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Ranger, Tome (3.5e Class)

359 bytes added, 01:21, 17 February 2011
Class Features: Combat Style change
Once he reaches 4th level, the ranger may have a [[SRD:Magical Beast|magical beast]] as his companion, but it also must meet the normal CR requirement.
'''{{Anchor|Combat Style}}:''' A ranger selects creates his own combat style to pursue at 1st level, and keeps adding on to this style as he gains experience. At 1st, 6th, and 11th, and 16th level, he gains a [[Tome Combat Feats|Combat]] feat of his choosing as a bonus featfrom the following list: [[Combat School (3.5e Feat)|Combat School]], [[Hunter (3.5e Feat)|Hunter]], [[Point Blank Shot (3.5e Feat)|Point Blank Shot]], [[Sniper (3.5e Feat)|Sniper]], [[Subtle Cut (3.5e Feat)|Subtle Cut]], [[Two-Weapon Fighting (3.5e Feat)|Two-Weapon Fighting]], [[Weapon Finesse (3.5e Feat)|Weapon Finesse]], [[Zen Archery (3.5e Feat)|Zen Archery]]
'''{{Anchor|Tracker}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A ranger is possessed of an extraordinarily keen sense of smell, and is able to detect creatures by [[SRD:Scent|scent]] out to a distance of 10 feet per class level (this allows the distance of the ranger’s scent ability can exceed the norm of 30 feet, but otherwise follows all normal rules). In addition, the ranger also gains [[Track (3.5e Feat)|Track]] as a bonus feat at first level.

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