Template:4e Creature Power MM3

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Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)

Using This Template[edit]

This template is intended to format powers in the same manner as seen in the Monster Manual 3 (4e).

Name Required Description Example
aura No For the radius of aura powers; omit type/recharge/limit parameters if used. 1
type No For the icon indicating the power's type BasicMelee.png
name No For the name of the power Claws
keywords No For any applicable keywords acid, weapon, etc.
recharge No For indicating frequency and conditions of recharge (see below) At-Will, Encounter, etc.
limit No For indicating any other usage limitations 1/round
effect No For pertainent information on what the power does
Value Output
At-Will At-Will
Encounter Encounter
Daily Daily
[other text] Recharge [other text]


{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Power Name
|effect=''Requirement:''<br />''Attack:'' Type range (target); bonus vs defense<br />''Hit/Miss/Effect/Sustain Action/Secondary
 Attack/Aftereffect/Failed Saving Throws/Special:''

Generates the following:

Melee.png Power Name (keywords) ♦ At-Will (1/round)
Attack: Type range (target); bonus vs defense
Hit/Miss/Effect/Sustain Action/Secondary Attack/Aftereffect/Failed Saving Throws/Special:
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Aura Name
|effect=The effects of the aura.

Generates the following:

Aura.png Aura Name (keywords) ♦ Aura 1
The effects of the aura.