The Great Snake (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Rules

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Necessary Rules[edit]

No Wishing for More Wishes!.

Supporting Rules[edit]

All magic items listed must be worth 15000 gold or less. This table represents items find by looking in an arbitrary location, and is primarily meant to give some idea of the sorts of items that Wish Economy characters would inject into the rest of the economy over the course of a thousand years. Obviously, people who've acquired items are likely to trade them for items more fitting to their occupation, so if you want to use this chart for them, roll extra times and pick the most appropriate one(s). The Additional Bonuses column suggests the sort of bonuses the wisher might have placed on the item to get it closer to the 15000 gold mark, and is not meant to be the only possibility. Ignore the Additional Bonuses column if you don't allow wishing for customized items.

Table: Minor Magic Items[edit]

d% Item Additional Bonuses Original Owners
01-05 +2 Weapon Up to approximately 6000 gp of additional enchantments. Elite warriors, aristocrat brats.
06-10 +3 Armor Up to approximately 4000 gp of additional enchantments. Elite warriors, aristocrat brats.
11-13 Wand of Level 3 Spell, random number of charges +5 Competence bonus to related skill, or caster level increased to 6. Basically anyone.
14 Wand of Level 1d2 Spell, random number of charges +8 Competence bonus to related skill, or caster level increased to 20/10. Basically anyone.
15 Scroll of level 3+1d6 Spell Additional spells up to 15000 gold total. Each one has a 50% chance of being depleted. Basically anyone.
16-18 Minor Ring, although the Climbing, Jumping, and Swimming rings are Improved Additional minor ring effects up to 15000 gold total, multiplied in cost by 1.5. Depends on ring.
19-24 Immovable Rod Hold 16000 pounds instead of 8000. Fabulous architects, skybase owners.
25-26 Normal Metamagic Rod of a +1 level Metamagic Wish Economy casters, aristocrat brats, elite mages.
27 Belt of Dwarvenkind Miners, aristocrat brats, dungeon guards.
28 Stone Horse (Destrier) Imperial couriers, tax collectors.
29-30 Cloak of Arachnida +2 Competence bonus to Climb checks. Repairmen, aristocrat brats, elite warriors.
31-44 Lyre of Building +3 Competence bonus to Perform checks. Construction workers.
45-48 Medallion of Thoughts +4 Competence bonus to Sense Motive, Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks. Thought police, spies.
49 Phylactery of Undead Turning Cast detect undead at will. Elite clerics.
50 Cape of the Mountebank +5 Competence bonus to Spot, Listen, or Hide checks. Elite warriors, spies, aristocrat brats.
51 Ioun Stone Additional Ioun Stone effects. Aristocrat brats, elite researchers, Wish Economy casters.
52-53 Figurine of Wondrous Power Elite warriors, guards.
54-61 Bag of Holding, Type IV Increased weight or volume capacity. Imperial couriers, tax collectors, aristocrat brats, elite looters.
62-65 Pearl of Power, 3rd level spell Additional effect of four 1st level Pearls of Power. Wish Economy prepared casters, in copious quantities.
66-75 Decanter of Endless Water Increased throughput to maybe 40 gallons per round when used as a Geyser. Thirsty peasants, owners of elaborate fountains, steampunk engineers.
76 Cloak of Resistance +3 Aristocrat brats, elite warriors.
77-80 Harp of Charming +7 Competence bonus to Perform (String Instruments) checks. Thought police, spies, aristocrat brats.
81-82 Folding Boat Increased boat speed, sturdiness, or size. Imperial couriers, tax collectors, aristocrat brats.
83-92 Decanter of Endless Kittens Increase kitten throughput in Geyser mode to 35. Hungry peasants, air-raid squadrons, overenthusiastic aristocrat brats.
93 Minor Deed item Bonus to attack, damage, Strength, or Dexterity. Elite warriors, aristocrat brats.
94-98 Everscroll Bag, 3rd level spells, 75% chance Basically anyone.
99-100 Loregem, random 3rd level spell Also grants knowledge of one 2nd level spell or four 1st level spells. Wish Economy spontaneous casters, in copious quantities.

The level spread for the Great Snake should be something like the following:

Table: NPC Level Spread[edit]

Percentage Levels Typical Members
80-90% 1-6 Common people, hedge wizards, clerical scribes, aristocrats, spies, etc.
10-20% 5-10 Elites, spies, thought police, aristocrats, master craftsmen.
0-1% 11-20 Adventurers, god slayers, artifact-seekers.
0.007-0.014% 11-20 God-emperors, owners of extravagant mansions, santa claus wannabes, mad scientist crafters.

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