Novaform opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. | |
The magnitude of this power is a bit on the high side, to put it lightly. It also steps away from the premise of the flavor. I would recommend keeping it in line with the premise. Perhaps a full days rest in healing for a 1 round cast and quarter that for a swift, etc.
This is also stepping on the toes of those Divine casters. I would recommend thoughtful consideration before putting weight behind that foot, metaphorically speaking. |
Spanambula opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. | |
It's not just the fact that this is ridiculously overpowered, but also the fact that this is low enough level to be put in a wand, low enough in level to be ripe for metamagic abuse, usable as a 100% heal with contingency as soon as you gain access to that spell, and a few other things that make this completely game-breaking.
It gloriously fails my litmus test of "would I feel okay using this against my players." There's a few different ways this could be fixed; the first one that pops out at me is healing a certain base % plus an additional % by burning spell slots. That would still be VH, but at least would have a balancing factor. This is just overpowered bad design. |
Leziad opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. | |
What Eiji said. |
Eiji-kun opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. | |
Though I actually like this spell's concept (though it was a bit different than what I was expecting) giving sorcerer/wizards super heal, even personal and 1 round, seems like a bit much.
Why IS this arcane? (EDIT: Time has soured my opinion. Really, 100% heal for something you can pull off in combat? Yeah, 1 round, but that's still combat time. And why is this arcane!?) |