User:Luigifan18/Mogeko (3.5e Race)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: October 12, 2015
Status: Currently undergoing emergency cleaning
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Where there is Mogeko, there is nightmare.

Mogekos are small cat-like creatures with a hedonistic and sociopathic society bent on kidnapping and subjugating other creatures.


It is a small wonder that the Mogeko species has survived for as long as it has. Slaves to their own dark passions, these hedonists have no ethical or moral constraints to their behavior. In other to keep from preying on their own, they instead prey on other species by luring them into their territory and stealing them away for their own purposes. Without the flow of other beings into their world, they would inevitably set upon themselves and tear themselves apart. As a result, their society is ruled by the strongest, who sets the tone for all other Mogekos to follow... or suffer the consequences.

On the whole, Mogekos consider themselves to be pieces of a single entity, and aren't too keen on the concept of individuality. Mogekos who subvert the norms of their culture are usually hunted down and executed; those who don't suffer this fate usually avoid it by fleeing from Mogeko society altogether, becoming exiles from the Mogeko realm.

Physical Description

Mogekos are roughly half as tall and heavy as humans, and most have yellow fur and black or red eyes. They generally have a rotund and stout build. They generally don't wear clothing, and have thin, curly, black tails. Their eyes rarely open, yet they don't seem to have any trouble seeing even when their eyes are closed. Their species is dominated by the male of their kind, likely a result of their barbaric natures making it difficult for females to survive to adulthood, or perhaps merely due to the nature of their genes. In any case, the females are nearly impossible to tell apart from the males (though Mogekos in general are hard to distinguish from one another).


Due largely to their love of kidnapping, the Mogeko race had long ago expended any good will with others. To escape from retaliation, they retreated to a demiplane known only as the Mogeko Plane. Thus, those seen outside of the Mogeko Plane are a rare sight, often outcasts of their kind who dare not return and have made their living as adventurers. The race as a whole largely survives only by the fortune that none have found a proper entrance to the Mogeko Plane, lest hordes of paladins storm in to cleave and smite all that they see in this blasted forgotten land.

Mogekos living on other planes are usually either unknown or mistrusted, and would do well to keep themselves inconspicuous lest they wind up lynched.

(The Mogekos themselves claim that they were created in the Mogeko Plane and have remained there for their entire existence, but such claims are rather sketchy, considering that if they've been on an isolated plane for their entire existence, they'd have no way to know of the existence of other races, and thus no incentive to, ahem, bother them.)


Mogekos are usually chaotic evil. Mogekos of good alignments are usually hunted down and executed.

Some good Mogekos manage to escape the Mogeko Plane and seek out livelihoods elsewhere; indeed, it is partially due to these refugees that other races know of the Mogeko at all. As for the refugee Mogekos themselves, many of them become adventurers. It's not like they have much room to be anything else; returning to the Mogeko Plane is both nigh-impossible and suicidal, and members of other races tend to mistrust them.


The Mogeko Plane is a bizarre and terrible place, a land of dark colors and dreadful cities built on the backs of kidnapped creatures from beyond their world. Here, King mogeko sits upon his throne, surrounded by all the self-indulgent pleasures he commands; the walls of his fortress, Mogeko Castle, are more than thick enough to drown out the screams of the Mogekos he executes for not following his strict and brutal regulations. The Mogekos seem to be completely unaware of how terrible their livelihood is, as despite the presence of a door that can serve as a one-way portal to any plane on the roof of Mogeko Castle, Mogekos rarely leave the Mogeko Plane, and those who do are usually refugees who don't fit the mold of Mogeko society and are smart enough to get out of dodge before they're declared "defective", hunted down, captured, and executed.


Perhaps as a mockery to the concept of religion, or perhaps due to the madness of their current king, those in the Mogeko Plane worship a deity of questionable origin known as "Lord Prosciutto". Those who do not are hunted down and executed (seeing a trend here?). The absurd nature of the deity contrasts sharply with the dark nature of the Mogekos themselves. Exiles, freed from this restriction, may choose to follow other gods or may abandon religion altogether.


Mogekos are fluent in Common, though they have a penchant for including verbal tics such as "moge".


Mogekos usually refer to themselves as "Mogeko" or "Moge-tan", though there is the occasional odd individual who takes a name from another race. Due to their distaste for individuality, though, Mogekos with names are rare.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -4 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom: Mogekos are frail and idiotic, but nimble and surprisingly perceptive.
  • Monstrous Humanoid (Anthro, Cat, Extraplanar): Mogekos are essentially humanoid cats, and live on their own plane, populated primarily by themselves. 
  • Small: As a Small creature, a mogeko gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –4 size penalty on special attack (bull rushes, grapples, overruns, and trips) checks, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but it uses smaller weapons than humans use, and its lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
  • Mogeko base land speed is 25 feet. Mogekos are almost capable of keeping up with Medium-sized creatures. Almost. (Mogekos who wear medium or heavy armor will have their speed reduced to 15 feet, just like a halfling or gnome.) 
  • Racial Skills: Mogekos have a +4 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, as well as a +2 racial bonus to Search checks; Mogekos are highly talented at finding things (and people), to the point where hiding from a dedicated Mogeko hunting party is next to impossible (though hiding from a single Mogeko is possible for brief periods of time). Mogekos also have a +12 racial bonus to Scent checks by virtue of having the scent special quality (see below). However, they take a −2 racial penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks, as they're too stupid to lie effectively, too small and cute-looking to be taken seriously when they try to threaten someone, and nobody likes them due to their kidnap-happy tendencies. 
  • Scent (Ex): Mogekos have a keen sense of smell, and can sniff out their prey with ease. They innately have the Scent special quality. They can detect a creature up to 60 feet away by smell (120 feet upwind, 30 feet downwind), and pinpoint a scent within 20 feet. 
  • Abduction (Sp): Once per year, a Mogeko can use gate, as the spell, to drag a creature from another plane to the Mogeko Plane (or whatever plane the Mogeko happens to be on). This ability only works on a creature that is currently sleeping (or in a sleep-equivalent state) and on some sort of currently-moving transport (such as a ship or carriage). A Mogeko can only choose a creature to abduct if it is currently scrying on the creature in question; otherwise, it abducts a random creature. When the subject wakes up, it is suddenly on the same plane as the Mogeko (though it might be on an illusionary copy of the transport, at the Mogeko's option). The subject generally winds up 1d10 miles away from the Mogeko who called it, in a random direction. The Mogeko has no control over the creature(s) it calls, but the called creature(s) are granted no special ability to return to their own plane; they must find a way home on their own. The Mogeko does not pay any XP cost for using this ability. The creature to be abducted is entitled to a Will save to avoid being dragged through the portal, and gets a +4 bonus on its saving throw if its CR is at least 2 more than abduction's caster level. If the would-be victim outright outclasses the Mogeko, abducting it will likely be next to impossible (if not actually impossible); if the victim's CR is at least 4 more than abduction's caster level, it gets a +8 bonus, and if its CR is at least 6 more than abduction's caster level, it can't be abducted at all. Even though a sleeping creature is usually considered to be willing to be subjected to an effect, Abduction is an exception to this rule; the victim is automatically considered unwilling. The caster level is equal to the Mogeko's character level, and the spell level is equal to ½ the Mogeko's character level, rounded down (minimum 1st, maximum 9th). The save DC is 10 + spell level + the Mogeko's Charisma modifier. 
  • Mind-Reading (Ps): Mogekos are natural-born mind readers, and can easily intuit a creature's motivations and desires. They are able to use empathy, as the power, at will. The manifester level is equal to the Mogeko's character level. The save DC is Wisdom-based. 
  • Misguided Worship: Because their "deity" is nothing more than smoked ham, Mogeko clerics and favored souls treat their Wisdom and Charisma scores as being 2 points lower than it actually is for the purposes of spellcasting and turning/rebuking undead. (This does not apply to their Mind-Reading and Abduction abilities.)
  • Automatic Languages: Common
  • Bonus Languages: Elven, Dwarven, Abyssal.
  • Favored Class: Barbarian or Ranger
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Vital Statistics

Table: Mogeko Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
12 years +1d4−1 +1d6 +2d4
Table: Mogeko Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
32 years 44 years 56 years +1d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Mogeko Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 2' 5" +1d8 90 lb. × (2d4) lb.
Female 2' 4" +1d8 85 lb. × (2d4) lb.

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