3.5e OGL Rings
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Magic Rings
Name | Cost | Summary |
Bone-Breaker Ring | 25,000 gp | Wearer of the ring can ignore DR and critical immunity of undead creatures. |
Elven N'Sathii Ring | 68,400 gp | Provides a deflection bonus and resistance bonus, as well as specific bonuses against undead. |
Felbin's Ring | 12,000 gp | When worn by a class that can turn undead, Felbin’s ring gives the wearer a +4 sacred bonus to turning checks and +2d6 turning damage. |
Ring of Ancestor Speech | 27,000 gp | The wearer of this bone ring gains the ability to speak with corpses. |
Ring of Control Undead | 140,000 gp | This ring allows the wearer to control up to 20 HD worth of unintelligent, corporeal undead per day. |
Ring of Ebony Bolts | 86,000 gp | Emits a line of negative energy that deals 12d6 damage. |
Ring of Severance | 66,000 gp | Creates a spectral hand that is corporeal and can be used as a normal hand within 30 feet of the caster. |
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