{!!}} 9<sup>th</sup>
|special1= <!-- special abilities at level # --> {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — 
|special2= <!-- special abilities at level # --> {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — 
|special3= <!-- special abilities at level # --> {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — 

Replace the " — " above with numbers appropriate for the spell slots at any give level. If you are not using spells up to 9th level for the class, you may remove 1 set of {{!!}} <--stuff--> for each unused spell level from the "specialhead2" and "special#" lines to remove the unused columns from the table.

[Expand] Adding Psionics
You will need to add two properties not included in the preload, and make your |special1= entries longer so that they are treated as extra cells. For clarity, these lines should be added before the |special1= line.

Here's an example:

|specialhead1= rowspan="2" {{!}} Power<br/>Points/Day {{!!}} rowspan="2" {{!}} Powers<br/>Known {{!!}} rowspan="2" {{!}} Maximum Power<br/>Level Known
|special1= <!-- special abilities at level # --> {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — 
|special2= <!-- special abilities at level # --> {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — 
|special3= <!-- special abilities at level # --> {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — 

Replace the " — " above with numbers appropriate for the column at any give level.

[Expand] Adding Martial Maneuvers
You will need to add two properties not included in the preload, and make your |special1= entries longer so that they are treated as extra cells. For clarity, these lines should be added before the |special1= line.

Here's an example:

|specialhead1= rowspan="2" {{!}} Maneuvers<br />Known {{!!}} rowspan="2" {{!}} Maneuvers<br />Readied {{!!}} rowspan="2" {{!}} Stances<br/>Known
|special1= <!-- special abilities at level # --> {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — 
|special2= <!-- special abilities at level # --> {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — 
|special3= <!-- special abilities at level # --> {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — 

Replace the " — " above with numbers appropriate for the column at any give level.

[Expand] Adding ToP Skills
The template also supports ToP skill listings (because I wrote both of them and wanted to support it here for my own stuff). You can add ToP skills to the class by adding the following parameters after the "skills" parameter, and filling in appropriately:
|ToPskillpoints= <!-- number of skill points under ToP -->
|ToPskills= <!-- list of ToP class skills, separated by commas -->

Additionally, such classes are generally marked with the {{ToP Compliant}} template above the class table, in the "Making a X" section.