Ronen Kine (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Ethereal1111 (talk)
Date Created: January 5, 2017
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Ronen Kine

CR 25

Patriarch Elan Soulknife 13/Fighter 3/Monk 2
LN Medium Aberration, Augmented, Psionic
Init/Senses +13/Listen +20, Spot +20
Languages Common and Tal' Aaric. Bonus Languages: Manifested Psionic Tongues, [Incarnate].
AC 43, touch 42, flat-footed 37
(+6 Dexterity, +8 Insight, +8 Natural, +11 Wisdom)
hp 312 (16d10 + 2d8 HD); +210 hp, DR 10/-, Fast Healing 2
Fort/Ref/Will +13/+16/+17
Speed 70; Swim 70
Melee Standard Attack: +3 Deep Crystal Collision Mind Blade +25 2d6+18 (17-20) x3 piercing/slashing or
Melee Whirling Steel Strike +25/+25/+25/+20/+15 2d6 +18 (17-20) x3 piercing/slashing or
Melee Unarmed Strike +20 2d6+7 bludgeoning or
Melee Flurry of Blows +20/+20/+20/+15/+10

2d6 +7 bludgeoning

Ranged Throw Mind Blade +24 2d6+8 30' (17-20) x3 piercing/slashing or
Ranged Impale
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +13/+20
Atk Options Psychic Strike +3d8
Special Actions Flurry of Blows, Knife to the Soul, Martial Maneuvers, Psionic Powers, Unarmed Strike.
Combat Gear Mind Blade Resonator: This cylindrical eccosteel grip handle has Ronen's psicrystal inside and when mind blade is manifested through it using the channel power psicrystal ability, this mindblade does damage as if it were the same weapon but one size category larger because of the psionic energy in deep crystal. This item is made of eccosteel and combined with Ronen's psicrystal which is a deep crystal emerald has a market value 3,500 g.p.
Power Points 332/332
Ronen Kine. The Ultimate Scion.
Abilities Str 25 (+7), Dex 23 (+6), Con 23 (+6), Int 32 (+11), Wis 27 (+8), Cha 25 (+7)
SQ Amphibious, Elude Touch, Evasion, Free draw, Elan Enhanced Repletion, Elan Enhanced Resilience, Elan Resistance, Psychic Enervation, Shape Mind Blade, Superior Psionics, Surging Euphoria +1, Throw Mind Blade, Wild Surge +4.
Feats Elan Repletion, Enhanced° (CP 52); Elan Resilience, Enhanced° (CP 52); Elan Retainment° (CP 52); Greater Weapon Focus^ (Mind Blade); Improved Initiative°; Leadership (Score: 25)°; Maximize Power*°; Mental Juggernaut° (CP 56); Mind Cleave (CP 56); Mind Empowerment (CP 56); Mind Strike, Focused (CP 56); Mind Strike, Swift* (CP 57); Monastic Training* (ECS 57); Psicrystal Affinity^°; Psicrystal Containment*°; Psionic Body°; Psionic Meditation*°; Psionic Talent^; Psychic Renewal (ToB 32); Research° (ECS 59); Speed of Thought^; Sublime Inspired (Djedai); Tashalatora* Djedai (SoS 119); Toothed Blow (Stormwrack 94); Weapon Focus^ (mindblade); Whirling Steel Strike* (ECS 49). (*) Bonus Feat, (^) Class feature feat, (°) Feat acquired from Mind Seed entity.
Skills Appraise +21 (5.0r), Autohypnosis +35 (20r), Climb +17 (5r), Concentration +23 (10r), Craft (blacksmithing) +21 (5r), Decipher Script +21 (5r), Gather Information +19 (5r), Intimidate +17 (5r), Jump +24 (10r), Knowledge (Arch.& Eng.) +21 (5r), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +21 (5r), Knowledge (Geography) +21 (5r), Knowledge (History) +21 (5r), Knowledge (Local) +21 (5r), Knowledge (Nature) +21 (5r), Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) +21 (5r), Knowledge (Planes) +21 (5r), Knowledge (Psionics) +33 (15r), Knowledge (Religion, Path of Light) +21 (5r), Listen +20 (5r), Martial Lore +36 (20r), Psicraft +33 (15r), Sense Motive +18 (5r), Spot +20 (5r), Survival +14 (1.0r)*, Swim +25 (5r), Tumble +18 (5r), Use Magic Device +22 (10.0r)*. (*) Cross class skill.
Possessions combat gear plus : Ronen has sole control of a Deep Crystal Cave; Staff of Transmutation: This staff is made of opalized wood and is charged with the spell Polymorph Any Object which costs 2 charges to cast. This staff has recently been recharged and has 46 charges remaining, Market Price: 45,000 g.p.; Tome of Worldly Memory: Three times per day, this tome can grant a +5 competence bonus to any one Knowledge check. This takes one minute. If the user has over 5 ranks in the skill in question, this takes a standard action. Also, if the user expends his psionic focus on a specific Knowledge check, he gains a +5 bonus on that check. This gives Ronen, considering his age, a 75% chance to substitute any Knowledge check (up to DC 60) with an Autohypnosis Memorize check. Silthilar* Grafts: Healing Blood, Improved (Bones +4, Muscles +5, Tendons +5). * See Silthilar Grafts (LoM 216-217)


A little over a millennia ago, Ronen Kine was a Chosen of Reidran with Aventi blood. After he transitioned into a "New made" Elan he served for decades with the Harmonius Sail in a long war with the Sahuagin where he became known for being a both a leader and skilled mindblade duelist.

Prior to the conclusion of this war, the Inspired military conspired a plan to create a psionic super warrior or "Ultimate Scion" and decided Ronen was the perfect candidate. Ronen willingly agreed to this experiment with the hope of redeeming the il altas imprisoned inside him. So, in a high security military base, two of the Inspired's most powerful psionic beings (a 19th level Erudite Psion and a 19th level Wilder) Fused. Then in series with eight other psions present, manifested Metaconcert to form a superior psionic being. This being (led by the Erudite) then manifested Mind Seed on Ronen; eventually granting him the powers and knowledge of a lesser version of this entity, but permanently housed in a formidable Soulknife would prove legitimate for the title "Ultimate Scion". He proved quintessential in the abrupt ending of that war and it was then the Inspired birthed the idea to invade Adar via the Vulpana falls. It was his strong psionic presence that soon attracted two aboleths during some underwater training for this mission is where things take a turn in Ronen's life. Having the prowess of an epic psionic entity housed in his mind the aboleths were unable to offer much of a fight to Ronen and he enfeebled and dominated their minds to reveal their hidden secrets before dispatching them. He learned their home was a Deep Crystal Cave and he swam to its core to meditate in it knowing of such a cave's lore. He not only meditated for the eight hours required to receive the bonus feat, but he mediated for another four hours WITHOUT EVER HAVING FAILED A SAVE. After meditating those twelve hours, he pondered the validity of his efforts and the Path of Inspiration and concluded it's evil nature and gained the Patriarch template. With this new knowledge and power Ronen threw down his allegiance to the Inspired and made a pilgrimage to Adar, more specifically the Temple fortress of Tashalatora. There he was treated as an outcast for centuries before having earned their respect by proving himself in battle against the Inspired. As a reward, Ronen was trained in the monastic order by the Tashalatora masters for a time before he left to assist his "real" people, the Aventi. He swam to the Aventus islands and even though he had been transitioned into an Elan, Ronen eventually rallied the Aventi tribes on the Aventus Islands and drove the Inspired from its shores. He was given the title of Knight from the Aventi king and charged with protecting the land of the Aventus island north of the horseshoe island.

As an Elan, Ronen has an indefinite lifespan, however he has devised a method to maintain his youth as well as adapt to his local environment. He has acquired a book on the physiology of the Aventi and staff of transmutation which can cast Polymorph Any Object. Every 360 years or when Ronen has achieved 19 HD, he chooses one of the dolphins he raises for transmutation into an Aventi or younger version of himself. The new Aventi now undergoes several graft operations before a Mindjack is initiated if he needs use of the younger body or Ronen makes another Djedai Knight followed with a Mindjack maneuver to reinforce his growing army. This keeps him actively fighting the Inspired and Sahuagin until they are completely vanquished.

Combat and Tactics

Amphibious: Ronen is capable of breathing in both air and water. He also has a swim speed equal to his land speed. Ronen also has a +8 racial bonus to any swim check and can always choose to take 10 on a swim check even if rushed.

Elude Touch (Ex): Ronen’s intuition supersedes his intellect, alerting him to danger from touch attacks (including rays). He gains a +7 Charisma bonus to Armor Class against all touch attacks.

Impale: Whenever an opponent fails a save against Control Body, Ronen uses his psicrystal mindblade to move itself to strike at speed 50. This action performs as a Coup de' Grace.

Mental Grip Maneuvers: (IL 17) Maneuvers Known 17, Readied 12, also known as Djedai: Forceful Blast (x2), Great Tap, Hurl Self (x2), Hurl Weapon, Lift Self, Mental Might, Mindjack, Psionic Insight, Rage of the Poltergeist, Telekinetic Warrior.

Psicrystal Info : Int: 16, Nimble personality (+2 Init. checks), Channel power, Power Resistance 23.

Psionic Powers: (ML11) Unique Abilities/Day: 6. Powers gained through level progression are below.* Powers made permanent for Ronen through Incarnate:

  1st Level Powers:  Attraction; Conceal Thoughts*; Detect Psionics*; Energy Ray; Mind Thrust; Missive; Synesthete
  2nd Level Powers:  Body Equilibrium; Cloud Mind; Detect Hostile Intent*; Missive [Mass]; Tongues* [Psionic]
  3rd Level Powers:  Body Purification; Danger Sense*; Darkvision* [Psionic]; Dispel Psionics; Ubiquitous Vision
  4th Level Powers:  Correspond; Detect Remote Viewing*; Energy Adaptation; Psychic Reformation
  5th Level Powers:  Adapt Body; Incarnate; True Seeing [Psionic]
  6th Level Powers:  Aura Alteration; Cloud Mind [Mass].

Psychic Enervation (Ex): Pushing oneself by invoking a wild surge is dangerous. Immediately following each wild surge, Ronen may be overcome by the strain of his effort. Ronen's chance of suffering psychic enervation is 59%.

When Ronen is overcome by psychic enervation, he loses 11 power points.

Repletion (Su): Ronen does not need to eat or drink.

Resilience (Su): As an immediate action, Ronen can reduce the damage he is about to take by 4 points for every 1 power point spent.

Resistance (Su): As an immediate action, an elan can spend 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of his next turn.

Superior Psionics: All Psion Discipline Powers are known and committed to Ronen's repertoire; this is because of the mental entity that manifested the Metaconcert and Mind Seed powers on Ronen. This entity causes Ronen's powers to have a +9 added to the DC of any power manifested by Ronen due to the number of members (fused Erudite/Wilder counts as one mind) of the Metaconcert. He also receives a +9 Bonus on all saves against powers and psi-like abilities targeted against him.

Surging Euphoria (Ex): When Ronen uses his wild surge ability, he gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws for 4 rounds.

If Ronen is overcome by psychic enervation following his wild surge, he does not gain the morale bonus for this use of his wild surge ability.

Wild Surge (Su): Ronen can let his passion and emotion rise to the surface in a wild surge when he manifests a power. During a wild surge, he gains phenomenal psionic strength, but may harm himself by the reckless use of his power (see Psychic Enervation).

Ronen can choose to invoke a wild surge whenever he manifests a power. When he does so, he gains +4 to his manifester level with that manifestation of the power. The manifester level boost gives him the ability to augment his powers to a higher degree than he otherwise could; however, he pays no extra power point for this wild surge. Instead, the additional 4 power points that would normally be required to augment the power are effectively supplied by the wild surge.

Level-dependent power effects are also improved, depending on the power Ronen manifests with his wild surge.

This improvement in manifester level does not grant him any other benefits (psicrystal abilities do not advance, he does not gain higher-level class abilities, and so on).

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Facts about "Ronen Kine (3.5e NPC)"
AuthorEthereal1111 +
Challenge Rating25 +
Identifier3.5e NPC +
NameRonen Kine +
RaceElan +
Rated ByDjedai1 +
RatingRating Pending +
SizeMedium +
SummaryA formidable psionic NPC. Integrated into the Eberron Campaign Setting. +
TitleRonen Kine +
TypeAberration, Augmented, Psionic +