User:MisterSinister/DnD-Game/logs/Setup 2

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<ModestHavvy> MisterSinister: When you want people to be quiet, use /mode #dnd-game -v theirNick
<Axaj> so
<StryKer> can I spectate?
<Axaj> sure
<ModestHavvy> And make sure the channel mode is +m
<StryKer> k
<MisterSinister> Stryker: Feel free.
<MisterSinister> Havvy: Got it.
<ModestHavvy> Currently it is -m, because everybody left.
<MisterSinister> Axaj: Feel free to list everything ehre.
<MisterSinister> here*
<Axaj> one of the classes is a strait healer
<StryKer> Thanks i'm planning on running a campaign and k=could use ideas
<Xeadin> Bot? Havvy, why?
<Xeadin> :/
<MisterSinister> Dicebot?
<ModestHavvy> Xeadin: To have it remember modes when we are gone.
<Xeadin> No
<Xeadin> Ahh... okay :)
<Axaj> two of the others are both melee attackers
<Axaj> but more of skirmishers, with less health and higher movement capabilities
<Xeadin> MS: No. This bot is on a couple channels I frequent on quite a bit
<MisterSinister> OK, will read all.
<Axaj> the last one is my multi-arcane build
<ModestHavvy> MisterSinister: You can make the bot say stuff with /bs say #dnd-game Message goes here.
<Bot> Message goes here.
<MisterSinister> I see.
<Axaj> which will need updating with the variant rules
<MisterSinister> Thanks Havvy.
<MisterSinister> OK.
<MisterSinister> Will read that too.
<Axaj> k
<StryKer> ah Pseudonuaght, I like it since it kills people with nothing, in a sense at least.
<Axaj> I think that's quasinaut
<Axaj> *quasinaught
<Xeadin> I haven't come up with a definitive background for my character as of yet, but I at least has his sheet all ready for play :)
<StryKer> nah Quasinaught manipulates reality, Pseudonaught kills you with the raw power of Non-existance
<Axaj> ah
<MisterSinister> Xeadin: Sure, that's cool.
<StryKer> IIRC at least
<MisterSinister> We're still short by 2 people that I need to run the rules by.
<MisterSinister> Oh yeah, Axaj: Did you see the skills stuff?
<Axaj> ?
<Axaj> I don't think so
<ModestHavvy> See the link in topic.
<StryKer> I could pop in if you need something as a temp?
<Axaj> k
<Xeadin> Havvy-- the logs?
<MisterSinister> Stryker: We don't need more people. We need the people we already have to be online. :P
<StryKer> damn
<StryKer> oh well
<ModestHavvy> Xeadin: Yes.
<ModestHavvy> MisterSinister: Mind if I move that page to your user page?
<Axaj> I'm sure you could join if someone drops out
<Axaj> oh
<MisterSinister> Havvy: Move it if you want.
<Axaj> I got all the links, actually
<MisterSinister> OK, the restorer seems fine, although it'd need a few changes.
<ModestHavvy> Right, running a replace text query...will take awhile before I can move it.
<MisterSinister> Overall, the Restorer is nice, but not really Wizard-level, to be honest.
<Axaj> even if it's not wizard level
<Axaj> it's high-rogue
<MisterSinister> Quasinaut: Just no. I read the first ability, and went 'Just no', due to the weirdnesses going on in it.
<Axaj> with the ability to give massive heals
<MisterSinister> Axaj: It's even below that.
<MisterSinister> 'Massive heals' doesn't qualify you for much of anything.
<Axaj> well, it fails the SGT
<ModestHavvy> Quasinot?
<MisterSinister> It'll need buffing before I even consider it.
<Axaj> by itself
<ModestHavvy> *Quasinaut
<ModestHavvy> What ability does it get?
<StryKer> if you want something with heals why not White Mage?
<ModestHavvy> Isn't there a support SGT?
<MisterSinister> The 'switch around dependents stats' thing.
<ModestHavvy> MisterSinister: I can't load it. Just copy the text.
<Axaj> A quasinaught is a physical impossibility, as he is an entity who technically doesn't exist, and is something that, 
by virtue of what he is, cannot be. This removes certain limitations upon a quasinaught, and allows him to do things in 
way that make no sense, to rewrite the world around them with but a thought. At first level, a quasinaught selects two These two
<MisterSinister> A quasinaught is a physical impossibility, as he is an entity who technically doesn't exist, and is something
that, by virtue of what he is, cannot be. This removes certain limitations upon a quasinaught, and allows him to do things in way
that make no sense, to rewrite the world around them with but a thought. At first level, a quasinaught selects two abilit
<Axaj> lol
<MisterSinister> That, and it's got a pile of bullshit bonuses, a whole load of other random wtf... nah, seriously.
<StryKer> Pseudonaught is simialr in flavor but is Rogue-level
<MisterSinister> Pseudonaut I'm OK with.
<ModestHavvy> :P
<MisterSinister> Pseudonaut is similar in flavour but not written like a pile of wtf.
<Axaj> lol
<StryKer> Congratz you can now kill people with nothing
<Axaj> hmm
<Axaj> unfortunately, the pseudonaught seems to suffer from serious MAD
<MisterSinister> With the stats you get, that shouldn't be a problem.
<Axaj> yeah
<Axaj> hopefully
<MisterSinister> The last build is a doubly.
<StryKer> if not just decide to focus on his Vagary or on melee
<Axaj> a what now?
<MisterSinister> You CAN play that, but expect me to make you not awful by strategic buffs.
<MisterSinister> A double caster.
<MisterSinister> Aka a doubly.
<Axaj> not just double caster
<Axaj> lol
<Axaj> bard/wizard/wu jen/sublime chord
<MisterSinister> A quadruply?
<Axaj> I suppose so
<MisterSinister> How hard does it tank at lower levels?
<Axaj> poorly
<StryKer> woah take Esoteric Multiclasser
<Axaj> this is what makes the build work
<MisterSinister> Axaj: Then not a good idea. I won't stop you, but not a good idea.
<Axaj> if you haven't read it, you probably should, to get an idea of how it works
<MisterSinister> If anything, were it my call, either restorer or pseudonaut.
<MisterSinister> Pseudonaut is by far my favourite.
<Axaj> yeah
<Axaj> the flavor is awesome
<StryKer> Yes people see the epic that is Pseudonaught, bout time lol
<MisterSinister> So those would be my calls.
<MisterSinister> I don't want the quasinaut anywhere near my game, since it's written in a way that makes baby Jesus, baby Mohammed, baby Buddha and a 
bunch of other infants cry.
<Xeadin> MS: You are being hailed by alex in the other channel ;)
<MisterSinister> As for the quadruply, I won't stop you.
<MisterSinister> I don't really advise a build that tanks so hard at 5th level, but if you want, you can.
<Xeadin> I wonder if recentchat should be enabled on this channel...
<Axaj> yeah, that's the real issue with it
<MisterSinister> Axaj: Which is why I don't think it's a good idea for you to play it.
<Axaj> yeah
<Axaj> I'll keep it in mind, but unless we really need a supporting arcane spellcaster, I won't use it
<ModestHavvy> MisterSinister: Want recentchat?
<MisterSinister> I think we should be OK. If we lack an arcanist, I'll be sure to provide you with items to mimic important spells.
<MisterSinister> Havvy: What is it?
<ModestHavvy> Last 10 to 20 messages (forget the exact number) are shown to people as they join.
<StryKer> oh this reminds me of the Abomination
<MisterSinister> Havvy: Probably.
<Xeadin> I think it's last 20
<ModestHavvy> MisterSinister: Type /recentchat on
<ModestHavvy> It's a Mibbit-only feature, but everybody in here is currently on Mibbit.
<MisterSinister> And enabled.
<MisterSinister> Sorry about this guys - waiting for Alex2 to find his way here.
<StryKer> the Abomination was wicked, had a +13 Con mod with nothing but levels, templates and a VoP-esque homebrew feat
<Axaj> I'm not
<Axaj> :p
<Xeadin> I had a feeling Axaj wasn't using mibbit...
<ModestHavvy> Oh, you aren't. How'd I miss that?
<Xeadin> Which is what the blue icon meant
<StryKer> thought the actual character level was a bit hi
<StryKer> though*
<StryKer> hello
<Xeadin> Hello alex
<MisterSinister> Hiya Alex2.
<ModestHavvy> Not sure if he sees you yet.
<MisterSinister> Now, that's everyone but 1.
<MisterSinister> Hi Cid.
<ModestHavvy> Hey Cidolfas.
<MisterSinister> What's up?
<StryKer> hey Cid
<MisterSinister> Alex2: You have a bit of reading to do.
<Cidolfas> Hello to all
<MisterSinister> Check the link in the topic of this chat.
<MisterSinister> That should contain everything.
<MisterSinister> Now, with 3 of you present, I can add more rules.
<MisterSinister> These are more minor, but still important.
<MisterSinister> First of all - again, skills.
<MisterSinister> I'm going with 'once a class skill, always a class skill'.
<Xeadin> Isn't it all four of us? :P
<MisterSinister> No Jotz.
<MisterSinister> Cid isn't in.
<Xeadin> Oh... right
<Cidolfas> Is this still using LD stuff?
<MisterSinister> Cid: Maybe. ;)
<MisterSinister> It's a more sandbox thing.
<Cidolfas> If so, then I'm here to clarify and also observe
<MisterSinister> Secondly on skills: How do you guys feel if I gave you all +2 skill points per level, but Int didn't apply to skill points?
<MisterSinister> This one is up to you guys to decide.
<StryKer> Yay,more observers
<Xeadin> >.>
<ModestHavvy> Observers is still less than players though.
<Xeadin> Would'nt make much of a difference for me, since that's exactly how many skill points I get per level...
<Xeadin> At least with my current Int
<MisterSinister> The rest of you?
<Axaj> well
<StryKer> @ModestHavvy: yeah but one day we will rule
<Axaj> sure
<Axaj> why not
<MisterSinister> Alex2: Matter requiring your attention.
<MisterSinister> Now, while we wait for him: You guys all get one Knowledge skill for free, at max ranks for your level, based on your background.
<MisterSinister> Obviously, I have to know your background to know what that is.... but yeah, yay for you. :P
<Axaj> neato
<Axaj> hmm
<Axaj> wait
<Axaj> wouldn't that work better as knowledge/craft/profession?
<MisterSinister> Axaj: Fair enough.
<MisterSinister> Consider it so extended.
<Cidolfas> What is defined as "sandbox stuff"? Is this a general playtests of practically anything, pending approval?
<MisterSinister> Nope - it's a sandbox game.
<MisterSinister> You get a world.
<Cidolfas> Ah
<MisterSinister> You get some characters.
<MisterSinister> You do what you want.
<Cidolfas> Alright. Should be interesting
<Xeadin> So, we create our own encounters even?
<Xeadin> :P
<StryKer> get the popcorn
<MisterSinister> Xeadin: If you wanna find a fight, you might succeed. :P
<StryKer> as a quest I mean
<Xeadin> Ah.
<MisterSinister> OK, next point - on saves.
<Xeadin> I see how it works now
<MisterSinister> For Fort saves, you can use either your Str mod or your Con mod.
<MisterSinister> For Ref saves, either Dex or Int.
<MisterSinister> For Will, Wis or Cha.
<MisterSinister> Enjoy your better saves. :D
<Xeadin> Heh. Yay for +12 reflex
<MisterSinister> Hiya UK.
<MisterSinister> Wanna observe too?
<StryKer> hey UK
<UndeadKnave> Sure.
<MisterSinister> Now, something for you guys to have fun with - stunting.
<StryKer> yes we Observers shall rule
<MisterSinister> Basically, whenever you do anything in the game that requires you to roll d20s OR your opponents to roll d20s, you can make it a 'stunt'.
<MisterSinister> If you do, you need to describe it in a cool and awesome manner.
<UndeadKnave> I should probably go with a color that one of the players isn't going with.
<Xeadin> Heh
<MisterSinister> If you do that, then you can roll two d20s and pick the highest.
<MisterSinister> OR
<MisterSinister> You can force the opponent to roll two d20s and pick the lowest.
<Xeadin> XD
<Cidolfas> 4Muahahah. A am now the BloodGod Cid
<MisterSinister> TK: Hihi.
<ObserverManTheGreatestObserver> Blood for the Blood GoD!
<MisterSinister> Now, this is termed a 'one-die stunt'.
<MisterSinister> You can get a 'two-die stunt', by either a majority of people present saying it was awesome, or using the environment in some way.
<MisterSinister> Once per session, you can get a three-die stunt.
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: Have you written this up as a variant rule?
<ObserverManTheGreatestObserver> this Observer thing reminds me of when we had like 4 Eijis
<MisterSinister> But that requires BOTH majority approval of awesomeness and environmental use.
<MisterSinister> Havvy: Not at present.
<ObserverHavvy> (I've used this nick before!)
<MisterSinister> Everyone with me so far?
<Xeadin> Stryker: Yes. That was epic :D
<Xeadin> MS: Yes
<ObserverHavvy> Xeadin: I understand it.
<ObserverHavvy> Do observers get to vote for the awesomeness thingy?
<MisterSinister> Good question. What do you think?
<ObserverManTheGreatestObserver> Xeadin:Yes, Yes it was, but I shouldn't be distracting you
<ObserverHavvy> I proposed it, so I vote in the positive. :P
<Xeadin> Havvy: What now? :/
<Xeadin> Understand what?
<Xeadin> And I have plenty of distractions to tend to, tyvm Stryker :)
<Xeadin> The secret to my sanity and success-- going at a slow and steady pace :)
<ObserverManTheGreatestObserver> I vote yes as well
<ObserverHavvy> Xeadin: For the 2-die stunts, do observers get to vote whether they qualify as awesome enough?
<MisterSinister> Axaj: For 2- and 3-die stunts, should we let observers vote on awesomeness?
<Xeadin> Ah. Uhh, yeah. I suppose so :)
<Axaj> sure
<MisterSinister> Alex2: For 2- and 3-die stunts, should we let observers vote on awesomeness?
<MisterSinister> Cidolfas: For 2- and 3-die stunts, should we let observers vote on awesomeness?
<UndeadKnave> I'd say it's up to the God.
<TK-Squared> You called?
<ObserverManTheGreatestObserver> Yes, this is our first step on world domination
<MisterSinister> I'm not God. I'm just a guy with some rules. :P
<MisterSinister> I'm asking you guys because I wanna know what you think.
<Cidolfas> 4I don't see why not
<MisterSinister> Enough of a majority for me.
<MisterSinister> Observers have an awesomeness vote.
<MisterSinister> Next: XP.
<MisterSinister> We're not using it.
<MisterSinister> For anything.
<MisterSinister> Ever.
<MisterSinister> You level up when the story calls for it.
<Xeadin> o_O
<Xeadin> Eeep...
<Axaj> don't worry Xeadin
<Axaj> it actually works very well
<MisterSinister> Trust me: numeric XP is a pile of fail. We're much better off without it.
<MisterSinister> As you may have noticed, I'm not a douchebag GM.
<Axaj> I've been in a campaign with it before
<MisterSinister> I don't deprive people of levels. :P
<Xeadin> Well, that is good :)
<ObserverManTheGreatestObserver> he deprives them of SOULS!
<ObserverHavvy> How does magic item creation work?
<Xeadin> Well, I guess that some people waste some pretty good monsters into a n encounter with sucky monsters or battles, 
which I can understand would be very cheesy
<ObserverHavvy> Or natural 20s + vorpal.
<MisterSinister> Takes gold and time, and like Dwarf Fortress. So basically, if you wanna make something, tell me how and 
what time you wanna do it in, and I'll OK it.
<Axaj> hmm
<MisterSinister> Vorpal will work differently.
<Axaj> say, MisterSinister
<MisterSinister> ??
<Axaj> with the more neutral races thing
<Axaj> what are you going to do with the very strong kobold feats?
<MisterSinister> Yes?
<MisterSinister> Dragonwrought, you mean?
<Axaj> from RotD mostly
<MisterSinister> Just no.
<Axaj> yeah
<MisterSinister> Everything else is OK, though.
<Axaj> and a few others
<MisterSinister> Dragonwrought is just silly.
<Axaj> k
<MisterSinister> Right, now for even fancier stuff.
<MisterSinister> In terms of gear.
<MisterSinister> Does any/everyone here have MIC?
<ObserverHavvy> Via PDF.
<Xeadin> What?
<ObserverHavvy> Magic Item Compendium.
<MisterSinister> So not everyone. Never mind, then, not a huge problem.
<Xeadin> No, I do not
<Xeadin> Do we need one? :S
<ObserverStryker> I do on PDF, but I don't count...
<MisterSinister> No, just checking.
<MisterSinister> You don't need one - I'll use another method.
<MisterSinister> First off, for items with pluses on them.
<MisterSinister> They don't exist anymore.
<UndeadKnave> I do, but if other people want a copy from me, they'll have to wait a week.
<MisterSinister> You instead only have actual abilities.
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: Your own variant, or a published gear variant?
<MisterSinister> Havvy: A sorta-take on Ghosty's Balanced Wealth.
<MisterSinister> Which I'm trying to link-pull, but can't.
<MisterSinister> Now, for magic weapons and armour.
<MisterSinister> You only pay for abilities.
<MisterSinister> So, a weapon with a +1 ability is 2k, a +2 ability is 8k, and so on.
<MisterSinister> Same goes for armour and shields.
<MisterSinister> We good so far?
<Xeadin> Yep
<MisterSinister> Alrighty, now for itemisation in general.
<MisterSinister> The chakra system of body slots dies in a fire.
<ObserverHavvy> Chakra System: GDIAF
<MisterSinister> Now, you can use up to 5 continuously-active items at a time.
<Xeadin> >.>
<Xeadin> Oh...
<MisterSinister> If you want them to be five crowns, or five amulets, or five rings, or what-the-hell ever, I'm not gonna stop you.
<MisterSinister> If you wanna look like a gangsta rapper with your bling, feel free.
<ObserverHavvy> Meet the man of five crowns. :P
<Xeadin> XD
<MisterSinister> Now, when the server reboots, I'll give you the most crucial components.
<MisterSinister> In the meantime, another bit of fun: Knowledge Creation.
<MisterSinister> Basically, if you ever want to add something that hasn't been defined in the setting, you can describe it.
<MisterSinister> If it seems plausible to me and our observers, we set you a skill and a DC.
<MisterSinister> Usually a Knowledge.
<MisterSinister> If you pass this check, this is true.
<MisterSinister> If you fail, it's true, but not in the way you expect.
<MisterSinister> You are responsible for keeping track of your own additions to the setting.
<ObserverHavvy> Do observers get to add additions to the setting?
<ObserverHavvy> And is there a pre-built setting at all?
<MisterSinister> Havvy: It's... possible, but I'm not sure how to adjudicate that. And yes, there is some pre-built setting there, but 
it IS left fairly open, for obvious reasons.
<ObserverHavvy> Hmm, I know I saw a game system for adjudicating things like that.
<ObserverHavvy> Basically, everybody suggests one fact, and then everybody votes on whether each fact is true or false. Those that pass 
majority vote are canon, as long as there is no contradiction.
<MisterSinister> For observers, I think this is fine.
<MisterSinister> ObserverStryker: Opinions on this?
<MisterSinister> UndeadKnave: Opinions on this?
<MisterSinister> Cidolfas: Opinions on this?
<MisterSinister> TK-Squared: Opinions on this?
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: Should I bump players up to op and observers to voice?
<UndeadKnave> Sounds okay to me.
<MisterSinister> Havvy: What will that do?
<MisterSinister> Xeadin: With me so far?
<MisterSinister> Axaj: With me so far?
<Xeadin> Yes
<ObserverStryker> sounds fine, can I suggest NPCs and the like
<MisterSinister> Alex2: With me so far?
<Cidolfas> I'm ambivalent since I won't likely be contributing, but I'll vote in favor so others can have their fun
<MisterSinister> ObserverStryker: Very much so.
<ObserverHavvy> Oh wait, nevermind. If an observer wants to talk when it's -m...they won't be stopped anyways.
<TK-Squared> On what?
<MisterSinister> Read above somewhat, TK.
<MisterSinister> Since you're an observer and all. :P
<Xeadin> Oh.. uhh... dinner time for me. Gotta run for a bit.
<MisterSinister> No worries.
<MisterSinister> I'll hold the rules talk until then.
<TK-Squared> No Chakra system?
ObserverHavvy is laughing at the three-tier system of DM-Players-Observer
<MisterSinister> No, below that.
<MisterSinister> On Knowledge Creation and observer contributions to said.
<MisterSinister> Havvy: Is it funny?
<TK-Squared> I agree.
<MisterSinister> Good enough - consider it implemented. :D
<MisterSinister> Naturally, anyone who wants to observe can.
<MisterSinister> Wow, that's a lotta notes for you, Havvy. Thanks for doing that for us. :D
<MisterSinister> Now, I advise all observers to read the last chatlog, findable in the topic of this chatroom.
<MisterSinister> Since it contains some core game facts.
<MisterSinister> Assuming, that is, the wiki works....
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: I find it that way.
<MisterSinister> Now, I have to brb myself.
<ObserverHavvy> Yay, it finally loaded for me.
<ObserverStryker> has anyone heard of Runes of Magic?
<ObserverHavvy> Seems to be going fast again.
<ObserverStryker> does the flavor of a PrC that combinesthe blood of warlocks and sorcerers sound interesting to anyone?
<ObserverStryker> combines the*
<MisterSinister> And I'm back
<MisterSinister> Alex2, Xeadin: Axaj: I guess you've all read, and are familiar with, the rules document so far?
<ObserverHavvy> Has Alex2 responded yet?
<MisterSinister> He should have, but I'm not sure.
<ObserverHavvy> Nope.
<MisterSinister> Odd.
<MisterSinister> Wiki is still slow for me...
<Axaj> alright, back
<Axaj> I was at dinner, sorry
<Axaj> I just caught up on the logs
<MisterSinister> Ah, OK.
<MisterSinister> Damn wiki not loading....
<Axaj> hmm, this feat looks pretty good
<Axaj> for my build
<MisterSinister> FFFF. Why won't it load!
<Axaj> I'll copy/paste it
<Axaj> Esoteric Multiclasser []
<Axaj> You multiclass between classes like a lunatic.
<Axaj> Benefit: This feat's bonuses are based on the number of classes you have levels in:
<Axaj> • 2: You can multiclass freely with classes that have multiclassing restrictions, like the 
In addition, you are no longer subject to alignment restrictions of classes or feats.
<Axaj> • 3: Any further hit dice you gain cannot be smaller than d8's.
<Axaj> • 4: Your class levels in all classes you possess all increase to your ECL-1 for the purpose of prerequisites (such as the Fighter 
feats that require Fighter levels).
<Axaj> • 5: Your Alchemist level, Bending level, Meldshaper level, and Wordcasting levels all increase to your ECL-1 if they were at least 1 before.
<Axaj> • 6: Your Monk Armor Bonus, Warlock Eldritch Blast, Swashbuckler Grace Bonus, Samurai Kiai Smite, Ninja ki pool, Scout Battle Fortitude, 
and Spellthief Sneak Attack are all calculated as though you have your ECL-1 levels in that class, but only if you have at least 1 level in the class.
<ObserverHavvy> Wiki loading statements should stay in #dnd (so Surgo can see them)
<ObserverStryker> yeah suggested that before
<Axaj> yeah, I just read it now
<MisterSinister> Ok, as far as multiclassing goes, this brings up an important thing.
<MisterSinister> BAB is fractional for multiclassing.
<Axaj> ?
<MisterSinister> Your caster level, manifester level, your mum level, and in fact anything except initiator level (which has its own rules) is always
equal to your character level.
<Axaj> wait
<Axaj> so
<Axaj> if you take one wizard level
<Axaj> and 19 fighter levels
<Axaj> you have caster level 20?
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: This doesn't apply to spell selection, does it?
<MisterSinister> You will cast your 1st level wizard spells at CL 20, yes.
<MisterSinister> Havvy: No, it doesn't - only raw caster level.
<Axaj> well, that surely makes my build better!
<MisterSinister> Somewhat.
<MisterSinister> Now, FINALLY, the item rules.
<Axaj> well, it seems to make multiclassing better in general
<Axaj> oh boy
<Axaj> wait
<Axaj> I have MIC
<MisterSinister> Not everyone does.
<Axaj> do I need it for this
<MisterSinister> So I'll dos omething different.
<MisterSinister> something*
<Axaj> k
<Alex2> blah
<Alex2> XD
<Alex2> Was in a longass game
<MisterSinister> All magic items are ranked by price.
<MisterSinister> You have least, which cost up to 4k.
<MisterSinister> Lesser, up to 25k.
<MisterSinister> And greater, all the rest.
<MisterSinister> At your current level, you have two least items of your choice.
<Alex2> What level? :P
<MisterSinister>  5th, Alex2.
<Alex2> kk
<MisterSinister> It should be in the summary that's in the topic.
<MisterSinister> You also get 3 1st level potions or scrolls.
<MisterSinister> For mundane gear, get whatever you feel is appropriate, within sane reasons.
<Alex2> Mundane gear includes alchemy?
<MisterSinister> I don't care if you have ten feet of rope or ten thousand feet of rope, provided it makes sense for you.
<MisterSinister> Again - within sane limits.
Alex2 has a tendency to have lots of alchemical items
<Alex2> And ranks in alchemy
<Alex2> And portable alchemy kits
<MisterSinister> Alex2: Did you read the summary document?
<Alex2> It's gone :P
<Alex2> Like literally the topic is gone from the screen
<MisterSinister> Lastly, you have 100 gp of leftover spending cash, in any form you desire.
<MisterSinister> Can be coins, gems, bolts of fancy cloth, whatever the hell.
<Alex2> Brothels!
<Alex2> In hell!
<Axaj> lol
<Alex2> So basically, this is like your other game which actually never started
<MisterSinister> Alex2: Yeah, basically.
<MisterSinister> Now I have to think and see if I missed anything....
<UndeadKnave> Slaves?
<Alex2> You probably are
<MisterSinister> UK: If they want.
<Alex2> You had a list of like 14 Variant rules
<MisterSinister> This one is longer.
<MisterSinister> TRUST ME.
<ObserverHavvy> If you use, you get the topic always visible. Also, you have the option of using the command /topic
<UndeadKnave> If you aren't morally opposed to them, you may want to go with slaves.
<UndeadKnave> Have them work in the mines while you adventure.
<Alex2> Allright so what's everyone doing?
<Alex2> class wise?
<MisterSinister> Xeadin is a kobold rogue.
<Alex2> Ok
<ObserverHavvy> Can I request that character builds are put up somewhere?
<MisterSinister> Axaj is either a pseudonaut or some weird casty thing, he's not sure.
<Axaj> not sure yet
<Alex2> Ok
<Axaj> yeah
<MisterSinister> Havvy: A fair request. Where?
<Alex2> So I'll do some fighter guy?
<ObserverHavvy> User page or subpage of
<Alex2> High ability array right?
<ObserverHavvy> Alex2: Yep.
<MisterSinister> Havvy ninja'd me. :P
<ObserverHavvy> Subpage is easier to navigate, IMO.
<MisterSinister> Havvy: Agreed.
<Alex2> So no tome of prowess?
<Alex2> (Just asking bc I remember that from last game)
<MisterSinister> No ToP this time.
<MisterSinister> It was downvoted. :(
<Alex2> KK
<Alex2> Aww
<MisterSinister> But the topic indicates what got done to skills.
<Alex2> Yeah I know
<Alex2> Simplified skills
<Alex2> So, to scour the land for something to fit my idea!
<Axaj> hmm
<Axaj> under simplified races
<Axaj> humans have this ability
<Axaj> Combat Ability - Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat. This feat may be changed at the start of each day as long as it is not a prerequisite 
for any other feat, class, or ability.
<Axaj> so
<Axaj> if I used the feat to take precocious apprentice
<Axaj> and then changed it later on
<MisterSinister> Let me stop you right there.
<MisterSinister> PrecApp is silly, so let's not even go there.
<MisterSinister> Just no. For the children.
<Axaj> wiat
<Axaj> *wait
<Axaj> so I can't take precocious apprentice?
<MisterSinister> Nope.
<Alex2> Why do you need it?
<Axaj> well, there goes my whole build
<MisterSinister> All it does is weird qualification wtf.
<Axaj> :p
<MisterSinister> Well, you don't need quad casting. :P
<MisterSinister> Seriously.
<Axaj> YES I DO
<Alex2> Oh god
<TK-Observer> Why don't you need Quad Casting?
<MisterSinister> TK-Observer: Because it's quad casting.
<MisterSinister> Need I say more.
<Axaj> well
<Axaj> by about level 7 or 8
<Axaj> it condenses to one spellcasting progession
<Alex2> ? Allowed?
<MisterSinister> If you're a chaotic evil outsider? Sure!
<Axaj> lol
<Alex2> ofc I am
<Alex2> Tome made a feat for that :P
<MisterSinister> Ah, yes. Product of Infernal Dalliance.
<Alex2> Kekekeke!
<MisterSinister> I guess that's OK. Can someone link me to that feat again?
<TK-Observer> Product of Infernal Dalliance doesn't make you an Outsider.
<TK-Observer> It just gives you a Subtype.
<Alex2> Oh..
<Alex2> ok
<Alex2> So, I'm open to suggestions for someone able to hold their own in melee yet very acrobatic
<MisterSinister> Good call, Observer-TK.
<MisterSinister> Alex2: Rogue? Tome Monk?
<MisterSinister> Tome Monk, if anything.
<TK-Observer> Thief-Acrobat
<Alex2> Sorry no
<Alex2> I hate monks
<Alex2> Ooh
<Alex2> Thief Acrobat maybe
<MisterSinister> It'll need a bit of a power-up, since it's a bit of a turkey at the moment.
<UndeadKnave> I think that some of the Tome Classes allow you to be counted as an outsider as it counts for qualifying to classes.
<MisterSinister> I'm usually in favour of full sneak attack progression.
<MisterSinister> UndeadKnave: Not to my knowledge.
<TK-Observer> There isssss, I believe.
<TK-Observer> There isn't.
<MisterSinister> But yeah, Alex2, if you want a T-A, give it the same sneak attack progression as a rogue, and you'll be fine.
<Alex2> Honestly though
<Alex2> I think the best option is tome fighter
<MisterSinister> Tome Fighter is acceptable, but we don't use scaley feats.
<MisterSinister> If that ruling hasn't been made official before, it is now.
<Alex2> You mean scaling right?
<Xeadin> Hola
<MisterSinister> Alex2: That very thing.
<Alex2> It's fine
<Xeadin> What'd
<ObserverHavvy> I'm going to have a lot to update tonight. :P
<Alex2> Except for one of them
<Xeadin> I miss?* :D
<Alex2> Do I have to take the whole Weapon focus tree to get weapon mastery at 18?
<Alex2> :P
<MisterSinister> Hashanshin is OK, I guess.
<MisterSinister> Alex2: Check out my variant Weapon Focus feat.
<Alex2> I really dont want to take like 8 feats just for that
<MisterSinister> Weapon Mastery is a feat that is, MAYBE, a 10th or so level thing.
<MisterSinister> So if you want it, I can rewrite it for you.
<Alex2> Cool :)
<MisterSinister> So... we have basically this.
<MisterSinister> Jotz expressed interest in a Tome Soldier.
<MisterSinister> Xeadin is a rogue.
<MisterSinister> Axaj is... something.
<MisterSinister> And Alex2 is either Altair or a Tome Fighter.
<Axaj> I've narrowed it down
<Axaj> to pseudonaut or restorer
<MisterSinister> Ok.
<Axaj> well
<Axaj> actually, in retrospect
<Axaj> I thought we'd see another spellcaster
ObserverHavvy suggests Pseudonaut.
<MisterSinister> Likwise.
<Alex2> MS:Both
<Axaj> well
<Axaj> hmm
<MisterSinister> Alex2: Both?
<Alex2> Either way I dress like this
<MisterSinister> Ezio?
<TK-Observer> I anti-suggest anything by Rith.
<Alex2> Yep
<Alex2> In venetian wine
<Alex2> Which is a really cool color scheme
<MisterSinister> TK-Observer: I'm sorta of this opinion, but the pseudonaut is kinda OK.
<Alex2> All the nauts are kind of bad
<ObserverHavvy> SSBot: roll 1d10
<ObserverHavvy> roll 1d10
<SSBot> rolling for ObserverHavvy : 1d10 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{1}
<SSBot> rolling for Alex2 : 1d1 --> [ 1d1=1 ]{1}
<Alex2> roll 1d1
<Xeadin> I see
<MisterSinister> roll 2d10+10
<MisterSinister> Damn, need plain colour text.
<SSBot> rolling for Alex2 : 1d6+6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{8}
<Alex2> roll 1d6+6
<TK-Observer> roll 427d35325 +2
<SSBot> rolling for TK-Observer : 427d35325 1+2 --> error: maximum number of dice is 100
<Xeadin> roll 1d20+12
<SSBot> rolling for Xeadin : 1d20+12 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{28}
<SSBot> rolling for Axaj : 12d3456789 --> [ 12d3456789=193795 ]{193795}
<UndeadKnave> roll 100d10000
<Axaj> roll 12d3456789
<Xeadin> roll 3d6 +7
<SSBot> rolling for Xeadin : 3d6 1+7 --> [ 3d6=4 ]{4}
<UndeadKnave> roll 100d10000
<MisterSinister> Ok, guys, dicebot is fun and all.
<Xeadin> Oh... so the values have to be together :)
<MisterSinister> I think I've covered all the rules grounds I needed to cover today.
<Xeadin> roll 3d6-7
<SSBot> rolling for Xeadin : 3d6-7 --> [ 3d6=16 ]{9}
<MisterSinister> Now just need submissions and a time/day.
<Xeadin> Okay
<Alex2> Im free basically the whole week
<MisterSinister> Time would be about 2 hours behind now on any given day.
<MisterSinister> Or so.
<MisterSinister> What day suits who?
<MisterSinister> I would prefer Thursday (my time)
<MisterSinister> Which I think is still Wednesday for you all.
<Alex2> Thursday is fine
<Xeadin> Meh... Wednesday is kind of variable for me... :/
<Alex2> So it would be 6 PST?
<MisterSinister> It's whatever time it is now -2 hours.
<Xeadin> Actually, no Wednesday is fine now that I think about it :)
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: What day is it for you currently?
<MisterSinister> I know the time in GMT+12.
<MisterSinister> Havvy: Saturday.
<Alex2> MS: Can I trade this in for a speed boost or slow fall or something? 
Logistics Mastery (Ex):Fighters are excellent and efficient logisticians. When a Fighter reaches 5th level, 
he gains a bonus to his Command Rating equal to one third his Fighter Level.
<ObserverHavvy> Alex2: Yeah, 6PM PST Wednesday.
<Xeadin>  6PM
<MisterSinister> Slow Fall AND a speed boost are fine.
<Xeadin> Got it
<Alex2> Kk cool
<MisterSinister> Scale as monk on both counts, starting that level.
<ObserverHavvy> Xeadin: You also in PST?
<Xeadin> Yes
<MisterSinister> I'll pass this info onto Jotz when he appears.
<TK-Observer> k
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: What time is that for you?
<Alex2> Like 2 AM
<MisterSinister> Right now, it's about 6pm. So that would be 4pm.
<ObserverHavvy> 4am GMT.
<ObserverHavvy> *Thursday 4a.m. GMT
<Alex2> Are grimoire feats allowed?
<MisterSinister> Well, that appears to be all for the moment.
<MisterSinister> Alex2: I may buff some of them, but yeah.
<MisterSinister> Brb again.
<Alex2> kk
Alex2 goes to play LoL then
<Xeadin> Hehe
<Alex2> So for the record
<Alex2> I'm thinking of using a Power attacking spiked chain(whatever it's called) with stand still
<Axaj> hmm
<Axaj> white mage looks pretty nice
<ObserverHavvy> Yay, Spiked Chains!
<Alex2> :)
<Axaj> lol
<Alex2> And I get free proficiency
<Xeadin> What now?
<Xeadin> And where does this free proficiency come from? :/
<Axaj> hmm
<Axaj> yes, I am most definitely going white mage
<Axaj> now, to pick my race
<MSIsAway> Ok, thank you for reminding me.
<Axaj> I picked my race now
<Axaj> but
<Axaj> since we're doing the simple races thing
<Axaj> hmm
<MisterSinister> It needs to be simplificated?
<MisterSinister> Also, some more rules!
<Axaj> yes
<MisterSinister> Attention ObserverHavvy.
<Axaj> also
<Axaj> my class
<MisterSinister> Proficiencies: For each point of BAB you have, you can have a free exotic weapon or armour proficiency.
<Axaj> wait
<TK-Observer> ehhhhhhhh
<MisterSinister> You also all get Power Attack and my version of Combat Expertise for free.
<MisterSinister> Happy birthday. :P
<TK-Observer> ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<Axaj> also non-exotic?
<Xeadin> Uhh... what?
<Axaj> so you could use it for martial/simple too, right?
<MisterSinister> Axaj: I suppose so.
<Axaj> also that seems like a bit much
<Xeadin> That's not... rogue-like... at all
<MisterSinister> Ok, fine.
<MisterSinister> You get ONE weapon or armour proficiency of your choice for free.
<MisterSinister> The bonus feats stay, however.
<Axaj> fair enough
<Xeadin> And what's your version of Combat Expertise?
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: As long as I'm here, it's being recorded.
<MisterSinister> Here:,_MS_Variant_%283.5e_Feat%29
<Xeadin> Short Sword all teh way :D
<MisterSinister> Axaj: Qube's work is always welcome.
<MisterSinister> Consider it approved.
ObserverHavvy hates that it says "MS". Makes me think Microsoft.
<Axaj> sweet
<MisterSinister> Havvy: Good to know.
<MisterSinister> Havvy: it also makes Multiple Sclerosis. :D
<MisterSinister> Some people also nickname me Sin.
<MisterSinister> That also works well. :P
<Xeadin> And Power Attack is not a rogue's favorite feat...
<ObserverHavvy> I know one named Sin. I can't use that as a nickname.
<MisterSinister> Still, nice to have as a freebie, no, Xeadin? :P
<ObserverHavvy> So I go by MisterSinister or MiStar.
<MisterSinister> MiStar works.
<Xeadin> They favor high accuracy and high damage-- not poor accuracy
<MisterSinister> It's mostly to help you cut down crappy things quicker.
<MisterSinister> Since that means that a difference in BAB is very meaningful, as opposed to how it is normally, which... well, isn't. :P
<MisterSinister> Axaj: About the durumgiru.
<Axaj> yes?
<MisterSinister> The race is... well, very complex.
<MisterSinister> Reducing this to 3 abilities is challenging.
<Axaj> indeed
<MisterSinister> What about it do you wanna keep the most?
<Axaj> yeah
<Axaj> well
<Xeadin> I'll glladly take combat extertise, but I'll leave behind Power Atk for now, since my source tell me that Power Atk is not a good idea
<Axaj> I think i should probably do a different, simpler race
<Xeadin> sources*
<ObserverHavvy> Axaj: Well, what abilities do you want?
<Axaj> well
<MisterSinister> Xeadin: You can just have it listed and not use it. Seriously, everyone has it as a freebie, and it's not bad to have for free.
<ObserverHavvy> Create a race from scrach.
<ObserverHavvy> Xeadin: It's good for pre-reqs.
<Axaj> hmm
<Xeadin> True, but what other feats would rogues want the power atk prerequisites itself for?
<Xeadin> that*
<ObserverHavvy> No clue.
<Axaj> I shall be
<Xeadin> XD
<ObserverHavvy> Offensive Ability: Powerful Build
<Xeadin> Nice
<ObserverStryker> XD indeed
<ObserverHavvy> Utility Ability: Blubber -- When you are killed, your body may be turned into candle fuel.
<Axaj> lol
<MisterSinister> LOL
<UndeadKnave> XD
<MisterSinister> Xeadin: You never know where your career may take you. :P
<MisterSinister> Take freebies where you can - they may come in handy.
<Xeadin> Alrighty. I'll take your word
<Xeadin> I won't guarantee any successes with Power Atk, unless I want to purposefully fail :P
<ObserverHavvy> Xeadin: You could go with the build Ghostwheel put up for rogues.
<Axaj> well, builds will probably have to be modified
<Axaj> especially with the feat-every-other-level thing
<Alex2> Parkour skill trick using fighter it is
<Xeadin> What do you mean "build?" Like theme or background?
<Alex2> Maybe I should use Ghostwheel's fighter
<Xeadin> And what is this build Ghostwheel has for rogues?
<Alex2> Combat rogue xeadin
<Alex2> rogue 4/swashbuckler 16
<Alex2> Although I prefer Rogue 4/Swashbuckler 11/Invisible Blade 5
<Xeadin> Well, I can't really do that right now, since I am rogue 5...
<Alex2> Rogue 4/Swashbuckler 1
<Xeadin> Unless of course I take 1 in swashbuckler, but I don't have the book with the swashbukler in it
<Xeadin> Plus, I'm not very good at multiclassing very well...
<Xeadin> Multiclassing is not my forte, to be honest
<ObserverHavvy> Xeadin: Basically you gain +1d6 sneak attack and 1 more BAB.
<ObserverHavvy> Wait, nix the sneak attack. That comes from another level of swashbuckler.
<Xeadin> Heh
<Axaj> hmm
<MSIsAway> Straight rogue works OK too, though.
<Axaj> I think it would be fun to be a dryad
<MSIsAway> A dryad? What about the tree you're guarding?
<Axaj> well
<Axaj> it could be somewhere safe
<ObserverHavvy> It's on my demiplane.
<Axaj> maybe a tree that's the center of a small town or something
<Axaj> that serves as a cultural landmark
<Axaj> so nobody would cut it down
<ObserverHavvy> Xeadin: I would really suggest going the build that Ghostwheel made.
<ObserverHavvy> With your extra feats, it works even better.
<Xeadin> What build is that?
<ObserverHavvy> You gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat at level 1, 1 BAB, and good fort.
<Xeadin> Err... I'd have to completely rework my rogue... and I already have a lot on my hand right now-- 
mainly, running several campaigns, completing my kobold variants, and mibbit
<MisterSinister> Axaj: As a dryad, don't you have to be near the tree at all times?
<MisterSinister> Kinda limits adventuring options.
<ObserverStryker> Simplified Race Human is generally the same as a normal huan right?
<ObserverStryker> human*
<ObserverHavvy> ObserverStryker: Yeah.
<ObserverStryker> kools
<MisterSinister> Yeah, in essence.
<MisterSinister> You can find it on the page linked in the summary in the topic.
<Axaj> basing it off of this
<MisterSinister> Works.
<MisterSinister> So, we need to convert it into a simplified race.
<Axaj> shouldn't be too hard
<MisterSinister> Well, we need the 3 types of ability.
<Axaj> well
<MisterSinister> Utility would be the Plant Empathy thing, I think.
<Axaj> the passive one can be the connected-to-tree thing
<Axaj> and yeah, that too
<MisterSinister> Yep, the tree thing is passive.
<MisterSinister> And a combat ability... how about some DR?
<MisterSinister> Cause you're a tree spirit and all.
<Axaj> hmm
<Axaj> maybe
<MisterSinister> Any thoughts, people?
<MisterSinister> I reckon DR = CR is about right, but what would it be bypassed by?
<ObserverHavvy> Fire?
<ObserverHavvy> :P
<Axaj> oooh
<Axaj> I know
<Axaj> cold iron
<Axaj> since it's fey
<ObserverHavvy> Dessication damage? :P
<MisterSinister> Yeah, makes sense on all counts. Fire is elemental, and dessication is non-physical, so DR won't apply to either.
<MisterSinister> Axaj: Cold iron approved.
<Axaj> so
<MisterSinister> Currently, you have DR 5/cold iron.
<Axaj> wait
<MisterSinister> That's your combat ability.
<Axaj> is it equal to my level?
<Axaj> er
<MisterSinister> Yep.
<Axaj> hit dice?
<Axaj> or level
<MisterSinister> Level.
<Axaj> k
<MisterSinister> HD is meaningless as a game term.
<Axaj> well
<MisterSinister> And thank you for reminding me of something ELSE rules-related.
<Axaj> oh
<Axaj> k
<MisterSinister> For spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, your mum abilities, etc.
<MisterSinister> DC is ALWAYS equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + appropriate ability score modifier.
<MisterSinister> Axaj: Please continue.
<Axaj> no, that was it
<Axaj> wait
<Axaj> so, spell level isn't taken into account for DC?
<MisterSinister> Nope - all DCs are calculated by that formula.
<MisterSinister> Because a slide of 8 points across spell levels is retarded on many levels.
<Axaj> then what about heighten spell?
<MisterSinister> No longer exists.
<MisterSinister> And is no longer needed.
<Axaj> well then
<Axaj> I suppose all of my character's details are decided for, then
<MisterSinister> Think so, apart from background - the most vital part. :D
<Axaj> well, I can start work on my character sheet without that
<MisterSinister> So, we have a living tree spirit, a kobold, and two other things.
<MisterSinister> Axaj: True.
<Axaj> which I will do tomorrow
<Axaj> hmm
<ObserverStryker> ooh a Giant Frog ala slaad and a Mongrelfolk
<Axaj> at later levels
<Axaj> you need to send us to other planes
<ObserverStryker> those are the two other thins
<ObserverStryker> things
<MisterSinister> Axaj: Of course.
<MisterSinister> ObserverStryker: For real?
<Axaj> lol
<Axaj> A Dryad, Kobold, Giant Frog, and a Mongrelfolk walk into a bar
<ObserverStryker> for reals MS for reals
<MisterSinister> Awesome.
<MisterSinister> Such a multi-racial party!
<MisterSinister> Would giant frogs even be able to go to bath-houses?
<ObserverStryker> yeah
<ObserverStryker> they get a lilypad and chill with their taddies
<MisterSinister> As for other planes: Fear not, there shall be other planes.
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: Have you decided the cosmology yet? Or shall that be decided via suggestion?
<MisterSinister> Cosmology meaning other planes?
<MisterSinister> Or deities?
<ObserverHavvy> Both.
<MisterSinister> I'm taking a Roman approach to gods - EVERYONE's pantheons are real.
<MisterSinister> I.e. whatever gods you want exist.
<MisterSinister> Really.
<MisterSinister> Some may even share portfolios, and we're totally cool with that.
<Axaj> so
<Axaj> chuck norris?
<MisterSinister> You can have regional gods, household gods, city gods, your mum gods, etc.
<Axaj> lol
<ObserverStryker> Hades, Cthulhu, Thor and Mars walk into a room....there were no survivors
<Axaj> lol
<ObserverHavvy> ObserverStryker: False, there were 42.
<ObserverStryker> what?
<MisterSinister> As for planes, we're running with Great Wheel.
<MisterSinister> With one exception.
<ObserverHavvy> 42 survivors
<MisterSinister> Gods don't actually live on the planes. You can't fight them. You get power from them, but they don't 
actually have stats. Only their followers do.
<MisterSinister> You wanna beat up godlike beings, there's archangels, demon lords, archdevils, etc.
<ObserverStryker> no there were not 42 only $@
<Axaj> so, we can't actually physically meet gods?
<MisterSinister> Axaj: Nope - you can have vision quests and stuff, but not actual face-to-face.
<Axaj> aww
<MisterSinister> There's godlike beings you can meet, though.
<MisterSinister> Which is close.
<Axaj> hmm
<Axaj> I should start fleshing out my character's backstory
<MisterSinister> You should indeed - I, for one, look forward to reading it.
<Axaj> all dryads are female, right
<MisterSinister> Yup - you're a girl made of wood. :P
<MisterSinister> Cue terrible jokes.
<Axaj> lol
<Alex2> I want to beeeeee
<Alex2> A human
<ObserverStryker> that's.....really all that needs to be said
<MisterSinister> Alex2: Just an ordinary human?
<ObserverStryker> welcome to the club, unfortunately some dreams are impossible
<MisterSinister> Mind linking me to the Grimoire fighter?
<ObserverHavvy> Wrong channel to leave. :P
<MisterSinister> Splinters in your junk hurt.
<MisterSinister> Alex2: You're using the Tome Fighter with the Grimoire fighter ACF?
<MisterSinister> Or the PHB fighter?
<ObserverHavvy> Grimoire fighter ACF is meant to make the PHB fighter rogue.
<MisterSinister> That's something that'll need serious buffing.
<MisterSinister> Like, serious buffing.
<MisterSinister> Need to hear it from Alex2.
<MisterSinister> Alex2: Need your attention over here.
<Alex2> sorry
<Alex2> What havvy said
<MisterSinister> You'll need serious improvement.
<MisterSinister> Even with this, the PHB fighter is a joke.
<MisterSinister> Why not just apply that thing to the Tome fighter?
<Alex2> Ok then?
<MisterSinister> Sure.
<Alex2> Bc I thought Tome+that was too much
<MisterSinister> A damage buff of that size is... laughable.
<MisterSinister> Like, actually.
<MisterSinister> To say nothing of the fact that it takes DISARM or Shatter to render it ineffective.
<Alex2> So Tome fighter without the tome feats and without the command rating+ that and speed/slow fall?
<Alex2> That's ok?
<MisterSinister> Yeah.
<ObserverStryker> so umm campaign isn't being run at all now right?
<MisterSinister> We're not ready yet. :P
<ObserverHavvy> This is setup, day 2.
<Xeadin> Setup isn't lightning fast
<ObserverStryker> ahhs well I might make even more NPCs
<ObserverStryker> it is in my group is all, though over the net is probs diff
<MisterSinister> Well, more NPCs are always welcome.
<MisterSinister> If observers wanna run NPCs, they can - I'll even include them! :D
<MisterSinister> Helps me sandbox.
<ObserverHavvy> Heh, I'll try my hand in making a few. :P
<MisterSinister> This observer idea is awesome.
<UndeadKnave> Gladly.
<MisterSinister> I'm glad it spontaneously happened.
<UndeadKnave> Just tell me what you need.
<MisterSinister> Makes my job as GM MUCH easier.
<MisterSinister> It's up to you.
<MisterSinister> This is a sandbox.
<MisterSinister> Play in it! :D
<MisterSinister> Build your own cities, nations, deities, people, places.
<UndeadKnave> I've got a lot of dwarves...
<MisterSinister> Run for the Senate, pass laws, go get drunk in a tavern, snort coke off underage elven hookers.
<MisterSinister> Whatever.
<UndeadKnave> Some other stuff.
<Xeadin> XD
<UndeadKnave> Check, check, check, triple check.
<ObserverHavvy> Lawl
<MisterSinister> Although 'underage' for elves is like, 90.
<Xeadin> o_O
<Xeadin> Wow,,,
<MisterSinister> They live to be, like, 1000, and are 'mature' at like 120.
<MisterSinister> So yeah, underage for an elf would be like, 90.
<ObserverHavvy> I can see many elves having their intellectual growth stopped long before that.
<ObserverHavvy> Or maybe they are forced to smoke pot at 120 to stop them from growing into super-geniuses.
<MisterSinister> Maybe.
<MisterSinister> Or do coke.
<Xeadin> A kobold wouldn't even live a full lifetime to hear an elf baby even go "coo" XD
<MisterSinister> Kobolds live their lives on Speed.
<MisterSinister> Gotta be productive!
<MisterSinister> POWER MINING!
<Xeadin> Yarrggg!
<UndeadKnave> FUCK YEAH!
<Xeadin> Power to the... Miners?
<MisterSinister> Power Thirst.
<MisterSinister> Youtube it.
<ObserverHavvy> ? Power Thirst
<MisterSinister> Then this will make sense.
<ObserverHavvy> Xeadin: Kobolds + Minecraft
<MisterSinister> Koboldcraft?
<Xeadin> lol
<Xeadin> Diamond orgies
<Xeadin> :P
<ObserverHavvy> Worker: Sir, a creeper is coming. Boss: Keep working! Worker: But it will kill some of our kind! Boss: I 
said keep working! *creeper explodes, killing some workers* *work continues without any other distraction*
<MisterSinister> LOL
<Axaj> lol
<Xeadin> So true
<MisterSinister> I wonder what kind of superweapons they would have in my DnD-world.
<Xeadin> Superweapons?
<ObserverHavvy> Without ever playing Minecraft, I just made a Minecraft joke. XD
<MisterSinister> Considering armies don't have (m)any people over 5th level, what's the craziest shit they could pull?
<MisterSinister> Like, the equivalent to the modern-day ICBM or supercarrier-class aircraft carrier.
<ObserverHavvy> Army of warlocks.
<Xeadin> Scepters rigged to cast Fireball at random intervals?
<MisterSinister> Basically a short-range catapult.
<Xeadin> Meteor Swarm spell gone wrong? XD
<MisterSinister> M-Swarm is out of army range for levels.
<Xeadin>  50 wands tied to a string, each one containing a Magic Missile-- hooked up to a repeating crossbow :D
<MisterSinister> A Gatling gun.
<Xeadin> Total Ownage
<MisterSinister> I'm trying to think up your city's military, and why it's so good.
<MisterSinister> My thoughts naturally tend to superweapons.
<Axaj> hmm
<Axaj> well, there's always the good ol' commoner-grappling-vehicle
<Axaj> get their army to come at you, and then zoom at their unprotected city
<ObserverHavvy> World suggestion: Clacks (Basically an automated unwired telegraph -- See "Going Postal" by Terry Pratchet for how they work in details.
<MisterSinister> Could you give me a summary?
<ObserverHavvy> Every 500 or so feet away, there is a tower made up of a lot of dangerous moving parts. It relays messages 
via flashing lights on and off. At first, they only worked at night, but due to an ingenious sergeant in the book before 
"Going Postal", "Monsterous Regiment", they learned that they can use different colors in the day time.
<MisterSinister> Ah, ok.
<MisterSinister> Think that can exist.
<MisterSinister> Consider it canon.
<ObserverStryker> Can we haz Wizard Guilds ala Fairy Tail?
<UndeadKnave> The clacks are semaphore towers.
<ObserverHavvy> Course they are expensive to maintain, so they only exist between the biggest of cities.
<ObserverStryker> ^ Question ^ is ^ up ^ there ^, thought of course not the exact same guilds as Fairy Tail
<ObserverStryker> though*
<MisterSinister> This city, being so uber, has three for intracity communication.
<MisterSinister> They're wealthy enough to afford it.
<MisterSinister> A Wizard Guild is fine.
<MisterSinister> Hell, have several if you want!
<ObserverHavvy> Oh, intracity isn't so expensive...
<UndeadKnave> But not, it seems, wealthy enough for teleportation circles.
<MisterSinister> Well, then each district is linked by those.
<MisterSinister> UK: TP Circle is a high-level spell.
<MisterSinister> For those, you need high-level people.
<MisterSinister> Who basically RUN cities like this.
<MisterSinister> Or alternatively, go off and fight planar threats.
<ObserverStryker> that's what I mean in Fairy Tail there is several Wizard Guilds, but it would be more like Magic Guilds, 
since very member has a unique magic... but there's enough homebrew for that
<ObserverHavvy> I can see an invocation or reserve spell being developed for clack towers.
<MisterSinister> Sure, multiple Magic Guilds exist.
<ObserverStryker> every*
<MisterSinister> Havvy: It would be something low-level.
<MisterSinister> Remember, most 'expert' individuals in the world are level 3.
<ObserverStryker> cool ima design them, in spare time
<UndeadKnave> Sending?
<MisterSinister> Level 5 is top of your field.
<MisterSinister> Sending is a true-3.
<ObserverStryker> this reminds me of Leziads Multi-user settign that never really got anywhere
<MisterSinister> So only huge experts could cast those.
<UndeadKnave> That's a bit high...
<Xeadin> Light then?
<Xeadin> A simple cantrip
<MisterSinister> Light works perfectly.
<MisterSinister> Any old mage school grad could do that.
<ObserverStryker> Average Mage Guild members level 4-3? Guild Masters being 6-7?
<UndeadKnave> Although, you could say that the reason they're so expensive is that they go through shit tons of scrolls daily.
<MisterSinister> Average guild members are level 1-2.
<MisterSinister> A master is 3-5.
<MisterSinister> And 5 would be like, the equivalent of Einstein.
<MisterSinister> Or Niels Bohr or whatever.
<ObserverHavvy> UndeadKnave: Or UU, where they spend a lot on food...or would if it wasn't bequethed to them.
<Xeadin> >.> This is one strange world we are about to partake in...
<ObserverHavvy> Anyways, gonna develop a reserve feat for clacks.
<UndeadKnave> Not the strangest.
<ObserverHavvy> Not the strangest by far.
<MisterSinister> Xeadin: Not at all strange.
<Xeadin> But that is what sandbox is :D
<UndeadKnave> In my world, it's actually possible to see the PC halo if you have one yourself.
<MisterSinister> As I said - do what you like.
<ObserverStryker> One Piece is probs the strangest world i've seen
<MisterSinister> I'm here to provide the world, and have it make sense.
<ObserverHavvy> UndeadKnave: Nice.
<ObserverHavvy> ObserverStryker: I've seen stranger.
<UndeadKnave> Actual quote from a game:
<UndeadKnave> "You walk into the office, and a goblin Cleric suddenly gains sentience. His PC Halo lights up.
<UndeadKnave> "
<MisterSinister> LOL.
<Xeadin> ...
<Xeadin> Okay
<UndeadKnave> They then passed on a caged Fire Alligator to the Guild worker.
<UndeadKnave> (an alligator made of fire)
<MisterSinister> Ok, guys, disappearing.
<MisterSinister> Thanks for all your hard work. :D
<ObserverStryker> seeya
<ObserverStryker> i'll have the stuff done soon enough
<ObserverHavvy> MisterSinister: Wait
<MisterSinister> Ok, waiting.
<MisterSinister> Seems good as a feat.
<Xeadin> Alrighty. Hightailing to bed. Good night
<ObserverStryker> also seems crazy weird but good
<ObserverStryker> seeya Xeadin, seeya MS
<ObserverHavvy> Seeya to those leaving.
<Xeadin> *poof*