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Buckler Shield
Simple Light Melee
Critical: ×2
Range Increment:
Type: Bludgeoning
Shield Bonus: +1
Maximum Dex Bonus:
Armor Check Penalty: −1
Arcane Spell Failure Chance: 5%
Hardness (Steel): 10
Hardness (Wood): 5
Size Cost Damage Weight hp
Steel Wood Steel Wood Steel Wood
Fine 4 gp 5 sp 1 gp 5 sp 3/5 lb. 1/2 lb. 1 1
Diminuative 4 gp 5 sp 1 gp 5 sp 1/2 lb. 1/2 lb. 1 1
Tiny 4 gp 5 sp 1 gp 5 sp 1 lb. 1/2 lb. 1 1
Small 9 gp 3 gp 1 3 lb. 1-1/2 lb. 5 2
Medium 9 gp 3 gp 1d2 6 lb. 3 lb. 10 5
Large 18 gp 6 gp 1d3 12 lb. 5 lb. 20 12
Huge 36 gp 12 gp 1d6 30 lb. 10 lb. 40 20
Gargantuan 72 gp 24 gp 1d10 20 lb. 40 lb. 80 45
Collossal 144 gp 48 gp 1d12 40 lb. 60 lb. 160 75


This small metal or wood shield is worn strapped to your forearm. You can use a bow, crossbow or sling without penalty while carrying it. You can also use your shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. This penalty stacks with those that may apply for fighting with your off hand and for fighting with two weapons. In any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you don’t get the buckler’s AC bonus for the rest of the round.

If you have the combat expertise you don't take these penalties and can use the ac bonus if wielding offhand weapons.

You can’t bash someone with a buckler.


These are the prices for this item when made with specific materials or enhancements.

Buckler Material Enhancements
Material Cost1 Hardness Hit Points Special
Masterwork Steel 165 gp 10 5
Mithral 1015 gp 15 5 Reduce armor check penalty by 3 (min 0),
Reduced ASF by 10%,
1/2 weight
Adamantine 2015 gp 20 6
Deep Crystal 1015 gp 10 5 Does not rust
Mundane Crystal 165 gp 8 4 Does not rust
  1. The given costs include the masterwork component.
  2. Unlike other weapons, shields do not gain an enhancement bonus on attack rolls from being masterwork quality. Instead their armor check penalties are lessened by 1.

Magical/Psionic Armor and Shield Enhancements
Bonus Value Additional Cost Hardness Increase1 Additional hp1
+1 +1,000 gp +2 +10
+2 +4,000 gp +4 +20
+3 +9,000 gp +6 +30
+4 +16,000 gp +8 +40
+5 +25,000 gp +10 +50
+6 +36,000 gp2 +12 +60
+7 +49,000 gp2 +14 +70
+8 +64,000 gp2 +16 +80
+9 +81,000 gp2 +18 +90
+10 +100,000 gp2 +20 +100
+11 or more + bonus × bonus
× 10,000 gp
+ enhancement bonus × 2 + enhancement bonus × 10
  1. Unlike the additional cost, the increase to the armor or shield's hardness and hit points are only gained from its enhancement bonus, not its special abilities.
  2. If the armor or shield has a magical bonus greater than +5 or a special ability worth more than +5, then it's epic. Multiply magic cost by 10.