Ronen Kine (3.5e NPC)

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Date Created: January 5, 2017
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Ronen Kine

CR 25

Male Patriarch Elan 4/ D'jed-Hai Wilder 19
LN Medium Aberration, Augmented (Mind Seed), Psionic
Init/Senses +10/Listen +35, Spot +35
Languages Common, Quori, and Riedran. Bonus Languages: See Tongue of Sun and Moon.
AC 44, touch 44, flat-footed 44
(+3 AC Bonus, +6 Dexterity, +1 Dodge, +8 Insight, +8 Natural, +8 Wisdom)
hp 346 (19d8 +4d10 HD); +205 hp, DR 10/-, Fast Healing 2
Immune all natural diseases, natural poisons, and possession
PR 27
Fort/Ref/Will +16/+16/+21
Speed 110; Swim 110
Melee Unarmed Strike +24 4d8 +13 (19-20) x3 All or
Melee Flurry of Blows +24/+24/+24/+19/+14

4d8 +13 (19-20) x3 All

Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +17/+24
Atk Options Fiery Fist, Greater Flurry of Blows, Quivering Palm, Stunning Fist, Unarmed Strike
Special Actions Bind Psyche, Martial Maneuvers, Psionic Powers.
Combat Gear Hat of Disguise, Vendalic Robes (MUE 33), Vendalic Tabi boots (MUE 33).
Power Points 465/466
Abilities Str 25 (+7), Dex 23 (+6), Con 23 (+6), Int 34 (+12), Wis 27 (+8), Cha 34 (+12)
SQ Abundant Step, Amphibious, Diamond Body, Diamond Soul, Elan Repletion, Elan Enhanced Resilience, Elan Resistance, Elude Touch, Improved Evasion, Ki Strike (Adamantine, Lawful, Magic), Psychic Enervation, Purity of Body, Slow Fall 80 ft., Still Mind, Superior Psionics, Surging Euphoria +2, Timeless Body, Tongue of the Sun and Moon, Volatile Mind/4 power points, Wholeness of Body, Wild Surge +6.
Feats D'jed-Hai Initiate; Dodge; Elan Resilience, Enhanced (CP 52); Empower Power; Epic Psionic Focus; Fiery Fist (PH II 79); Maximize Power; Mentor (DMG II 176); Mobility; Psionic Body; Psionic Mastery (CP 59); Psionic Meditation; Psychic Renewal (ToB 32); Spring Attack; Stunning Fist (DC 29, 22 uses/day); Superior Unarmed Strike (ToB 32); Swim-by Attack* (StrmW 94); Versatile Unarmed Strike (PH II 85). Ronen has a litany of bonus feats acquired from Fused class features of the Mind Seed entity (See History) and the deep crystal cave. *Bonus feat.
Skills Autohypnosis +35 (20r), Balance +35 (17r), Climb +24 (11r), Concentration +23 (10r), Craft (Shipmaking) +25 (8r); Diplomacy +39 (20r), Gather Information +23 (5.0r), Intimidate +32 (15r), Jump +32 (13r), Knowledge (Arch.& Eng.) +22 (5.0r), Knowledge (Geography) +22 (5.0r), Knowledge (History) +22 (5.0r), Knowledge (Local) +22 (5.0r), Knowledge (Nature) +24 (5.0r), Knowledge (Planes) +22 (5.0r), Knowledge (Psionics) +34 (15r), Knowledge (Religion, Path of Inspiration) +22 (5r), Listen +35 (22r), Martial Lore +38 (20r), Profession (Sailor) +35 (21r), Psicraft +39 (20r), Sense Motive +28 (15r), Spot +35 (22r), Survival +25 (10.0r)*, Swim +40 (19r), Tumble +28 (15r). (*) Cross class skill.
Possessions combat gear plus Potnia Nadadora: A Folding Foiled War Canoe with Everfull sails. The Folding Foiled War Canoe looks like a small wooden box—about 12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches deep. It can be used to store items like any other box. If a command word is given, however, the box unfolds itself to form a catamaran 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 2 feet in depth. A second command word causes it to unfold to a hydro-foiled trimaran (three hulled catamaran) 24 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 6 feet deep. Any objects formerly stored in the box now rest inside the boat or ship. A third word of command causes the boat or ship to fold itself into a box once again.

In its smaller form, the catamaran has one pair of oars, an anchor, a mast, and a lateen sail. The boat can hold four people comfortably. In its larger form, the trimaran is a moderately sized war canoe, with two outriggers for stability. It has a small stepped mast with a lateen Everful sail for sailing on open water as well as an advanced retractable hydrofoil system installed and designed by Ronen. Hydrofoils, or foils, increase the speed of a vessel drastically. A foil's shape and angle of attack generates lift (force generated perpendicular to flow) that is greater than the drag (force generated parallel to the flow) when moving through the water. This allows the trimaran to fly above the water, breaking free of the drag and rough ride of a board moving through the water. In essence, the multiplier for wind speed is nearly doubled. So when the wind multiplier is normally x1, the multiplier is now x2, a wind speed multiplier of x2 is now x3, and a wind speed multiplier of x3 is now x5. Foils must not be used in Severe strength or stronger winds as these forces will cause the foils to rip from the hull, resulting in the ship to founder. In it's larger form, the ship carries fifteen with ease.

Gargantuan vehicle; Seaworthiness +0; Shiphandling +2; Speed wind × 20 ft. (average), 40 ft. (average) with foils deployed; Overall AC –3; Hull sections 18 (sink 4 sections); Section hp 50 (hardness 5); Section AC 3; Rigging Sections 1; Rigging hp 60 (hardness 0), AC 1; Space 25 ft. by 10 ft.; Height 5 ft. (draft 15 ft.) When foils are deployed the height is 16ft. (draft 5 ft.); Complement 16; Watch 1; Cargo 3 tons (Speed wind × 15 ft. if 1 ton or more), Faint transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, Fabricate, creator must have 2 ranks in the Craft (shipmaking) skill as well as 5 ranks in Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), Market Price: 21,000 g.p. Silthilar* Grafts: Flexible Spine, Healing Blood, Improved (Bones +4, Muscles +5, Tendons +5). * See Silthilar Grafts (LoM 216-217).


A little over a millennia and a half ago, Ronaan was an Aventi orphan discovered after Inspired from the Harmonious Sail dispatched some Sahuagin slave traders; and decided his aquatic blood would be a perfect empty vessel for an Elan candidate. After he was translated into a "New made" Elan, Ronaneth served the Harmonius Shield as a Water Soldier.

Prior to the siege on Kasshta Keep in 702 AT (-100YK), the Inspired military devised a plan to create a super elan for the Edgewalkers by experimentimg with the Mind Seed power. They decided that Ronaneth with his aquatic traits would be the perfect candidate to meet the challenge. Ronaneth willingly agreed to this experiment with the hope of redeeming the il altas imprisoned inside him. In a high security kintam (Inspired military citadel), Ronaneth underwent procedures where he received several Silthilar grafts. Meanwhile, ten epic level Kalaraq Inspired (one Psion from each discipline, three Erudite Psions, and one Wilder who acted as the conductor for strategic reasons) formed a more powerful psionic entity using the Metaconcert power. Then this entity manifested Mind Seed on a willing Usvapna Inspired Wilder. After the Mind Seed successfully germinated, the Wilder was sent to Dor Maleer to gain more experience fighting creatures in the wild zones. When he returned as a 27th level Wilder, he and a 25th level Monk Fused. This fused being then manifested Mind Seed on Ronaneth as the final stage of this elaborate experiment; eventually granting him the powers and knowledge of a lesser version of the psionic entity formed by the series of Metaconcert and Fusion powers.

One day while on a mission outside his sentry tower, Ronaneth's strong psionic presence attracted two aboleths underwater off the coast of Dor Maleer and the Tashana Tundra in the Sea of Rage, and this is where things take a turn in Ronaneth's life. Having the prowess of such a powerful psionic entity housed in his mind the aboleths were unable to offer much of a fight to Ronaneth and he dispatched them. He learned their home was an underwater Deep Crystal Cave in the Tiiki river and he swam to its core to meditate in it knowing of such a cave's lore. He not only meditated for the eight hours required to receive the bonus feat, but he mediated for another four hours WITHOUT EVER HAVING FAILED A SAVE and gained the Patriarch template. After meditating those twelve hours, he pondered the validity of the Path of Inspiration and his efforts concluded it's evil nature which deprives a society of liberty. With this new knowledge and power, Ronaneth threw down his allegiance to the Inspired, becoming what the Dreaming Dark call a Rogue Shadow. He also changed his name to Ronen Kine.

Ronen abandoned his post with the Edgewalkers and sailed to a town called Saltmarsh located on the northwest corner of the horseshoe island of the Aventus islands inside the bay. He was led to this town because he acquired from an encounter with some sahuaguin a treasure map which once belonged to a pirate named, "Pigeye Pete". Ronen had plans to find the treasure and start anew. However, his plans were delayed the moment he arrived. Having no money and no place to stay, Ronen thought one of the bridges which had cutouts would be a decent shelter. Ronen encountered a hideous looking woman who was a vampire. Ronen defeated the vampire and made it retreat in gaseous form. He tracked it back to an abandoned mansion where he destroyed not only the vampire but it's denizens as well. He thought he was now clear to finding his treasure, but yet another challenge awaited him. Ronen then dominated the leader and the druids guarding the island and ordered them not to challenge him while he dug up the treasure. After recovering the pirate's extremely large fortune, Ronen set sail for the Lhazaar Principalities where his skills and racial features would help him fit in and stay unnoticed by Inspired diplomats.

Ronen now occupies the island of Trebaz Sinara to train his apprentice and start a resistance movement against the Inspired. His plan is to actively search out apprentices who, when ready, will perform a ritual where he/she will willingly become an Elan by defeating a Quori and imprisoning it in the mind of the apprentice. At which time Ronen then performs Mind Seed on the apprentice. After the seed germinates, Ronen frees that apprentice to fight the Inspired and Quori on their own and begins the search for another apprentice.

Combat and Tactics

As an Elan, Ronen has an indefinite lifespan, however he has an Astral Seed manifested should he ever meet an unforeseen fatal mishap during an Assassination on the Quori. Ronen's favorite tactic to dispatch a quori on Dal Quor (preferably a Dream Master Quori) involves preventing a quick getaway with Psionic Dimensional Anchor (DC 36) preventing any attempt by the Quori to teleport. The following rounds of combat involve Ronen using a move action to regain his psionic focus and then manifesting an empowered AND maximized Ego Whip (with Wild Surge) until the Quori is disabled. Immediately following a successful encounter, Ronen binds the psyche of the quori. This keeps Ronen actively fighting the Inspired and Quori. If Ronen is drawn into melee combat, he engages with his powerful unarmed strikes and flurry of blows.

Amphibious: Ronen is capable of breathing in both air and water. He also has a swim speed equal to his land speed. Ronen also has a +8 racial bonus to any swim check and can always choose to take 10 on a swim check even if rushed.

Bind Psyche (Ex): Ronen developed this technique from enduring the process of Elan making and combined it with the way an Erudite Psion learns discipline powers and commits them to his repertoire, as well as observing the initiation ritual of making a Quori Mindhunter (MoE 77). Ronen projects himself into a pocket dreamscape, on the edge of Dal Quor by manifesting Dream Travel. Ronen then causes the dreamscape to produce random psychic emissions (Psychic Beacon), enough to attract a nearby quori to investigate. When this happens, Ronen must disable the quori in combat. When Ronen disables a Quori (and only Quori can be bound in this manner), he gains additional power from it. He must begin by establishing mental contact (one round of meditation with psionic focus while making physical contact) with the quori victim within 10 minutes of the quori becoming totally disabled. Once contact is made, a Psicraft check (DC 15 + HD of the disabled Quori) is required to bind the quori's psyche. Finally, Ronen must leave Dal Quor and immediately expend his psionic focus to complete the binding. If Ronen is interrupted during this process, he can’t completely bind the psyche or gain the benefits. A quori that has been bound by Ronen cannot be restored to life through any means. There is no limit to the number of Quori psyches Ronen can bind in this fashion, but he only advances when Ronen binds a total number of Quori equal to his own Hit Dice and who has at least 10 HD, OR he can use that advancement energy to Mind Seed an individual. For example, Ronen can only advance by binding the psyches of 21 Quori who had at least 10 HD. Should Ronen choose to advance, Ronen's Hit Dice, his Manifester level (he does not add class features from any of his manifesting classes), and Charisma each increase by +1. He also adds power points to his reserve in the amount equal to the number of quori Ronen bound at his current level (this is in addition to any bonus power points Ronen may gain by his Charisma score increasing as well). His base saving throw bonuses improve according to his new Hit Dice. He gains additional skill points equal to 2 + his Intelligence modifier. Now whenever Ronen uses this bound energy to imbue another subject with his Mind Seed, that individual (once the seed is fully integrated) becomes a Wilder 15 (along with all the abilities of an 13th level Monk because of the Fused entity which manifested Mind Seed on Ronen), but does not acquire the Bind Psyche ability, nor the Patriarch template.

Elude Touch (Ex): Ronen’s intuition supersedes his intellect, alerting him to danger from touch attacks (including rays). He gains a +8 Charisma bonus to Armor Class against all touch attacks.

Mental Grip Maneuvers: (IL 17) Maneuvers Known 18, Readied 13, also known as D'jed-Hai: Forceful Blast, Great Tap, Hurl Self, Lift Self, Mental Might, Mighty Tap, Power Tap, Psionic Insight, Rage of the Poltergeist, Strength of Will, Telekinetic Razor, Telekinetic Warrior, Thought Shield.

Psionic Powers: (ML 23; with Wild Surge applied 29): Powers made permanent for Ronen through Incarnate are below.

1st Level Powers (DC 33): Conceal Thoughts; Detect Psionics; Know Direction and location

2nd Level Powers (DC 34): Detect Hostile Intent

3rd Level Powers (DC 35): Danger Sense1; Darkvision

4th Level Powers (DC 36): Detect Remote Viewing

5th Level Powers (DC 37)

6th Level Powers (DC 38)

7th Level Powers (DC 39)

8th Level Powers (DC 40)

9th Level Powers (DC 41)

  1. Ronen gains the benefits from Danger Sense as though he had augmented the power with 6 power points.

Psychic Enervation (Ex): Pushing oneself by invoking a wild surge is dangerous. Immediately following each wild surge, Ronen may be overcome by the strain of his effort. Ronen's chance of suffering psychic enervation is 30%.

When Ronen is overcome by psychic enervation, he loses 19 power points and becomes Dazed until the end of his next turn.

Repletion (Su): By spending 1 power point, Ronen can sustain himself for the next 24 hours without the need for food and water.

Resilience (Su): As an immediate action, Ronen can reduce the damage he is about to take by 4 points for every 1 power point spent.

Resistance (Su): As an immediate action, an elan can spend 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of his next turn.

Superior Psionics: (Ps): Ronen knows all powers from the Psion/Wilder Powers list, plus, all Psion Discipline Powers are known as well. This is because of the fused mental entity that manifested Mind Seed on Ronaneth. There is also a +10 bonus to the DC's of all powers manifested by Ronen due to the Metaconcert power manifested on the Psion who performed the Mind Seed on Ronaneth. Ronen also receives a +10 bonus to saves against all powers and psi-like abilities manifested against him.

Surging Euphoria (Ex): When Ronen uses his wild surge ability, he gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws for 5 rounds.

If Ronen is overcome by psychic enervation following his wild surge, he does not gain the morale bonus for this use of his wild surge ability.

Volatile Mind (Ex): Ronen’s temperamental mind is hard to encompass with the discipline of telepathy. When any telepathy power is manifested on Ronen, the manifester of the power must pay 4 power points more than he/she otherwise would have spent.

The extra cost is not a natural part of that power’s cost. It does not augment the power; they are simply wasted power points. Ronen’s volatile mind can force the manifester of the telepathy power to exceed the normal power point limit of 4 points. If the extra cost raises the telepathy power’s cost to more points than the manifester has remaining in his reserve, the power simply fails, and the manifester exhausts the rest of his/her power points.

Wild Surge (Su): Ronen can let his passion and emotion rise to the surface in a wild surge when he manifests a power. During a wild surge, he gains phenomenal psionic strength, but may harm himself by the reckless use of his power (see Psychic Enervation).

Ronen can choose to invoke a wild surge whenever he manifests a power. When he does so, he gains +6 to his manifester level with that manifestation of the power. The manifester level boost gives him the ability to augment his powers to a higher degree than he otherwise could; however, he pays no extra power point for this wild surge. Instead, the additional 5 power points that would normally be required to augment the power are effectively supplied by the wild surge.

Level-dependent power effects are also improved, depending on the power Ronen manifests with his wild surge.

This improvement in manifester level does not grant him any other benefits (psicrystal abilities do not advance, he does not gain higher-level class abilities, and so on).

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Facts about "Ronen Kine (3.5e NPC)"
AuthorEthereal1111 +
Challenge Rating25 +
Identifier3.5e NPC +
NameRonen Kine +
RacePatriarch Elan 4/ +
Rated ByDjedai1 +
RatingRating Pending +
SizeMedium +
SummaryA powerful Psionic character for use in the Eberron Campaign Setting. +
TitleRonen Kine +
TypeAberration, Augmented (Mind Seed), Psionic +