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Joined 11 November 2016
Revision as of 21:50, 16 March 2017 by Aeturo (talk | contribs)

Saying Hello

Hello everybody! I got tired of looking at the red link whenever I did anything so I figured I'd say something here now that I'm attempting to start homebrewing. I've only just started homebrewing so be as harsh as you can so I know what I'm doing wrong.

Just to get this out of the way so I stop feeling the urge to say it whenever I have the chance to talk to one of y'all: I use your content in every one of my games, so here's my shoutout to all the creators on the wiki. I love this wiki and (almost) everything on it.

Fun Fact: I'm probably a contender for youngest person on this wiki from the various ages I've heard. There's content on here from when I was 9. Been playing for 4 years, DMed most of those games. Mostly 3.5 but also SW Saga, PF, and 5e D&D.

My Stuff

