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(Avacian Royal Vanguard)
(Avacian Royal Vanguard)
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Generally, the best soldiers in an army get promotions, get relegated to strategic positions behind the lines or cushy military outposts. Some refuse, and spend the rest of their days as grunts on the frontlines. In Avacia, those who refuse are given another, much more dangerous job. They are to be the vanguard.
Generally, the best soldiers in an army get promotions, get relegated to strategic positions behind the lines or cushy military outposts. Some refuse, and spend the rest of their days as grunts on the frontlines. In Avacia, those who refuse are given another, much more dangerous job. They are to be the vanguard.
===Becoming a Blood Knight===
===Becoming a Royal Vanguard===
Characters pursue this class for one reason: To live and die for the sake of battle itself. Typically a Blood Knight will value her physical stats above her mental, though it is not unheard of one fighting with her mental prowess. It is difficult, but not impossible, for anyone not already devoted to combat to join the ranks of the Blood Knight, so while a [[SRD:Rogue|Rogue]] is not unheard of joining, it is more likely that [[Fighter, Tome (3.5e Class)|Fighters]], [[Barbarian, Tome (3.5e Class)|Barbarians]], and especially [[Knight, Tome (3.5e Class)|Knights]] would pursue such a career, with the occasional [[Ranger, Tome (3.5e Class)|Ranger]] cropping up.
Characters pursue this class for one reason: To live and die for the sake of battle itself. Typically a Blood Knight will value her physical stats above her mental, though it is not unheard of one fighting with her mental prowess. It is difficult, but not impossible, for anyone not already devoted to combat to join the ranks of the Blood Knight, so while a [[SRD:Rogue|Rogue]] is not unheard of joining, it is more likely that [[Fighter, Tome (3.5e Class)|Fighters]], [[Barbarian, Tome (3.5e Class)|Barbarians]], and especially [[Knight, Tome (3.5e Class)|Knights]] would pursue such a career, with the occasional [[Ranger, Tome (3.5e Class)|Ranger]] cropping up.
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{| class="zebra d20"
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: The Blood Knight}}</div>
|+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: The Avacian Royal Vanguard}}</div>
<p>Hit Die: d12</p>
<p>Hit Die: d12</p>
Line 117: Line 117:
<!-- delete this table if the class has less than 10 pre-epic levels -->
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ {{Anchor|Table: The [[SRD:Epic Level Basics|Epic]] Blood Knight}}
! Level || Special
| 11th|| class="left" | [[#Truly Epic BAB|Truly Epic BAB]]
| 12th|| class="left" | [[#Epic Blood Knight Bonus Feat|Epic Bonus Feat]], [[#Eye on the Prize|Eye on the Prize 3/day]]
| 13th|| class="left" |
| 14th|| class="left" |
| 15th|| class="left" | [[#Epic Blood Knight Bonus Feat|Epic Bonus Feat]]
| 16th|| class="left" | [[#Eye on the Prize|Eye on the Prize 4/day]]
| 17th|| class="left" |
| 18th|| class="left" | [[#Epic Blood Knight Bonus Feat|Epic Bonus Feat]]
| 19th|| class="left" |
| 20th|| class="left" | [[#Eye on the Prize|Eye on the Prize 5/day]]
====Class Features====
====Class Features====
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===Campaign Information===
===Campaign Information===
====Playing a Blood Knight====
====Playing a Royal Vanguard====
'''Combat:''' In combat, you want to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and your opponents took all the gum. Go get your gum back.
'''Combat:''' In combat, you want to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and your opponents took all the gum. Go get your gum back.
Line 188: Line 162:
====Blood Knights in the World====
====Royal Vanguard in the World====
{{quote|Round One. Fight!|4=}}
{{quote|Round One. Fight!|4=}}
Line 196: Line 170:
'''NPC Reactions:''' NPCs that know what a Blood Knight is will generally attempt to convince the Blood Knight that there is something worth beating up far away from where they are right now. Usually, the NPC is right.
'''NPC Reactions:''' NPCs that know what a Blood Knight is will generally attempt to convince the Blood Knight that there is something worth beating up far away from where they are right now. Usually, the NPC is right.
====Blood Knight Lore====
====Royal Vanguard Lore====
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (History) or Knowledge (Warfare) can research Blood Knights to learn more about them.  When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (History) or Knowledge (Warfare) can research Blood Knights to learn more about them.  When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
Line 214: Line 188:
====Blood Knights in the Game====
====Royal Vanguard in the Game====
Blood Knights fit an Attacker and Striker role in Combat, and if they are not currently doing this, they find a fight and jump in so that they can.
Blood Knights fit an Attacker and Striker role in Combat, and if they are not currently doing this, they find a fight and jump in so that they can.

Revision as of 03:41, 26 July 2015

Author: [[User:Idkwhatmynameis|Idkwhatmynameis]] ([[User talk:Idkwhatmynameis|talk]])
Date Created: 25/3/10
Status: <-how close to completion->
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Avacian Royal Vanguard

We are the first.
—Dakkon Blackblade, Royal Vanguard

Generally, the best soldiers in an army get promotions, get relegated to strategic positions behind the lines or cushy military outposts. Some refuse, and spend the rest of their days as grunts on the frontlines. In Avacia, those who refuse are given another, much more dangerous job. They are to be the vanguard.

Becoming a Royal Vanguard

Characters pursue this class for one reason: To live and die for the sake of battle itself. Typically a Blood Knight will value her physical stats above her mental, though it is not unheard of one fighting with her mental prowess. It is difficult, but not impossible, for anyone not already devoted to combat to join the ranks of the Blood Knight, so while a Rogue is not unheard of joining, it is more likely that Fighters, Barbarians, and especially Knights would pursue such a career, with the occasional Ranger cropping up.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: While the idea of a Blood Knight might sound Chaotic and Evil, there is no reason that one has to be. The Purest of Blood Knights are True Neutral, existing for Battle and nothing else. A Blood Knight generally views her own Alignment as a guideline for which team to be on in a fight, and not very much else.
Base Attack Bonus: 10+
Special: A Knight of appropriate Knightly Order may waive any requirements.

Table: The Avacian Royal Vanguard

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Maneuvers
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 All Fighting, All The Time +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class
2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Life of Combat +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Bonus Feat +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Eye on the Prize 1/day +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class
5th +5 +4 +4 +4 I Have Not Yet Begun to Fight! +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class
6th +6 +5 +5 +5 Bonus Feat +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class
7th +7 +5 +5 +5 I Declare War. +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class
8th +8 +6 +6 +6 Eye on the Prize 2/day +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class
9th +9 +6 +6 +6 Bonus Feat +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class
10th +10 +7 +7 +7 Life May Cease, Battle Does Not +1 Level in Existing Martial-Initiator Class

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level.)
Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis) Psicraft (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Blood Knight.

Maneuvers: Every level in Blood Knight, you gain new Maneuvers or Stances as if you took a level in a class that already grants such an ability. If you did not already have such an ability, you may choose any three Disciplines and gain Maneuvers as a Warblade of your levels in Blood Knight using the Warblade's recovery method for your Maneuvers. If any of your chosen Disciplines' skills is not on the Blood Knight skill list, it is added to your list of Class Skills.

All Fighting, All The Time (Ex): At 1st level, you are considered to be in Combat whenever it would be advantageous for you. As a side effect, any time new creatures enter a situation, you are allowed to consider it a new encounter for any effects that can be used a limited number of times per encounter or which refresh at the start of an encounter.

Life of Combat (Ex): At 2nd level, you are never considered Flat-Footed for any reason and you act in any surprise round, taking actions as if it were a full round instead. In addition, the amount of time away from a fight to be considered out of the fight is only one round for you, instead of ten.

Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, you may choose a bonus Combat Feat. If you are not using Tome, you may choose a Fighter Bonus Feat that you qualify for, and levels in Blood Knight stack with levels of Fighter to determine if you qualify for a feat.

Eye on the Prize (Ex): At 4th level, a roll of a 1 on an Attack Roll or Saving Throw is no longer an automatic failure and is instead treated as a 1. Once per day, you may elect to treat the roll of 1 as a roll of 21 instead. You gain an additional use of this ability per day for every four more levels you have. (8th, 12th, 16th...)

I Have Not Yet Begun to Fight! (Ex): At 5th level, a Blood Knight is Immune to any status effects that would cause her to stop fighting, aside from dying. This does not make her immune to a compulsion that would order her to fight her allies, but it would stop a compulsion with an order to stand down.

I Declare War. (Ex): At 7th level, a Blood Knight can force open hostilities in all surrounding creatures. All creatures within 60' have their attitudes shifted to hostile towards whomever the Blood Knight designates. A Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 Blood Knight's ECL + STR) negates the effect. However, avoiding mob mentality is tough. If more than half the creatures in range fail their saves, the ones that didn't must make another save with the same DC +2 per each creature that originally failed.

Life May Cease, Battle Does Not (Ex): At 10th level, the Blood Knight stops aging and is never completely killed by any effect.

A week after being killed, the Blood Knight is brought back to life within 30' of her killer and must defeat the killer one on one, taking no actions counter to this objective. If the Blood Knight wins, she is free to act as she wishes. If slain in this battle, the Blood Knight returns again in one month to repeat the challenge.

Should her losing streak continue, she will return again in a year, then a decade, then finally once a century. If the killer dies in the intervening time, the Blood Knight challenges the closest living relative instead. When raised in this manner, the Blood Knight takes no penalty for the death(s).

The only other ways a Blood Knight may be revived are with a Wish or Miracle spell, or if the killer is subject to a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, or Limited Wish to remove the need to be challenged. In this case, the killer and his family are freed from being challenged; the Blood Knight is still revived on the next time she is scheduled, but may act according to her own wishes.

The epic Blood Knight gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Blood Knight feats) starting at 12th and continuing every three levels from then on. (15th, 18th, 21st...)

Truly Epic BAB: Unlike other classes taking on Epic levels, the Blood Knight is so focused upon fighting that her BAB continues to rise by 1 each level, though she does not obtain 5 or more iterative attacks by going beyond +20. This is in addition to the +1 Epic bonus for every odd level past ECL 20.

Epic Blood Knight Bonus Feat List: The Blood Knight may choose from the Epic Bonus Feat list of any class she has, adding her levels in Blood Knight to levels in that class to determine qualifications for these feats. She must meet the prerequisites for these Epic Bonus Feats.

Campaign Information

Playing a Royal Vanguard

Combat: In combat, you want to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and your opponents took all the gum. Go get your gum back.

Advancement: Anything that makes you kick more ass is a desirable way to advance, including more levels of Blood Knight.

Resources: Blood Knights are equally likely to fight each other as they are to fight alongside one another, and these situations are not mutually exclusive.

Royal Vanguard in the World

Round One. Fight!

Wherever there is Battle, there are Blood Knights, with almost no exceptions. (Most of said exceptions are pitifully small-scale skirmishes.)

NPC Reactions: NPCs that know what a Blood Knight is will generally attempt to convince the Blood Knight that there is something worth beating up far away from where they are right now. Usually, the NPC is right.

Royal Vanguard Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (History) or Knowledge (Warfare) can research Blood Knights to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (History) or Knowledge (Warfare)
DC Result
11 There are those in this world who fight for the sake of fighting.
16 Those people are called Blood Knights. They live for battle and can be found wherever there is a good fight.
21 It is said that if a war is not happening right now, a Blood Knight is getting one started.
26 Some Legendary Blood Knights do not stay dead, returning to face their killer in a duel to the death for the right to return to life.

Royal Vanguard in the Game

Blood Knights fit an Attacker and Striker role in Combat, and if they are not currently doing this, they find a fight and jump in so that they can.

Adaptation: If you can't find a place for guys and gals who go around starting fights because they want to find a good fight, nothing I can write here can really help you.

Sample Encounter: A very archetypal Random Encounter if there was one, just have an unnamed Blood Knight challenge the most visually imposing member of your party to a one on one fight.

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