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Elder Bolts (3.5e Spell)

1 byte added, 01:24, 22 October 2017
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A basic spell taught to novices in the dark lore, with a simple invocation you call a surge of eldritch energy, creating 1 bolt per 3 caster level (maximum 3 at caster level 6th9th) of whitish-pink energy to seek out your target. You make a ranged touch attack with each bolt, each dealing 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier in pure magic damage. You may have each bolt target a different creature within range. Additionally each bolts count as having the [[SRD:Seeking|seeking]] and [[U-Turn (3.5e Equipment)|U-turn]] enhancement against targets with [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|dark insight]].
If cast in a 3rd level spell slot, this becomes Greater Elder Bolts. You fire 1 bolt per 2 caster level (maximum of 5 at caster level 10th).
If cast in a 8th level spell slot, this becomes Ancient Elder Bolts. You fire 1 bolts per caster level (include the bonus from Superior Elder Bolts).
''Madness Cost:'' 1

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