User:Aarnott/Lego Bin 12

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Variant Rule Idea[edit]

Generally, I've noticed that expending spells for class features tends to be pretty crappy the higher level spell you use. Offhand I can't think of any class feature where using a level 9 is that much better than a level 8, but I'm probably forgetting some class out there. Either way, this is an idea to "fix" that problem. It's a straight up buff for caster types, but it does encourage some previously crappy PrCs, likely.

Teh Rulez[edit]

When expending a spell slot to activate a class feature, its effective level for the purposes of "powering" the class feature, other than DCs, is determined by the following table:

Spell Slot Level Effective Level
0 Specific to the class feature
1 1
2 2
3 4
4 6
5 9
6 12
7 16
8 20
9 25

Probably seems crazy, but here's my reasoning. Consider the Archmage. The Arcane fire ability can do between 6d6 damage (for a 1st level slot) or 14d6 for a 9th level slot. For a 9th level slot, I think it's fair to say that 14d6 is pretty terrible. So instead, this rule would make it 30d6, which actually isn't all that crazy considering disintegrate can do around 40d6 at this point in a much lower level slot (although it gives a save). Note that the 6th level equivalent for this ability would be 17d6 for the archmage.

Obviously this rule would be for VH-level games.

Other things I found (for spell slot level X expended):

  • Ordained champion - DR X + 1/chaotic, X + 1 bonus damage
  • Knight of the Weave: Heal 2X, long range touch attack Xd6 damage
  • Ultimate Magus: X level metamagic adjustment capped at half class level (savings of 1 spell level typically)
  • Soulgaurd: X rounds True seeing duration, X rounds of rebuking evil outsiders
  • Stormcaster: Xd4 damage in 30 ft. radius
  • Daggerspell Mage: enchant a dagger with +Xd6 damage for X rounds
  • Shadowbane Stalker: hide/move silently bonus for Cha + X minutes
  • Abjurant Champion: +X to attack rolls, +2X to damage, +X AC, +X saving throws (okay, that's a bit broken), elemental resist 5X
  • Enlightened Fist: Heal self X hp
  • Jade Phoenix Mage: Xd10 damage on a single attack, DR 2X/evil (also maybe a bit broken), Xd6 damage in a 10 ft. aura