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Class Traits[edit]
Role: | Striker |
Power Source: | Martial |
Key Abilities: | Grace |
Armor Proficiencies: | Light |
Tier: | {{{tier}}} |
Trained Skills: | Stealth and Thievery. From the class skills list below, choose 4 more trained skills at 1st level. Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Dungeoneering, Insight, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery |
Rogue Class Features[edit]
All rogues share these class features.
- First Strike: At the start of combat, you have combat advantage against any creature that has not yet acted in that encounter.
Rogue A[edit]
Level | Abilities Gained |
1 | Sneak Attack +1d2, Two-Weapon Fighting, Rogue Powers (1, 3) |
2 | Cloak and Dagger, Sneak Attack +1d3, Rogue Powers (1, 4) |
3 | Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d4, Rogue Powers (1, 5) |
4 | Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d6, Rogue Powers (Switch) |
- TWF - Spend a full-round action to take two basic melee attacks at -2, each one with a different weapon - requires 14 grace
- Cloak and Dagger - if you and an ally are adjacent to an enemy, you may spend a minor action to make a bluff check (vs. insight); should you succeed, you gain combat advantage against that foe until the end of your turn. You gain a +5 bonus on this check.
- Sneak Attack - goes are the masters of catching their enemies off guard and gain the listed bonus to damage whenever they successfully attack an enemy against whom they have combat advantage
Rogue B[edit]
Level | Abilities Gained |
1 | Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d2, Rogue Powers (2, 6) |
2 | Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d3, Rogue Powers (Switch) |
3 | Improved Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d4, Rogue Powers (2, 7) |
4 | Improved Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d6, Rogue Powers (Switch) |
Rogue C[edit]
Level | Abilities Gained |
1 | Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d2, Rogue Powers (3, 8) |
2 | Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d3, Rogue Powers (Switch) |
3 | Improved Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d4, Rogue Powers (3, 9) |
4 | Master Rogue Trick, Sneak Attack +1d6, Rogue Powers (Switch) |
Over his blossoming career, the rogue has learned a number of tricks that stand him by in times of trouble.
- Acrobat: A rogue with this ability may use his Grace modifier instead of his Body modifier on Athletics checks. Furthermore, the rogue may run up the very walls, treating them as normal terrain; however, if he ends his turn horizontally or upside down, he still falls as normal.
- Bleeding Attack: A rogue with this ability can cause opponents to bleed by hitting them with a sneak attack. Once per round upon hitting a creature with a sneak attack, a rogue with this trick can cause the creature to take one damage per sneak attack die they possess (e.g., 4d6 equals 4 points of bleed) at the beginning of the creature's turn every round (save ends).
- Cat Burglar: The rogue gains additional flexibility, allowing him to be more mobile as he moves about. A rogue with this trick does not grant combat advantage or risk falling should he take damage while balancing. Furthermore, the rogue may move at full speed while balancing.
- Defensive Roll: Once per encounter as an Immediate Interrupt if an attack would drop him to 0 HP or less, the rogue with this trick may have the enemy that last damaged him make an attack against his Reflex save, with the attack roll being equal to the damage dealt. On a failed attack, the rogue takes no damage from that attack.
- Distract the Eye: A rogue with this trick may make an Acrobatics check (opposed by Insight) once per round as a minor action against a foe in melee to gain combat advantage against that foe for his next attack or until the end of his turn (whichever comes first).
- Evasion: If an attack against the rogue's Reflex save misses, it has no effect even if it otherwise would. A rogue may only benefit from this ability when in no armor or in light armor.
- Fast Stealth: This ability allows a rogue to move at full speed using the Stealth skill without penalty, though he still suffers the normal penalties for running or fighting if he performs those actions.
- Grapple Line: The rogue becomes a master of using grapples and grappling lines. By firing a missile weapon designed as a grappling weapon at an unoccupied square and doing at least 1 point of damage to an object filling that square (wall, ceiling, statue, etc) or a securely affixed object (ceiling post, small statue affixed to floor, etc), the rogue can run a rope from his current position to that location as a full round action. He may then use this rope to make Balance or Climb checks as normal.
- Heightened Senses: When within 10' of a trap or secret door, the DM may roll a secret Perception check for the rogue to find the hidden object even if the rogue is not actively searching.
- Quick Disable: It takes a rogue with this ability half the normal amount of time to disable a trap using the Disable Device skill (minimum is a minor action). (Standard action becomes a move action, and a move action becomes a minor action.)
- Slip Free: A rogue with this trick may attempt to make an Acrobatics check to escape a grab as a minor action.
- Speedster: The rogue gains the ability to move one-half his speed as a minor action.
- Surprise Attack: During the first round of combat a rogue with this trick is considered to have combat advantage against all enemies.
- Trap Sense: The rogue gains a bonus to AC and Reflex against attacks made by traps equal to the number of paths he's entered that grant have Thievery as a class skill.
- Tunnel Rat: While prone, a rogue with this ability can move at half speed. This movement provokes opportunity attacks as normal. A rogue with this talent can shift while crawling.
- Wall Crawler: The rogue gains a climb speed equal to one-half his base speed.
- Uncanny Dodge: A rogue can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He does not grant combat advantage if he is surprised or struck by an invisible attacker.
As he becomes a journeyman at his craft, the rogue picks up new tricks that dazzle the eye and confuse the mind. When gaining an Improved Rogue Trick, the rogue's list of tricks is expanded and he may choose one instead from the following list.
- Been There, Done That, Seen it All: A rogue with this trick is never caught surprised, and may always act during a surprise round.
- Distract the Eye, Improved: This ability supersedes Distract the Eye, and instead allows the ability to be used once per round as a free action.
- Evasion, Improved: This ability works like Evasion, except that if an effect that targets the rogue's Reflex defense has a diminished effect (though not one that has no effect) on a successful attack, instead you suffer the diminished effect. If there was no diminished effect, instead you simply take 1/2 damage on a successful attack.
- Opportunist: Once per round, the rogue can make an opportunity attack against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character.
- Poison Use: A rogue with this trick may apply poison to his weapon as a move action.
- Power Slide: If a rogue with this trick takes damage from an attack, he may allow himself to be flung backwards, thereby lessening the impact. When successfully damaged by an attack that targets AC, he may make an Acrobatics check (DC equal to the damage inflicted) as an Immediate Interrupt, and if he succeeds he suffers only half damage. He is pushed from the source of damage by 5' for every 5 points of damage (or part there of) negated in this way. If there is not enough space for him to move, he suffers a d6 of damage for each square not moved. If he ends this movement in the same square as another creature he falls prone. The rogue must have taken Defensive Roll as a Rogue Trick to gain this trick.
- See Me Not: Magical sensors and traps automatically do not register, threaten, or harm a rogue with this trick unless triggered by another creature.
- Skill Mastery: The rogue becomes so confident in the use of certain skills that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. Upon gaining this ability, he chooses one skill; when making a skill check with this skill, he may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. A rogue may gain this special ability multiple times, selecting additional skills for skill mastery to apply to each time.
- Slip Free, Improved: The rogue may make a saving throw upon being immobilized as an Immediate Reaction; on a successful save, they are no longer immobilized.
- Slippery Mind: This ability represents the rogue's ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel him. If a rogue with Slippery Mind is affected by an effect that has the Charm descriptor or is of the Psychic or Illusion type, they may force their attacker to roll twice against their Will defense and take the lowest result.
- Uncanny Dodge, Improved: A rogue with this trick no longer grants combat advantage if flanked. The rogue must have taken Uncanny Dodge as a Rogue Trick to gain this trick.
Master Rogue Trick: The culmination of all his experience and knowledge is magnified into a single point, like the top of a pyramid. All of his work, his sneakiness, and his cunning allow the rogue to surpass all others in his field, gaining the title of Master Rogue.
- Ignore Defenses: As a minor action a rogue may make a weapon attack against a monster's Fortitude defense (though this deals no damage); on a success, their next attack ignores any Resistance that monster possesses.
- Invisible Blade: A rogue with this ability may use Cloak and Dagger even if he does not have an ally adjacent to a foe. The rogue must have taken Improved Distract the Eye to take this trick.
- Mobile Flurry: This trick allows a rogue to make two basic attacks at -2 with a standard action; this cannot be used in the same round that the rogue uses Two-Weapon Fighting.
- Poison Master: A rogue with this trick may poison his weapon as a minor action, and should the rogue successfully poison a foe, that foe must save twice against the poison to throw it off. If either saving throw fails, they do not succeed at throwing off the poison. The rogue must have taken Poison Use to take this trick.
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