Talk:Compsognathus (3.5e Monster)

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Revision as of 03:50, 25 October 2013 by Nolanf (talk | contribs) (Adoptasaurus)
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I just fixed the AC on this creature to make it fit its other stats.
I'm not sure what the protocols are for adopting an old article (I wanted to adopt a different article before, but to no avail), so if I'm doing it wrong, or if anyone has a personal stake in me not adopting this monster, I'll back off gracefully. --Nolanf (talk) 20:28, 22 October 2013 (UTC)

I have no objections to this article being adopted. It looks like it could use a bit more sprucing up mechanically as well as some extra inclusion of flavor, like a description. The original author, from what I remember, was fond of taking SRD creatures and copying them with some modifications. While there's nothing really inherently wrong with that (okay, there probably is, but that's a discussion for another time), it was rather lazy and caused some weird errors. This was for some sort of aborted Jurassic Park campaign setting originally. So yeah, if you really want to adopt (rather than just make corrections), you have my go ahead. For starters, yeah, fix that weird hit dice thing with the d4s (animals get d8s) and adjust Constitution to fit whatever you want final HP to be. Fix that equals sign with the poison too... also perhaps include some sort of temporary Dexterity penalty to play off the "numbness"... or just look for a suitable condition in the Glossary. Man, that poison is weird in general. It looks to be part of the bite, but for some reason is only included as part of a full attack. It also doesn't have a DC with all that entails for whether it is Con-based or whatever. Perhaps the DC is low, but multiple bites per round increase the DC cumulatively or something. There's a lot that could be done here to make this a fun little monster. Honestly, I'd personally just rebuild its stats entirely as a CR 1 monster that travels in big groups... and also drop that swim speed which feels out of place. Whatever. If you're gonna adopt it, really adopt it. Adopting is for making stuff playable and for total overhauls. That is what this needs.--Ganteka Future (talk) 00:48, 25 October 2013 (UTC)
Sweet. That's exactly what I wanted to hear (or read). I noticed some similar problems in other dinosaurs this author has made. Maybe, if I'm feeling energetic, I'll adopt the whole Jurassic Park line. Thanks for the go-ahead, Ganteka Future! --Nolanf (talk) 03:50, 25 October 2013 (UTC)