From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
And lo, there was a Spanambula.
My Wiki Contributions:[edit]
- Adapt Psychic Knife
- Adaptive Performance
- Adorable
- Air Jump
- Align Psychic Knife
- All-Around Mirror
- Alter Gender
- Animal Magnetism
- Animate Body Pillow
- Anklet of the Coyote
- Arachnaut
- Arcane Animal Carrier
- Artificial Eye
- Battle Binder
- Bestow Flaw
- Black Unicorn, Variant
- Blackguard, Spanambula Variant
- Bladed Nunchaku
- Bladehammer
- Blademind
- Blast Pistol
- Blast Rifle
- Blast Shotgun
- Bloody Mercy Crystal
- Bolstered Initiative
- Bonesplinter
- Bonus Invocations
- Cerberus Puppy
- Chainsaw Weapon
- Changeling Paragon, Variant
- Chilling Aura
- Cloak of the Abyss
- Clumsy Build
- Colt Python, Variant
- Combat Parasol, Gun
- Corpse Paint
- Corpse Patrol
- Corpsecrafted
- Cramping Doom
- Creepy Erratic Movement
- Crushing Overrun
- Curse of Ineptitude
- Daevan
- Dark Elocution
- Dark Shadows
- Data Mine
- Dauntless
- Dauntless, Greater
- Dauntless, Improved
- Dimensional Pin
- Drop Forged Tools
- Eldritch Bard
- Eldritch Claws
- Eldritch Claws, Greater
- Eldritch Thief
- Electric Sheep
- Elixir Mage
- Emergency Health
- Encyclopedia Maleficiorum
- Enlarge Psychic Knife
- Extra Digit
- Eyefire
- Falling Damage
- Favored Summon
- Favored Summon, Variant
- Fell Strike
- Ffumble Chart
- Flabberghast
- Flexible Invocation
- Flintspark
- Flyweight
- Focus of Merciful Summons
- Focused Psionic
- Gasheklah
- Ghost Neck
- Ghost-Touched
- Ghostly Reach
- Gigas Spear
- Gloves of Item Drawing
- Glowstone Golem
- Graceless Aging
- Great Ricochet
- Greater Healing Spirit
- Grounding Armor Spikes
- Half-Giant, Lesser
- Half-Minotaur, Variant
- Hands Full of Weapons
- Harpy, Variant
- Hat of Disguise, Lesser
- Healing Spirit
- Hellfire Breath
- Hex Warrior
- Hindering
- Hit Die Adjustment
- Hollowed
- Holmesian Intuition
- Humble Champion
- Imperfect Hybrid
- Imperial Marksmanship
- Improved Enervation Resistance
- Improved Flyby Attack
- Improved Hellfire Breath
- Improved Practiced Manifester
- Improved Regenerative Cells
- Improved Shape Breath
- Incite Violence
- Inexorable
- Inexorable Breath
- Intimidate, Spanambula Variant
- Invisible Caltrops
- Iron Grip
- Katar
- Knock-off
- Legally Dead
- Lesser Healing Spirit
- Magic Blooded, Span Variant
- Magnesium Alloy
- Mantis Shrimp Spear
- Masque of the Red Death
- Mental Mirror
- Mirage
- Mortal Blast
- Motivational Performer
- Oak/Pine/Redwood/Walnut Treefolk
- Oil of Adaptive Shape
- Overcoming
- Overmind
- Path of the Death Knight
- Path of the Dreadlord
- Path of the Shadowmaster
- Pathos!
- Pearlescent Cloud
- Performer's Outfit
- Phantom Flanker
- Phantom Trespass
- Phoenix Command Rules
- Pillowpuff
- Plaid Dragon
- Point Blank Shot
- Pony
- Post-Traumatic Savagery Disease
- Pouch of Infinite Cotton Swabs
- Power Storing, Greater
- Practiced Initiator
- Practiced Invoker
- Practiced Multiclasser
- Practiced Psionics
- Practiced Sneak Attack
- Professional Wrestler
- Psicrystal Rapport
- Psionic Conduit
- Psychic Paper
- Psyknife
- Rapid Death Attack
- Rapid Reassignment
- Retrained Armor Proficiency
- Rhine Organelle
- Ricochet
- Rings of the Protector
- Rockhound
- Rotted Limbs
- Ruinfrost
- Sadist's Silence
- Sark
- Scaling Breath Weapon
- Scaling Breath Weapon, Greater
- Self-Taught
- Skin of the Construct, Variant
- Smallsword
- Smuggler's Pouch
- Span's EverReady Outhouse
- Spanambula/Elegy
- Split Psychic Knife
- Spontaneous Metamagic
- Stone at Night
- Strobe Lights
- Stygian Blackness
- Style Shtick
- Subdermal Item Disk
- Summon Backup
- Summoning Orb
- Supercavitating
- Superior Soaker
- Supreme Ricochet
- Sureshot Crystal
- Swift Reassignment
- Thri-Ranx
- Tome of Correspondence
- Torc of Morphic Grafts
- Treefolk
- Trivia Hound
- True Immunity
- U-Turn
- Umbral Cat
- Unstable Fabric
- Utility Summon
- Virtual Sizing
- Vocorder
- Werebear
- Willow/Birch/Cedar Treefolk
- Wing Block
- Zen Grappling
Sandbox: Werebear PrC Progression, Shadeling race, Chrysalis Lord PrC
Sandbox Two: Hex Warrior base class, Meister PrC
Elegy Campaign Setting: Gotta finish this.