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User:Franken Kesey/Lab2

< User:Franken Kesey
Name Minimum
Class Level
Dice Healing1
10th 20th Max Max Slot/PP
Magic Healing
2 Cure Moderate Cleric 3 2d8 +1/level (max +10) 19 19 34 7
3 Cure Serious Cleric 5 3d8 +1/level (max +15) 23.5 28.5 47 8
4 Cure Critical Cleric 7 4d8 +1/level (max +20) 28 38 68 9
5 Mass Cure Light Wounds Cleric 9 1d8 +1/level (max +25) 14.5 24.5 28 8
6 Mass Cure Moderate Wounds2 Cleric 11 2d8 +1/level (max +30) 29 36 9
6 Heal Cleric 11 10/level (max 150) 150 150 6
Psionic Healing
2 Body Adjustment3 Psychic Warrior 4 1d12 +1d12/2 extra pp 26 58.5 108 19
2 Body Adjustment4 Wilder 6 1d12 +1d12/2 extra pp 32.5 71.5 144 25
2 Empathic Transfer5 Psychic Warrior 4 2d10 +2d10/1 extra pp (max 10d10) 55 55 150 7
2 Biological Reconstruction Egoist 3 2d6 +1d6/2 extra pp 17.5 21 60 19
3 Healing Wave Egoist 5 1d4 +1d4/3 extra pp 5 7.5 16 17
  1. Average at 10th and 20th levels without feats. Max is at 20th level with empower and maximize feats. Max spell slot or PP cost.
  2. Max only with maximize feat (w/o empower), no spell slot over 9th.
  3. For a Psychic Warrior, Psion heals less.
  4. For Wilder with wild surge.
  5. For a Psychic Warrior, Egoist gets it at lower level (both heal the same damage). This damages the manifester one half the amount.

Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 07/01/19
Status: Fin
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Healing Wave
Psychoportation (Teleportation)
Level: Egoist 3, Psyblade 3, Wildknife 3, ,
Display: Visual; see text
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10' radius
Area: 10' radius emanation, centered on you.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will (harmless) for half (if undead); Reflex negates dazzle
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 5

Shift a tiny portal of the positive energy plane into a blinding light that bursts outwards from you healing all in area and dazzling all who see it shortly after.

Positive healing energy bursts from you. This heals all living creatures in area, 1d6 hit points of damage; including the manifester and enemies. However, it dazzles all in area who fail the Reflex save until next round (except manifester); and deals 2 points of Constitution ability burn to the manifester.

Like heal and cure spells, this does harm undead. They must make the Will save to take half damage.

This is simple positive energy, thus it does heal all other creatures (except constructs).

Augment: You can augment this power in one or more of the following ways.

  1. For every 3 additional power points you spend, this power heals an additional 1d6 points of damage (to a maximum of 4d6 points per manifestation).

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