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Magic Rings[edit]

Name Cost Summary
Bone-Breaker Ring 25,000 gp Wearer of the ring can ignore DR and critical immunity of undead creatures.
Elven N'Sathii Ring 68,400 gp Provides a deflection bonus and resistance bonus, as well as specific bonuses against undead.
Felbin's Ring 12,000 gp When worn by a class that can turn undead, Felbin’s ring gives the wearer a +4 sacred bonus to turning checks and +2d6 turning damage.
Ring of Ancestor Speech 27,000 gp The wearer of this bone ring gains the ability to speak with corpses.
Ring of Control Undead 140,000 gp This ring allows the wearer to control up to 20 HD worth of unintelligent, corporeal undead per day.
Ring of Ebony Bolts 86,000 gp Emits a line of negative energy that deals 12d6 damage.
Ring of Severance 66,000 gp Creates a spectral hand that is corporeal and can be used as a normal hand within 30 feet of the caster.

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