User:Franken Kesey/Lab2

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Biological Reconstruction Powers

Like the summon monster generation of spells, each of the below powers must be selected separately (Moderate (2nd Level), Serious (3rd), Critical (4th) or Mortal (6th)). This is four separate powers. See the below table for how much each power heals and power point cost.

Biological Reconstruction
Psychometabolism (Healing)
Level: Egoist 2/3/4/6Egotist 2, Egotist 3, Egotist 4, Egotist 6, Psyblade 2/3/4/6Psyblade 2, Psyblade 3, Psyblade 4, Psyblade 6, Wildknife 2/3/4/6, , , , , , , ,
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One willing touched creature.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 3/5/7/11 (depending on level)

Repairs the cells of target creature, healing X hit points of damage (see below table).

Name Level HP Healed (X) PP
Moderate 2 2d6 3
Serious 3 3d6 5
Critical 4 4d6 7
Mortal 6 6d6 11

Unlike normal heal and cure spells, this also heals undead.

This has no affect on creatures without normal cellular biology, like constructs, elementals, oozes, and creatures with the extraplanar, incorporeal, xenoblooded or xenotheric subtypes.

Augment: You can augment this power in one or more of the following ways. These augments can be applied to any power.

  1. If you spend 2 extra power points, eliminates either fatigue, sickness or daze suffered by the character (only one), or improves an exhausted, nauseated or stunned condition one step (to fatigued, sickened or dazed respectively).
  2. If you spend 2 extra power points, heals 1d4+1 points of temporary ability damage to one of the subject’s ability scores. It does not restore permanent ability drain.

Example: A player selects Serious Biological Reconstruction a 3rd level power which costs 5 power points unaugmented. The player can heal 3d6 HP (10.5).