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Arachnopithecus (3.5e Race)

Revision as of 21:16, 31 October 2024 by The bluez in the dungeon (talk | contribs) (Racial Traits)

Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 17th October 2024
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Arachnopitheci are fascinating creatures, hybrids of monkeys and spiders, that inhabit the dense forests of the world. Equipped with four agile arms and a tail that acts as a web-slinger, they are skilled climbers and hunters. Their hybrid nature grants them unique versatility, allowing them to move gracefully among the trees and weave intricate intrigues within their communities. They are known for their cunning and ability to create traps and deceptions, using their environment to their advantage, making them formidable opponents for anyone who dares to invade their territory.

History and Origins

It is said that the arachnopitheci are the result of arcane experiments conducted by an ancient wizard, who sought to combine the agility and intelligence of monkeys with the dexterity and secrecy of spiders. More likely, the first arachnopitheci evolved in dark forests as descendants of the ancestors of the girallon, sharing some traits with them.

Their evolution was influenced by environmental changes and by observing the creatures inhabiting their habitat. Over time, these beings formed tribes, developing their own culture and honing their skills in camouflage and the art of hunting.

Physical Description

Arachnopitheci are lean and agile creatures, with a body structure similar to that of monkeys, but with distinctive traits reminiscent of spiders. They have fur that ranges in color from dark brown to black and green, allowing them to blend perfectly among the leaves of trees, especially at night, although occasional bluish, cream, gray, white, or silver fur can appear. Their four long, muscular arms are extremely versatile, enabling them to grasp firmly and execute quick and agile movements. Their long, flexible tail serves as both an offensive and defensive tool: they can use webs to trap prey or hinder opponents, creating a safety net around their territory, in addition to using it to grasp branches or hold small objects. Their four multifocal eyes, shining in a vivid golden hue, provide them with exceptional night vision, allowing them to explore and hunt even in the dark.

Personality and Alignment

Arachnopitheci are known for their sharp intelligence and cunning nature. They are curious and clever creatures, often inclined towards strategy and planning rather than impulsive action. This mindset makes them skilled negotiators and manipulators, capable of using their wits to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence.

Arachnopitheci tend to lean towards neutrality or chaos, not out of malice, but due to a worldview that prioritizes freedom and independence. Their loyalty is primarily directed towards their tribe and family rather than rigid ideologies.

Customs and Society

The society of arachnopitheci is organized into tribes, each with its own traditions and rites. Their customs reflect their connection to nature, using plant fibers and hides from hunted animals to create clothing adorned with tribal symbols. Cultural celebrations are often linked to the lunar cycle and animal life; during these occasions, they tell stories, dance, and share the wisdom of their ancestors.

Social hierarchy is based on skills and wisdom: the most experienced, such as hunters and druids, are respected and consulted for important decisions. Social cohesion is fundamental, and every tribe member is encouraged to contribute to the collective well-being.

Lands and Relations

Arachnopitheci inhabit dense, inaccessible forests, where they build shelters among the trees using webs to reinforce their homes. This environment naturally makes them reclusive, protecting their territory from intruders.

Although they are generally isolated, they may interact with other races, but their distrust leads them to establish relationships only with those who show respect for their land. These encounters can lead to trade exchanges, but only if intentions are clear and sincere. Arachnopitheci prefer to maintain their autonomy, fiercely defending their resources against those who seek to exploit them.

Religion and Spirituality

The spirituality of arachnopitheci is deeply connected to nature and the forces governing it. They venerate guardian spirits of the forests and practice rituals to maintain harmony with their environment. Their religion is animistic, and ceremonies are often dedicated to entities linked to animals and plants. The tribe's druids play a crucial role, serving as mediators between spirits and the community, responsible for maintaining balance between natural forces and the Arachnopitheci themselves.

Some tribe members also offer their worship to deities of trickery or to spider deities, such as Lolth, the famous deity of the dark elves. However, this does not necessarily imply intrinsic malice; rather, it reflects a less monochromatic view of their deity's sphere of influence. Their religious practices are varied and flexible, allowing each individual to find their own spiritual path.

Their clerics can usually choose from the following domains: Animal, Arachnomania, Hunt, Chaos, Knowledge, Fate, Trickery, Lunar, Plant, Planning, Spider, and Travel.

Language and onomastics

Arachnopitheci speak a melodic language, rich in whispered sounds and clicks, reflecting their stealthy and cunning nature, derived from Sylvan and considered a dialect of it. This language is often accompanied by gestures and movements of the arms, making it particularly expressive.

The names of arachnopitheci tend to be composed of soft, repetitive syllables, reflecting their connection to nature and the creatures inhabiting it. Often, names include references to animals or elements of the forest, symbolizing the qualities each individual wishes to emulate.

Arachnopitheci, sometimes derogatorily called "spider-monkeys," use the term "nanshiri" to define themselves.

Typical male names:

Kalthar - means "cunning" and reflects the cleverness of the bearer.

Threkka - represents "the acrobat," in honor of their abilities to move among the trees.

Vragor - derived from "strength," often given to the tribe's warriors.

Zyren - symbolizes "the hunter," a common name among explorers.

Typical female names:

Sythra - means "silent serpent," representing stealth and grace.

Lirwen - represents "shining moon," a popular name for druids.

Fyrala - derived from "silver spider," symbolizing beauty and weaving skill.

Kelara - means "capable," often given to tribe leaders.

Typical nicknames:

Spiderdance - for those excelling in the art of dancing among the trees.

Goldeye - a nickname for those with exceptional and intuitive vision.

Nighthunter- used for warriors who hunt at night.

Webweave - for individuals skilled in weaving webs.

Tribes names:

Dark Branches Tribe - famous for their camouflage skills.

Celestial Knots Clan - known for their spiritual practices related to the moon.

Silent Shadows Clan - renowned for their stealth tactics.

Webhunters Tribe - celebrated for their hunting skills and connection to nature.

Racial Traits

  • +4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence: The combination of their spider aspect and monkey anatomy makes arachnopitheci very agile, as well as highly intelligent.
  • Magical Beast: As relatives of the girallon, arachnopitheci have incredible abilities that set them apart from other beasts. 
  • Small: As a Small creature, an arachnopithecus gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –4 size penalty on special attack (bull rushes, grapples, overruns, and trips) checks, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but it uses smaller weapons than humans use, and its lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
  • Arachnopithecus base land speed is 20 feet. They also have a climb speed of 30 feet. This gives them a +8 bonus on Climb checks, as well as any other benefit from a climb speed. 
  • Darkvision: An arachnopithecus can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and an arachnopithecus can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Low-Light Vision: An arachnopithecus can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. 
  • Four-armed: The unique anatomy of arachnopitheci allows them to manipulate multiple objects. Although all of their arms are equally developed, coordination prevents them from effectively using all of them simultaneously for manipulating any object. Instead, while all arms can hold one object each, only two per turn can actually use the objects held. When fighting with two weapons, they can wield one-handed weapons as if they were light weapons, assisting one of their arms with the other arm on the same side, which cannot hold another object. This ability does not extend to two-handed weapons, as these must be held with arms on opposite sides of the body, and a second weapon in the lower arms interferes too much with the first weapon. 
  • Webspinner Tail (Ex): The tail of arachnopitheci produces a web similar to that of a spider, which is used for various purposes, but primarily as a weapon. As a standard action, an arachnopithecus can launch a strand of webbing with a range of 20 feet, hitting with a touch attack. If successful, the opponent is entangled but can free themselves and move at half their normal speed using a full-round action to make a Strength or Escape Artist check with a DC of 15. An arachnopithecus can use its web as a grappling hook, with a range of 30 feet, and with a Use Rope check (DC is 5, +2 for every 10 feet of distance it is thrown). The tail is also precise enough to be used as a fifth arm, though it may merely hold light objects, but not use them effectively. If an item is held by the tail, the arachnopithecus may retrieve it as a swift action, or pass it from hand to tail. 
  • Arboreal: Like many primates, arachnopitheci can travel quickly from branch to branch thanks to their acrobatic skills. They receive the BrachiationCAdv feat for free even if they don't meet the requirements. 
  • Spider Fangs (Ex): Arachnopitheci possess a pair of powerful fangs that, like those of a tarantula, can inject partially paralyzing venom. They have a natural weapon in the form of a bite that deals 1d6 piercing and bludgeoning damage, critical x2. Additionally, once per day, they can inject their venom into a creature damaged by the bite who must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC is 15) or be numbed for a minute. Its base speed is reduced by 10 feet, and it cannot fly if it uses wings to do so; it suffers -1 to all attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saving throws. It can't make attacks of opportunity. A creature immune to poisons or paralysis is immune to this poison, and a creature that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to it for the next 24 hours. 
  • Racial Hit Dice: Arachnopitheci have two Magical Beast Hit Dice that grant 2d10 HD, a base attack of +2, and saving throws of Fortitude +3, Reflexes +3, and Will +0. 
  • Racial Skills: Their racial hit dice grant them 2 + Int skill points per hit die, multiplied x4 to the first HD. Their skills are Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature), Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Tumble, and Use Rope
  • Racial Feat: An arachnopithecus' racial hit dice grant one feat of your choice. 
  • Arachnopitheci have a +2 racial bonus to Tumble, Balance, Move Silently, Hide, Spot, Jump, Climb, and Use Rope. 
  • Their leathery and chitinous skin grants them a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. 
  • Thanks to their connection to spiders, arachnopitheci are resistants to toxins and may evade webs more easily, and so they have a +4 racial bonus against poisons and webs or web-like substances. 
  • Monstrous Body (Ex): Due to their unique physiology, if they wear armor they need to have it made especially for them, resulting into an increase of 50% of the base mundane price, before any additions.
  • Automatic Languages: Sylvan
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages.
  • Favored Class: Any
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 2

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