User:Snafusam/Nigel (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Snafusam (talk)
Date Created: 31-12-2013
Status: Work in Progress
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CR 39

Male Solar Angel Paladin 22/ Acolyte of the scythe 5/ Solar Angel 12
LG Large Angel/ Extraplanar subtype= Good
Init/Senses 9/Listen 34, Spot 34
Languages Celestial, Common, Dragonic, Dwarven, Elvin, Orcish
AC 40, touch , flat-footed
(10 +5armor +5shield +5dex+ -1size +12natural +4deflect)
hp (22d /5d /12d HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +33 (+4 vs poison)/+28/+24
Speed 50'land; 150' flying(good)
Space/Reach 10ft./10ft.
Base Atk/Grp +38/+48
Combat Gear Scythe holy avenger, Holy avenger, Icy Longbow
Abilities Str 22, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 19, Cha 21
Feats Alertness, Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, Power attack, Two-weapon fighting, Cleave, Great cleave, stealthy, deceitful
Possessions combat gear plus Dragonscale plate (+5 armor)
Perminant emination
Detect evil, Detect snares/pits, Discern lies, See invisibility, True seeing, Tongues
Spell-like abilities
1:aid, animate object, commune, remove fear
2:Continual flame, Invisibility
3:Remove disease, Lesser restoration, polymorph self, Summon monster 3, Speak with dead
4:Dimensional Anchor, Holy smite, Waves of fatigue
6:Power word stun
7:Greater dispel magic
Spells prepaired(as a paladin)
1:Silvered weapon, Divine sacrifice, Lantern light
2:Call mount, Eslanna's stew, Moment of clairity
3:Blessed sight, Mind bend, Smite heretic
4:Sword of concience, Sacred heaven, Glory of the Martyr

once a simple human paladin, after great feats of combat and divine quests this Scythe-wielding Solar angel is not one to be questioned. Easily mistaken for the harbringer of death, Nigels sense of good and right phylosophicaly baffles any DM for his former team-mates became a Lich and a Balor. Though the lich rightfully hid his true nature, The balor walked out in plain view and announced his unholy change! why this enforcer of rightousness did not slay him outright (and why the lich or balor never challenged him), we will never know.

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