Cocky Taunt (4e Power)

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Author: Armond (talk)
Date Created: 15:45, 2 April 2012 (UTC)
Status: Preliminary
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Cocky Taunt
Dervish Attack 1
"What, leaving myself open? Against these guys? They couldn't hit me if I held their hands."
Daily ✦ Martial, Rattling, Reliable, Weapon
Standard Action Melee 5
Target: One creature.
Attack: Strength vs. Will
Hit: You pull the target to a square adjacent to you, and one or two allies within 5 squares of you who have line of sight to you and can hear you can make charge attacks against the target as free actions. These allies gain a bonus to the damage rolls of their attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Back to Main Page4e Homebrew4e PowersDervish Powers

Action TypeStandard Action +
AuthorArmond +
Identifier4e Power +
KeywordMartial +, Rattling +, Reliable + and Weapon +
Level1 +
RangeMelee5 +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleCocky Taunt +
TypeDervish Attack Power +
UsageDaily +