From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
[hide]- 1 Templates
- 1.1 Anchor : Create page anchors
- 1.2 Cite : Create links to material with a superscript format
- 1.3 Notation Templates
- 1.4 Spell Linking : Makes linking spells easier
- 1.5 Multiset
- 1.6 My Ratings : Track YOUR ratings
- 1.7 Rated Articles : Track ratings of your articles
- 1.8 SMW Cat. Query : Semantic category query
- 1.9 SMW List Query
- 1.10 SMW UL Query
- 1.11 Sidebar
- 1.12 Underbar
- 1.13 Unsigned
- 2 Markup
Anchor : Create page anchors[edit]
{{Anchor|Anchor ID}}
- Here is a guide on anchors.
Create Anchor inside of a link[edit]
Original link Anchored link [[User:CodeGlaze/Frank_and_K_Tomes|Tome links]] [[User:CodeGlaze/Frank_and_K_Tomes|{{Anchor|Anchored Tome links}}]] Tome links Anchored Tome links
Cite : Create links to material with a superscript format[edit]
- Not entering a book's acronym in the cite template will create a [citation needed] tag.
{{cite}} -or- {{cite|BookAcnm}}
Cite 3e[edit]
- Enter the Acronym (DMG, PHB, ToB, etc) for the book, followed by "3"
{{cite|Acronym3}} -> {{cite|PHB3}} -> PHB
Cite 4e[edit]
- Enter the Acronym (DMG, PHB, MotP, etc) for the book, followed by "4"
{{cite|Acronym4]} -> {{cite|PHB4}} -> PHB
Notation Templates[edit]
(Ex) : Create (Ex) notation[edit]
{{Ex}} : (Ex)
(Su) : Create (Su) notation[edit]
{{Su}} : (Su)
(Sp) : Create (Sp) notation[edit]
{{Sp}} : (Sp)
(Ps) : Create (Ps) notation[edit]
{{Ps}} : (Ps)
B : Creates bonus feat notation[edit]
{{B}} : B
Spell Linking : Makes linking spells easier[edit]
{{Spell Link|Spell Name}} -> {{Spell Link|Fireball}}
Example Usage :
- SRD spell:
{{3.5e Spell Link|Fear}}
- Homebrew spell:
{{3.5e Spell Link|Jellify}}
{{Multiset}} : Template:XX
My Ratings : Track YOUR ratings[edit]
{{My Ratings|username}}
Rated Articles : Track ratings of your articles[edit]
{{Rated Articles|username}}
SMW Cat. Query : Semantic category query[edit]
{{SMW Category Query | <-Query parameters-> }} : Template:XX
SMW List Query[edit]
{{SMW List Query | <-Query parameters-> }} : Template:XX
SMW UL Query[edit]
{{SMW UL Query | <-Query parameters-> }} : Template:XX
{{Sidebar}} : Template:XX
{{Underbar}} : Template:XX
{{Unsigned}} : Template:XX
Syntax | Description |
<nowiki></nowiki> | Any wiki-markup inside the tags will be ignored, not transformed. |
Markup | Result |
* Item 1
* Item 2 |
* Item 1
** Nested Item 1 |
# Numbered List
# Item 2 |
# Numbered List
## Nested Item 1 |
; Term : Definition
; Term |
* Mixed List
*# Bullet then Number |