User:Sasaisen/Kyudai (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Juudai
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Juudai Traits[edit]
- Type: Juudai are Humanoids with the Human and Shapechanger subtypes.
- Size: Juudai are Medium creatures, and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Base Speed: Juudai have a base land speed of 30 feet.
- Languages: Juudai speak Common, along with additional languages based on their Intelligence modifier.
- Eternal Hope: Juudai receive a +2 racial bonus to saves against fear and despair effects. Additionally, twice per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, they may reroll and use the second result.
- Stable Form: Juudai receive a +4 racial bonus to saves against polymorph and other form-altering effects, and may attempt a new save each round to end any such ongoing or permanent effects that affect them.
- Bonus Feat: Juudai possess one extra feat at first level.
- Discerning: Juudai receive a +2 racial bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
- Wild Tongue: Juudai possess the ability to converse with one category of animal, including monstrous versions thereof, as if they were under a continuous speak with animals effect.
- Skilled (Alternate Trait): Juudai gain four additional skill points at first level, and one additional skill point whenever they gain a level.
- Low-Light Vision: Juudai see twice as far as typical in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
- Juudai's Curse: While silver doesn't have as adverse an effect as with their kindred, it still proves extremely uncomfortable and distracting to a "pure" Juudai. Each round they are in contact with silver, including taking damage from a silvered weapon, and for one minute after contact ceases, they receive a -2 penalty to all skill checks except Acrobatics, Athletics, Creatures, Intimidation, and Perception. Additionally, any ability (such as spellcasting) that requires patience or concentration is interrupted unless they succeed on a DC 15 Focus check.