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Master Biomancer (3.5e Prestige Class)

Revision as of 05:24, 9 July 2017 by Enigma (talk | contribs) (An prestige class for the unique biomancer class, some upgrades and access to fitting homebrew spells and some new toys that match the flavor. Under construction clarity edits only please.)
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Author: Enigma (talk)
Date Created: July 7th 2017
Status: Under Construction
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<A highly select number of Biomancers posses the drive and aptitude to push their abilities far enough to become Master Biomancers. Master Biomancers are adept at shaping life on a cellular level and excel at mixing life forms and creating new life, new abilities, and new possibilities. They are highly adaptable and limited only by their will and imagination. >

<-Master Biomancer->

A highly select number of Biomancers posses the drive and aptitude to push their abilities far enough to become Master Biomancers. Master Biomancers are adept at shaping life on a cellular level and excel at mixing life forms and creating new life, new abilities, and new possibilities.They are highly adaptable and limited only by their will and imagination.

Becoming a Master Biomancer

There are many skilled Biomancers, becoming a Master Biomancer requires a drive to do something out of the ordinary in addition to displaying skill. A biomancer who has research goals beyond that of his colleagues will display the drive required to become a Master Biomancer. Improving upon nature in ways none before have thought of.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Good only.
Base Attack Bonus: Base Attack Bonus +7.
Race: Any Race
Skills: Heal: 8 Ranks, Knowledge(Nature): 8 ranks
Special: INT 20 or higher.
Table: The Master Biomancer

Hit Die: d8

Level 1 Base
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st 0 2 0 2 Cytoplasm I, Somatic Fusion, Bonus Feat +1 Level of existing Biomancer class
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Cytoplasm II +1 Level of existing Biomancer class
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Cytoplasm III, Bonus Feat +1 Level of existing Biomancer class
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Cytoplasm IV +1 Level of existing Biomancer class
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Cytoplasm V, Bonus Feat +1 Level of existing Biomancer class

Class Skills (3 + Int modifier per level.)
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Ride (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Master Biomancer.

As you level up as a Master Biomancer you continue to level up as normal as a Biomancer as well. You cast spells as a Biomancer does, but add the following spells to your options.

1st—Acid Geysers, Continuous Cure Wounds , Spider Calling

2nd—Tongue Serpent, Lifebreath, Ooze Whip.

3rd—Bull's Strength Greater, Eagle's Splendor, GreaterHaste, Greater Cure Deadly Wounds.

4th—Create Life, Asepsis, Mass, Bone Shape.

5th—Greater Heal, Art of the Gigantes, Cryostasis.

Class Features

A Master Biomancer has two main abilities that grow as they level up.

Somatic Fusion

The Master Biomancer has an incredibly in depth knowledge and control of life on a cellular level, this allows her to fuse two creatures into one being. As two creatures, it gains class levels/hit dice and all abilities of the classes of each of the two creatures that fused and the better of each mental ability score from the two creatures. In addition to this, all of the creature's physical ability scores add toward each corresponding score total to the new score while in the fusion. Creatures also gain both spell lists from each class or, if spell types differ, gains spells per day and known spells for each class type. If class types are the same upon fusion, the spells per day (and known spells if known) stack. Natural armor bonuses from both creatures stack as well. Both creatures must be willing. This fusion lasts for 1d4 + INT modifier rounds, the biomancer must make a DC 15 concentration check. The Biomancer has some control over the appearance of the fused being, and chooses which of the two are in control of the body. After the fusion ends, both creatures become fatigued. If the Master Biomancer attempts to fuse fatigued creatures there is a +2 DC penalty on the concentration check.

Cytoplasm Capsules

The Master Biomancer is capable of conjuring a strange magically charged Cytoplasm in the form of a large pod. This bioluminescent, highly nutritive plasm is perfect for a variety of Biomancy tasks. Primarily, it can be used to encase and protect subjects. As a standard action, a Cytoplasm Pod can be generated up to 50 feet away from the caster. A standard pod has a hardness of 25 and 50 HP, the high nutritive state gives a +3 bonus to STR and cures ability damage and poison/disease. If an unwilling target is targeted they can make a Reflex save to negate, and if captured may attempt to escape or break the pod using an appropriate skill. An unwilling creature caught in a pod still benefits from the nutritive environment once broken out.

Cytoplasm Capsules come with an upgrade at every level

Cytoplasm I

At first level the Cytoplasm pod gains the ability to make a fusion state permanent. This takes 1d4 days to complete and each day the Master Biomancer's entire Microbe touch point total must be used on the pod. Once complete, the fused being is considered a single being (and thus could be subjected to further fusions). If this technique is used the minds of the creatures fuse together as well as the body.

Cytoplasm II

+ 20 hardness + 40 HP

Cytoplasm III

A pod may be generated as a swift action

Cytoplasm IV

Pods may be used to halve the time and gold required and remove the XP cost of: Clone, Create Life, and other spells which grow living tissue/creatures.

Cytoplasm V

Fresh (no older than one day) corpses may be contained in pods and kept alive if fused with another creature within 24 hours.

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