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Repeat Maneuver (3.5e Feat)

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 5/22/2017
Status: Complete
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Repeat Maneuver [Metamaneuver] Prerequisites: Ability to initiate any non-Stance maneuver.Benefit: When you initiate a maneuver, you can choose to make it a Repeat Maneuver. In doing so, it becomes recovered and readied again immediately; However, the next time that maneuver is used, it's used at -2 initiator level, and the DC, if any, suffers a -1 penalty. This cycle can continue until your initiator level is no longer sufficient to use the maneuver in question. You cannot have more than one Repeat Maneuver in existence at once; Declaring a second maneuver a Repeat Maneuver while you already have one active automatically expends the previous one and makes it ineligible for recovery for 2 rounds per maneuver level of that maneuver.

The penalty goes away once you expend the maneuver and then recover it the normal way.

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