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Elemental Gem (3.5e Trait)

Author: PetuniaBulldog (talk)
Date Created: 7/20/18
Status: done
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Elemental Gem

You were born with a magical gemstone implanted in your forehead. this stone is attuned to one of the four elements. Mephits and elementals of your element love you!... albeit in... different ways.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all bluff, diplomacy, gather information, and perform checks against Mephits and Genasi of the element your stone is attuned to. Mephits and Genasi of your element are also easily infatuated with you.

Drawback: Elementals of the element your gem is attuned to also find you irresistible, but differently. They can and will try to engulf you, and absorb your body into their own. The Ref save to avoid being engulfed is 10+ the elemental's hit die. If you die while engulfed by an elemental, by suffocation or otherwise, you cannot be brought back to life by anything short of True Resurrection. When brought back they will no longer possess the Elemental Gem.

Special: This Trait must be taken at birth.

Roleplaying Ideas: Someone born with this could be praised in their culture as a miracle child of nature. In less accepting cultures they could be demonized as a freak. Either way they could find a Genasi or Mephit to take as a mate if they desired.

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