User:Warriors4ever/3.5 Truespeak Effects/Utterances/3rd Level/Energy Negation (3.5 Truespeak Effect)
Energy Negation
Level: 3
Descriptors: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic (depending on which energy is chosen)
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Normal: This utterance grants your target resistance 5 to one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic).
Augment: The target gains 2 additional points of energy resistance (to the same element as chosen before) per 1 step this utterance is augmented.
Reverse: The subject of this utterance is wreathed in a nimbus of energy and takes 2d6 points of damage from the utterance each round. The energy can be acid, cold, electricity, or fire.
Augment: The reverse of this utterance (Energy Negation) may only be augmented in increments of 3. For every 3 steps this utterance is augmented, this utterance deals an additional 1d6 points of the previously selected energy damage.