User:IGTN/Multiple Property Search

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I haven't figured out how to do a proper search for pages with multiple properties, so I'm setting up this page for me to do my searches on. Feel free to copy the code for yourself; I got it by copying the tables off the feats page (although the comments are mine).


I was inspired to write this up by trying to find all the fiend feats, sorted by balance point. So that's what this table does. The code is commented.

Name Description Balance
Agony Caress Your touch is Torturous
Aquafiend You like the water.
Bat Out of Hell You scream across the world
Breath Weapon You have a magical breath weapon.
Carrier You are a carrier of a dangerous disease, though you are immune to its effects.
Constricting Fiend Your legs merge into a long tail, and you gain the ability to squeeze the life from your foes.
Devour the Soul As a fiend, you gain nourishment from devouring souls.
Elemental Aura Your close relationship with primal elemental forces has manifested in a damaging aura.
Essence Gourmand Even among soul-eating fiends, you are an accomplished eater.
Evil Eye "Go ahead. Try it. I dare you."
Extra Arms You have more arms than normal.
Extra Legs You are quadrupedal.
Fiendish Invisibility You cannot be seen
Hard Freeze Your personality chills people to the bone.
Harmless Form You can assume the likeness of a mortal.
Hellfire Breath You can make your fire burn hotter than anything, but at a price
Huge Size Your size increases to Huge
Improved Hellfire Breath You can make your fire burn hotter than anything, but at a price
Large Size Your size increases to Large.
Mental Evolution Your infernal powers have taken a turn away from your force of personality, and towards your insight, or your knowledge.
Pincers Two of your hands are converted into pincers.
Poison Sacs One of your natural weapons is envenomed.
Projectile Vomiting, Acid Call an exorcist!
Slime Trail Your body secretes a slick mucus that dries quickly in contact with air, but you've learned to use this to your advantage.
Spider-Fiend Doing the things a spider can
Spines of Fury Spines cover your body, and you may fire these spine at your enemies.
Sting of the Scorpion You have a stinger that carries lethal poison.
Stolen Breath You take people's breath away by force.
Stoning Gaze You turn people you view into stone.
Supernatural Virulence Your poison is as much magical as it is biological.
Webspinner "Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly."
Wings of Evil You have sinister bat-like wings growing from your back.