User:Ganteka Future/DrawingBoard9
The following excerpt was captured on August 10th, 2009
This image link is relevant: [1]
Surgo: Aarnott, thanks for your support in this.
Wolf-dancer: how long will GD's ban last?
Summerscythe: you banned greeny?
Aarnott: I did
- Summerscythe is thouroughly amused by this istuation
Salazar666: isn't banning GD pointless? can't he just unban himself?
Surgo: What pages do I need to get to maintain the pages? Templates, which list pages?
- Vrail [~7f000001@tundra] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
Surgo: Salazar, that isn't the point
Bunnie: Lol
me: I'm not amused at all. I'm horrified.
TheWarforgedArt: what's really funny is that, on another page, he responded to something I was saying with the -exact- same message he did for Surgo's initially
Bunnie: This makes me laugh so hard.
Aarnott: See -- the way a wiki is supposed to work is that admins are trusted equal users
Salazar666: I its to send a message. But still. i was commenting more on Wolf's question
TheWarforgedArt: We are using logic here. The method above improves D&D Wiki's accessibility and that is key. Less pages mean less places for people to get confused on. I hope you understand - your way is faulty in logic. Please watch out or a ban could be in ordnance. --Green Dragon 22:07, 9 August 2009 (MDT)
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Surgo: I'm going to export the recent revision of all pages, I hope it doesn't take gigabytes of space
TheWarforgedArt: he responded to me with that message for a totally unrelated situation
Aarnott: well -- now he blocked blue dragon?
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Sulacu: How does copying a wiki work, anyway?
TK-Squared: Ordnance isn't really the right word.
Dragon_Child: MOTHERFUCK, Draco.
Dragon_Child: Does anyone know how to talk to Draco?
- Vrail [~7f000001@tundra] has joined #tavern
Valentine_the_R: I think this means I should hold off before finishing the things I was about to add...
TheWarforgedArt: he blocking all the otehr admins, it seems...
TK-Squared: XMLs.
me: We have DD on Skype
Dragon_Child: Good, good.
TK-Squared: I said XMLs.
Aarnott: I think his account has been hacked. Why else would he block blue?
Vrail: Hey guys, check this out! Amazingly awsome personality test:
Valentine_the_R: Either that or he went batshit crazy
TheWarforgedArt: ...yeah. I really think what we are seeing is a hacking
TK-Squared: He blocked EVERYONE.
me: Whoo, now I'm banned
Dragon_Child: No, this seems typical for GD
TheWarforgedArt: I don't think this is the real GD at all
Salazar666: WTF did Vrail just send?
TK-Squared: Every Admin*
Dragon_Child: He TALKED like GD
Vrail: lol
Wolf-dancer: what about fuck crazy IP?
Vrail: personality test link.. unrelated but it awsome
Wolf-dancer: whose telling DD?
Wolf-dancer: should i?
Valentine_the_R: He didn't block me
Aarnott: This is not like GD -- though he did talk like GD, true
Salazar666: kick the IP
Blarbinator: you're not an admin valentine
Wolf-dancer: not that IP
TheWarforgedArt: just because someone's text sounds like someone elses text means absolutely nothing
Valentine_the_R: YES I AM
Wolf-dancer: There this crazy IP said he'd destroy this wiki or some shit
Dragon_Child: Art- GD has an interesting way of speaking
TheWarforgedArt: if someone was smart enoguh to hack GD's account, they may be smart enough to copy his style
Summerscythe: holy crap
TheWarforgedArt: that's what I'm saying. text means nothing
Wolf-dancer: im telling DD now
Valentine_the_R: It doesn't require great intelligence to hack something, you know
Dragon_Child: This honestly seems like him
Dragon_Child: I'm not surprised
- Vrail [~7f000001@tundra] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
Valentine_the_R: DC, no offense, but I don't think you've been here long enough to recognize "classic GD"
Surgo: all templates exported
me: Well, time to email him I suppose...
Surgo: give me categories that need exporting
Dragon_Child: I had a fight with GD already
TK-Squared: Someone e-mail him and find out what's happened.
Dragon_Child: He's acting EXACTLY like he did in our fight
Aarnott: DC -- I've known him for a while and this still seems off. Who knows though. I'll also email him. I know Blue keeps backups of the wiki.
Valentine_the_R: DC, fighting with someone doesn't mean you know them
Sulacu: Still, I didn't expect him to ban long-time veteran users over a few comments.
Sulacu: Comments, fuck
Aarnott: Anyone have BDs email?
Surgo: export has stopped working, strange
TK-Squared: He'll post a news item soon!
Bunnie: Wow
Sulacu: I didn't even affiliate directly with this rating project, but because I backed it I was banned.
Surgo: working again
Bunnie: I thought he disabled it or something.
Bunnie: Summer said he wants his stuff exported if you can.
Surgo: no, just because I downloaded the full template history
Bunnie: Ah okay
TheWarforgedArt: whoooo...this is turning out to be quite th interesting evening... :.
Surgo: instead of just the latest revision
Surgo: takes longer to export
Bunnie: Ah, gotcha.
Surgo: okay, summer, is all your stuff in a convenient category?
Summerscythe: what do you mean
Bunnie: Oh, he can see.
Surgo: Category:Summerscythe or something
Summerscythe: computer lingo, i dont understand much
Summerscythe: uh, its on my user page
Salazar666: well i am outa here people. Have fun dealing with the Crazy hacker or GD, which ever it may be
Surgo: well, he's either hacked or gone totally bonkers. Guess we'll find out
- Salazar666 [~7f000001@tundra] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
Valentine_the_R: or the hacker has gone completely bonkers. i like that one
me: well, so much for working on wiki pages tonight
Wolf-dancer: hes changin random people to Sysops
TK-Squared: You may hope for a hacker; but I have doubts about that.
Surgo: other people can help me export stuff too
Dragon_Child: I'm with TK on this
Surgo: I'm currently doing summerscythe's
TK-Squared: He's removing sysops, Wolf.
Summerscythe: thank you very much
Bunnie: He can do that while banned?
TK-Squared: He's got access to the database, he can unban himself.
Dragon_Child: Surgo- What should I do?
Bunnie: Well...
Bunnie: If I were smart about how the Wiki worked, I'd help.