From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Pages using the property "Summary"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
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"Lol Media" + | Use the power of teh internets, or whatever passes for it in your setting, to make yourself appear more knowledgeable than you really are. + |
"Smith", the Spymaster + | A spymaster so good at concealing his identity he forgot himself. + |
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10-Foot Pole Proficiency + | Wield a 10-foot pole as a weapon. + |
100 Female NPC Names + | A chart with 100 first and last names for humanoid female NPCs. + |
100 Fists + | Increase the number of attacks from flurry of blows. + |
100 Male NPC Names + | A chart with 100 first and last names for humanoid male NPCs. + |
100 Traits + | A list of 100 character traits that's fairly different from the one in the DMG. + |
100% Deathball + | You create a dark purple or red orb of destruction + |
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20 Misfortunes + | 20 curse-like effects to add some flavor to traps, curses or other bad stuff. + |
24-Hour Gym + | Make any flat surface a door to a fully-equipped gym! + |
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3.5e Cleric Domain Preload + | <-- Summary of Domain --> + |
3.5e Equipment Preload + | + |
3.5e Flaw Preload + | <- Summary of trait -> + |
3.5e Grim Alterations + | Line of darkness damages enemies, more damage if lights have been absorbed +, Shadow on the ground causes those touching it to be slowed and damaged + |
3.5e Monster Instructions 2 + | A giant orc creature covered in horn plates. + |
341 Special + | You gain three moderate feats for one Very High feat + |
3D Maneuver Gear + | 3D maneuver gear is a belt of complex machinery, the 3D maneuver gear is a set of two-spring loaded grappling hooks that rapidly retract as well as pressurized gas powered jets for high speed movement. They provide "flight", provided there are surfaces to grapple onto. + |
3D Maneuver Gear Proficiency + | You can use [[3D Maneuver Gear (3.5e Equipment)|3D maneuver gear]] as more than just a pair of [[Hookshot (3.5e Equipment)|hookshots]]. + |
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5-Seconds Cooking + | The steak, the grain and the egg are in... now where did I put the carton of milk? + |
50/50 + | You always have a 50% chance of defending. + |
50/50 Coin + | A lucky coin that lets any game of chance be a 50% chance. + |
541 Special + | You gain five low feats for one. + |
5E Spelljammer + | This page is a conversion of the Spelljammmmer setting to 5E + |
5e Divine Domain Preload + | + |
5e Ring Preload + | + |