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Way of the Mirage (3.5e Feat)

Author: DaTedinator
Date Created: January 12th, 2010
Status: Transferred
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Way of the Mirage [Tactical] You are experienced with both the Desert Wind and Shadow Hand disciplines, and have learned how to make the most of their dualistic nature.Prerequisites: Hide 9 ranks, Tumble 3 ranks, one Shadow Hand maneuver, one Desert Wind maneuver.Benefit: This feat enables the use of four new combat options.

  • Biting Wind: To use this option, you must initiate a Desert Wind maneuver that would normally have an effect relating to fire damage. When initiating the maneuver, you may instead choose to have it deal with cold damage, whether that means dealing cold damage, granting cold resistance, or similar effects.
  • Shadows by Firelight: To use this option, you must initiate a Shadow Hand maneuver that would normally have an effect relating to cold damage. When initiating the maneuver, you may instead choose to have it deal with fire damage, whether that means dealing fire damage, granting fire resistance, or similar effects.
  • False Oasis: To use this option, you must have attempted to hit a foe with a Desert Wind or Shadow Hand maneuver in the previous round, and missed. The next round, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and save DCs against that foe when using a strike of the opposite school.
  • Induced Hallucination: To use this option, you must have successfully affected at least one foe with a Desert Wind or Shadow Hand maneuver in the previous round. The next round, you may attempt a DC 20 Hide check as a move action. If successful, any opponent affected by your maneuver in the previous round suffer a 20% miss chance on their next melee attack against you.

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