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Revised Pickpocketing (3.5e Variant Rule)

Revision as of 17:39, 17 August 2010 by Tarkisflux (talk | contribs) (pickpocketing for everyone!)
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Author: Tarkisflux (talk)
Date Created: August 16, 2010
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Note: This variant rule is intended for use with the Tome of Prowess, as the skill setup there provides additional uses for the revised Sleight of Hand skill. Using this rule in a default skill setup is not advised, as it substantially diminishes the value of the skill.

Revised Pick-Pocketing

Stealing an attended but not-wielded object from a person, like their coin pouch, is not actually a function of Sleight of Hand. Anyone can do it, since it’s really just grabbing an item from a target. Rules for this special disarm attempt exist in the SRD, but are written from the perspective of attempting the grab while in a fight. Since you probably aren’t in a fight for most of your thefts (and why would you want to be?), we need to make a couple of adjustments.

If you are not involved in a fight with a target and they are not actively keeping you at a distance, you can attempt to take an item that they are not wielding from them. This type of disarm attempt is called a pickpocket attempt, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity when you attempt it. You do not make opposed rolls against the target for the item, instead you simply make an attack roll against an AC of 14 to grab the item. You use your dexterity modifier in place of your strength modifier for this roll. You may only use your unarmed hands, a small knife, or a similar sized blade to assist you as other blades are too large to be effectively hidden. You do still get the +4 bonus to the roll if the object is poorly secured or easy to cut free. If you succeed on the disarm attempt, you have successfully cut the object free from its previous possessor, and taken it into your hand (or dropped it if you prefer).

The success or failure of the disarm attempt doesn’t impact whether the target notices the attempt, however, and it’s very possible for them to catch you in the act. To avoid this unpleasant circumstance, you may make a Sleight of Hand check, to hide your attempt. If your attempt is successfully hidden, the target remains unaware of the attempt. This would allow you to rob them further if you wanted. If your attempt to hide the pickpocketing fails, your attempt provokes an attack of opportunity from the target. This means that they're trying to keep you at a distance, and you will be unable to pickpocket them further. The regular disarm and combat rules pick up here nicely.

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