The City of Deep Webs (5e Campaign Setting)/Ceiling Map

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Ceiling Map.png

Ceiling Map[edit]

A. The Pillar/Academy

Greater Houses

B. House Galahad, military experts with the largest army

C. House Neith, masters of Necromantic magic

D. House Sammael, controllers of the Black Sea fleet (Naval)

E. House Pithus, controllers of the city infrastructure

F. House Mobius, masters of the slave trade

G. House Ananasi, master traders

Lesser Houses

H. House Everhate, known for ambassadors and messengers

I. House Damhan, known for their forges and weaponsmiths

J. House Nala, masters of beasts and livestock (Rothe, Riding lizards, Dire Bats and Foulwings)

K. House Sicarius, control the fishing fleet

L. House Coloara, mining precious metals

M. House Alear, fungus farmers